Vulcan Joseph~ Exhausted

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It was a normal day in company 8, everyone was working, either doing paperwork or coming up with new ideas to defeat infernals. Vulcan was just recruited into company 8 as an engineer after the whole thing with the evangelists. He was getting used to his new animatronic free environment but he was quite sad that he had to leave his pops and grand dad behind.

He was sitting at his desk blankly staring out the window reminiscing on the old days. "Huh Vulcan?" He was snapped out of his daze by this voice. He turned around to match the voice to a face and saw (Y/N). "I'm sorry what?" He asked. "You sent to call me. I was wondering what for?" She answered. "Right." (Y/N) is one of company 8's scientists. She helped make new gear and she was pretty smart so she would go along with the team on missions to help analyse their situation faster. " I made this prototype of a shield for Arthur to make him feel more 'knightly'." He said while doing air quotes. "I wanted you to suggest the type of metal that I should make it out of." "Oh no problem. It looks awesome, Arthur would love it" she said smiling a wide smile her eyes almost disappearing. She went ahead and suggested a metal and other recommendations she had.

After helping him with the shield she saw that he had a bunch of papers that Lieutenant  Hinawa assigned to him and couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the green bean. "Hey I can help you with those papers if you want" "No you don't hav-" "No I insist" she retaliated. "Oh..okay thanks" He didn't bother to tell her otherwise because he knows that she can be stubborn at times.

When he just came in (Y/N) was the one that gave him a tour, sat with him at lunch and she was always so nice to him.

Even though they hang out a lot, Vulcan always gets nervous around her and he gets all soft when she speaks to him. If he had Shinra's tic he would be smiling all the time around her.

He watched as she took all the papers he signed and stacked them neatly in the finished pile. Her (H/l), (H/C) hair getting in her face as she signed the papers and tucks the few strands behind her ear. He didn't realize that he was staring until she asked "What's wrong Vulcan?" "Uh-uhm nothing" he answered blushing slightly.

Pops would've loved her. She would've been great help in the workshop and great company. Vulcan thought to himself. Here he goes again sulking over his loved ones.

"Hey...I know you said nothing was wrong but you look sad and it's making me sad. So what's wrong? You can tell me, I'll listen." (Y/N) snapped him out of yet another daze. He just looked at her, hesitated a bit and just went up to her and engulfed her in a warm hug.

She can tell he needed it so she just hugged back for as long as he wants. She knew of his Dad's and Grand Dad's passing so she didn't question it." It's okay" she said while rubbing his back trying to comfort him. "I just miss them so much" he said through sniffles. "And everytime I look at you I can't help but to think how much they would have loved you"

This warmed (Y/N)'s heart, making her face heat up. She pulled away from the hug and gave him a soft smile. "Thank you. I would've loved them too. Do you want to go take a rest while I finish this up? You've had a long day." She asked him knowing that he had been making new gear all day. "Okay but wake me up when you're done so I can help clean up" "Okay, I will".

He walked off to his room to take a rest while (Y/N) stayed and finished the paper work.

About an hour had passed and (Y/N) was pretty much finished doing the paper work. "Oh I have to wake Vulcan". She headed to his room to go wake him but when she arrived she saw that he was sleeping so peacefully that she didn't want to wake him. She looked at him for a few seconds. His chest slowly rising and falling as he took steady breaths. "Oh Vulcan" she sighed and bent down to kiss his forehead. She brushed his hair back with her hand then left the room.

She headed back to do the rest of the cleaning by herself even though she was exhausted. She sat down to take a quick break on the sofa but she was slowly falling asleep. Her eyelids heavy, they felt like they weighed a ton. She finally gave in and shut her eyes and fell asleep on the sofa in Vulcan's office.

Vulcan woke up hours later to the sun's rays shining directly in his face. Wait sun light? He thought to him self. She didn't wake me up did she? That stubborn woman. He giggled at her stubborn ways and headed to her room to find her.

She wasn't in her room so he went to his office only to see her in an uncomfortable position on the sofa. He picked her up so that he could carry her to somewhere more comfortable, her room. It's the least he could do after all she's done for him.

As he placed her on her bed she started shuffling and her eyes slowly opening and she quickly shut them because she was being blinded by the sun's rays. "It's morning? I didn't finish clean. I'm sorry" she said in her morning voice. "It's totally fine. See I told you to wake me but you didn't" she laughed at his comment.

"You were sleeping so soundly that I didn't want to wake you up". "It's Okay, now get some rest." She just smiled and closed her eyes again.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek then ran out her room shouting "That was payback from last night". Her eyes shot open again but she just giggled at the thought that he was up when she went in his room. "oooo what did you and (Y/N) do last night?" Tamaki asked after hearing what Vulcan shouted. " IT'S NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE" he shouted with an angry look on his face but he was blushing at the same time. "Suuure" Tamaki teased. "Shut up".

Word count: 1104

A/N Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

Question of the day:
What other animes should I watch?
I've watched Attack on Titan, Fire Force, Naruto, Devilman  Crybaby  and My Hero Academia. I watched a little bit of sword art online but I didn't like it that much.
Bye x

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