Benimaru Shinmon ~ Massage

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Warning: this is a slight lemon

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Warning: this is a slight lemon. I don't know if I can even call it slight but enjoy this once in a lifetime oneshot.

"I'm home!" Benimaru called from the door as he took off his shoes. "Hm? Is she not home?"

He shrugged it off and went up to the room to change and look for you.

"Babe?" He called out.

"I'm in here!"

You were in the bathroom putting your clothes on from a fresh shower.

He opened the door as you were pulling your shirt down.

"Why didn't you answer me then?" He playfully whined and hugged you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you" you hugged back. He kissed your cheek and was about to let go when he saw something unusual on the counter.

"Oya? What's that?" He turned you around and pointed to the small box on the bathroom counter.

"Oh that. It's for breasts. You know breast massaging cream." You laughed, a bit flustered.

He laughed also, "was I supposed to see that?"

"No but it's fine." You answered.

"What is it for" he asked.

"My breasts you idiot!"

"No I mean do they hurt or something?" He interrogated.

"Its just to stimulate, for growth and good health and stuff." You explained.

"Growth? Are you doing that" He asked.

"Kind of" you replied slightly putting your head down. This is getting embarrassing.

"Babe. I love you the way you are. I'm sorry if made you self conscious. But thank you for always thinking about me." He kissed you cheek.

"No it's okay. You didn't do anything." You assured him.

"Can I do it today?" He whispered in your ear.

You were caught of guard by his request. "What?"

"It will be more effective if I do it right?" He encouraged.

"Fine" you have in.

He picked up the box and took out the tube and read the directions, "soukka (I see)"

He walked to the living room, you following behind him, and sat on the couch.

"Now then. Sit here and face that way" he said tapping his lap and pointing away from him.

You sat on his lap and waited.

You jumped slightly when he ran his hands along your waist under your shirt and placed his hands on your breasts.

He started rubbing the substance all over your breasts, just playing with them for a while then he actually started to massage them.

"Am I doing it right?" He asked laughing at himself.

"You're doing fine. You can do it a little harder though" you instructed.

"Sayless" he answered.

You move slightly on his lap finding it hard to just sit still.
He let out a little moan. "Stop" you told him.

"I can't help it when my girlfriend is practically grinding on me you know" he retorted playfully.

"Whatever" you said as he continued massaging your breasts.

After a while he spoke up. "Hey... I can't take anymore of this." He said and started sloppily kissing your neck while still fondling your breasts.

"Beni.." you moaned.
"Hm?" He hummed while kissing your neck. He pulled away and whispered in your ear, "say it."

He gently put you off him and turned you around so you're facing him. You looked him in the eyes and said his full name "Benimaru Shinmon."

He immediately kissed your lips, hand reaching down to lift up your skirt.

"Can I put it in?" He asked, rubbing your butt.

You nodded.

"Are you sure?" He said while sliding your panties to the side.

"Yes" you answered and he slowly fit it all in, everything concealed by your skirt.

-Time SKIP!- (lmao stop whining you can imagine the rest 💀)

After a while you released but he was still hard. You were exhausted but you decided to let him finish.

"It's so warm. I could fall asleep inside you." He chuckled.

You placed your head in the crook of his neck.

"Don't worry baby girl I'm almost there", he kissed your neck and started thrusting.

After a while he pulled out and came.
You guys sat there for a while then cleaned up after.

After showering for a second time with Benimaru you guys just cuddled and watched TV for the rest of the evening.

Here's my apology picture

If my family finds this I'm DONE FOR lmao

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If my family finds this I'm DONE FOR lmao. Bestie....well when I get a bestie, bury my phone with me. As a matter of fact cremate it. I BEG.

I hope you guys enjoyed and don't hate me 💀

Also I got this idea from Kirinyan Voice on YouTube. It's kind of a roleplay audio. Please go listen if you haven't I'm telling you it's a whole other level.

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