Maki x Male Reader ~ First date

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Requested by Puppet198463

Today was the big day. Your first date with Maki Oze. You were from company 1 and you guys met when they came to the station. You thought she was really pretty and you guys ended up talking and became friends.

She asked you out and she's taking you to lunch. You told that you'd drive because you wanted to do something with her after as well.

You got ready and headed out to pick her up. She sent her address over text so you just put it in the GPS.

Maki's POV
"Iris I can't wear that. You're the nun here" she joked. I thought the outfit that Iris picked was too formal. "Whatever. Just hurry up he's gonna be here soon. You told him to pick you up at 12 it's 11" she scolded me. "Okay okay I just want everything to be perfect. I don't wanna mess this up and be weird like all my other dates" I said looking down at my feet. "You're just unique Maki. Guys are just boring." Iris reassured. "I love you Iris" "I love you too."

I just put on something casual and waited for (Y/N). "He's here" Iris whisper screamed while peeking out the window. I was about to go outside to meet him but the doorbell rang. I stood right infront the door but hesitated a little so he wouldn't think I was standing there the whole time.

I carefully open the door and there he was standing with a small bouquet of flowers. "Hi, this is for you." He said. He looks handsome. "Really? Thank you" I accepted the flowers. "Can I go put them in some water?" I asked. "Sure" he said. I went to quickly full a vase with water to put the flowers.

"Don't forget to lock the back door before you leave Iris!" I shouted to Iris as she was packing up to leave. "I won't" she said, reaching over to grab the flowers from me. "Here I'll do it. Go have fun!" She said with her genuine closed-eyes smile.

Third person POV

You stood infront the door as Maki was coming back. "You look beautiful" you said to her. "Thanks. You look handsome" "Thanks"

As you two drove to the location you couldn't help but sneak some glances at her. You didn't think she noticed though.

You drove a manual car and you were curious as to if she could drive with a stick shift vehicle too.
"Hey can you drive a manual vehicle?" "No. But I've always wanted to learn." She said.

The road go-ahead didn't have that much vehicles so you decided to teach her a bit about the different gears. You told hear to put her hand on the gear stick (And she puts her hand on your d- nevermind) and you placed your hand on top of hers. "So this is the first gear" you say while putting the vehicle in first gear and explaining what it does and all the other gears.

You guys finally arrive at the restaurant. It was small but you were kind of relieved that not too many people would be there.

"This is nice" you said softly. "Right?" Maki agreed. You guys went to your reserved table and waited for your waiter or waitress then placed your orders.

"Thank you for the meal" Maki said to the waitress that brought the food. So kawaii you thought. Her favourite song started playing from the overhead speakers and her eyes lit up. She started singing softly and dancing ever so slightly while taking another bite of her food.

"Am I being weird?" She suddenly stopped and giggled a bit. Your eyes linger on her for a couple seconds after she asked the question, a slight smile on your face.

"No. You're just fun to look at." You laughed. "Thanks?" She replied like she was asking a question. "Sorry....Let's eat" you say to break the awkward silence.

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