Benimaru Shinmon ~ Tch

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A/N: I was feeling motivated today so why not. Plus Benimaru is the easiest to write for and I missed you guys so yeah!


You walk past the basketball court in your town and decided to sit on a bench just outside the court, only some shrubs and a chain link fence separating them.

You let out a sigh of relief as you set down your grocery bags cause those things are heavy.

Your eyes were closed for a few seconds just taking some breaths to regulate your breathing again.

You open them and to your surprise a gentleman is standing infront of you.

"Ahh!" (A/N: I coulda dropped my croissant!) You let out a yelp. You got scared lmao.

"Ah. Sorry." He said lazily. "I'm just trying to get the ball from under your bench." He looked down at you with a dead pan expression.

"Oh I'm sorry" you apologized and scooted across the bench a little so that he can get the orange ball.

He bent down to pick it up and you tried your hardest to not look at his back muscles. He was wearing a baggy grey jumpsuit but the top, "shirt part" was hanging from his waist revealing his colossal titan muscles.

" I was about to say excuse me but I thought you we're asleep so..." he says as he's slowly straightening up.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he looked at you, his eyes turning towards you before he turns his head.

Shit he caught me

You thought.

He watched as your eyes darted everywhere else but in his direction.
He let out a small laugh through his nose then waved at you. "See ya!" He said and started walking back to the court.

After he left you started paying more attention to the basketball court.

Immediately your eyes started looking for him. Why? Cause it's a brain thing you know. You're just interested in the game all of a sudden.

He was crouched down with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

He suddenly looked up at you and you swiftly looked down hoping he didn't catch that. The sides of your lips curl up as you try your best to keep a straight face.

After getting multiple angles of those muscles you decided it's time to get going again. You gathered up all your bags in both hands and started towards your place again.

"Oi" a deep voice sounded from behind you.

"Ah!" You whimpered yet again. You turned around to see that it was the same guy but this time he has on a white shirt. "You've got to stop doing that!" You say with your hand full of grocery bags over your heart.

"Sorry" is all he said. "Here. Let me help you" he said as he reached towards your other hand to help you carry your bags.

You let him. " Thanks" you said, dropping your head as you held the remaining bags with both hands.

You started walking and a few seconds in he speaks up. "So. What's your name?" He asked.

"L/N Y/N. What's yours?" You UNO reversed. (A/N: I'm tired of "asked" and "said" lol)

"My name's Benimaru Shinmon" he answered.

"Do you live around here?" You ask him. Because you felt kinda bad if he had to walk all this way back.

"Yeah! I live about 6 blocks from here."

"Really? I've never seen you before and I live about 3 blocks or so from here." You told him.

"About that. I uh recently moved here because of my new job. I wanted to be a little closer and there's a basketball court near by so that's a plus." He explained.

"Oh. What's your job? If you don't mind me asking." You probed

"I do mind actually" he answered.

"Oh sorry!" You kind of panic.

"You are startled quite easily huh?" You just keep your head down and sweat dropped. "But I'm just kidding. I'm a firefighter" he told you.

"Do you work?" He asked when he realised your conversation tank was on E.

"Yeah. I'm a (Dream Job)"

"That's cool"

You guys walked the rest of the way gathering bits of information about each other until you came to a stop.

"This is my stop" you informed him so he won't keep walking. "I hope you're not a serial killer cause now you know where I live." You awkwardly laughed.

"Tch. I think my serial killer free trial ended last week actually." You laughed at his dumb remark. "Plus I had multiple chances to kidnap you on the way here but did I?"

"You're right. Thanks?" You said sheepishly and he just smiled.

"Maybe one day I'll let you come inside." You said jokingly.

"Woah I'm not ready for kids" he teased.

"Gross" You blushed at the dirty thought.

"I'm kidding." His eyes softened at your expression and he smiled. "Can I at least have your number first." He continued teasing.

You were smacking your forehead repeatedly in your mind. Why did you say that?

He placed your grocery bags at your doorstep then recorded your number in his phone. He shoved it back in his pocket and his hand stayed there.

"See you around Y/N!" He waved with his back towards you as he walked down your driveway.

"Mh" you hummed in response.

You opened your door and went inside. You gently rest your bags on the table the let out a whisper scream. "What the actual fuck?" You whisper yelled.  This man just gave you some sweet dream fuel.

I like this one I hope you did too. So cuuute.

But the real question is part 2?

I love everyone who is still excited about me updating lol x

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