Takehisa Hinawa~ Healer

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After a rough battle with a demon inferno you were pretty beat up. You had small burns all over your body and you just felt sore.

Since you were a pyrokinetic you fought on the frontlines a lot which meant you suffered lots of injuries, big or small.

You didn't care how hurt you got, once you don't die. You took such risks because there was a healer back at the company so you would always get fixed up right away by him, Takehisa Hinawa. He was kinda like the Recovery Girl of the company.

He is a special pyrokinetic since he possesses the ability to manipulate flames through fire arms and healing flames. He would make gentle flames that just made your pain disappear effortlessly.

You walked into his office dropping on the operating desk not saying a word since you came in so regularly. You were used to it. Hinawa scolded you everytime though. He always enforced that you should be more careful.

This time tho he didn't say anything, he simply started the healing. "Hey, no scolding today?" You smiled at him. Even though it was a scolding you kinda liked it. It wasn't just entertaining but it made you feel like someone cared about you, and that gave you reason to not die everytime in battle.

He just shook his head yes and proceeded. Your smile slowly faded biting your lip out of embarrassment from the awkward silence.

"Can you take your top off please?"
He asked with a stern face after a few minutes, breaking the silence. You chuckled, a little flustered after hearing the question. "W-what?" "You have burns all over your body (Y/N)." He said looking kind of emotionless.

He's always serious and you could never read him. So when he asked that question with such blank expression you kinda got scared not gonna lie. "Oh..okay" You proceeded to take your shirt off revealing your black sports bra.

He ignited some flames from his hand and you laid on the desk with your back towards him. He started rubbing his hands all over your back to heal every millimeter of damaged skin. It felt like someone was leaving peppery kisses on your back and it sent shivers down your spine.

He took his hands off you signalling that he was done, but just on your back. You turned on the desk now facing Takehisa. Your eyes met with his for a split second and then you looked away blushing remembering that you were topless.

"Are you Okay?" He finally spoke up. "Yeah, go ahead" you reassured him. He placed his hands on your stomach rubbing slowly, distributing the flames. You took a deep breath in and closed your eyes at the feeling.

You didn't know it but Hinawa was slightly blushing at your actions because it was a bit...sexual. He was startled when you burst out laughing and said "It tickles". Both hands were on either sides of your waist. He quickly moved them getting a bit flustered. You slowly quiet down and bit your lip.

You were driving this man crazyyy. "Here sit up" he told you so that he could get your shoulders. He was trying so hard to avoid your breasts.

You couldn't help but to look at him. He was so focused yet flustered at the same time. You have never seen him with not even a slight smile on his face so seeing him with this little blush on his face fascinated you.

You found yourself leaning in slowly lost in thought. He stopped what he was doing and just stared into your eyes when he saw you leaning in. He noticed that your eyes averted to his lips ever so slightly.

You snapped out of your thoughts and saw that he was now staring at you leaning in. You immediately stopped with a very noticeable blush on your face. You were about clean back when his lips met yours.

He kissed you so softly and it felt just like the flames on your back. His hands moving down from your shoulders to your waist. His flames were still present but not as much as it was before. It made you feel even better. You placed your hand on his face, your lips moving in sync.

He pulled away and looked at you for a second giving you a small smirk and went right back in. Taking your bottom lip between his lips biting down on them a little bit asking for entrance. You parted your lips and he slipped his tongue inside your mouth searching for yours. Didn't take long to find it at all.

His right hand now moving slowly from your waist to your ass. He slowly groped it running his other hand all over your body.

You straddled his lap while he was standing infront of you, you sitting on the operating desk in an attempt to pull him closer than he already was.

You ran your hand through his brown hair tugging softly as your tongue was dancing with his. He pulled away and started kissing your neck softly. His lips wandered all over your neck to find your sweet spot which he knew he found when he heard a moan leave your lips. He sucked on that spot nibbling a bit leaving a mark. He pulled away again looking at the mark and started kissing you again. You could feel his smile on your lips.

His both hands resting on your inner thighs, mind you the flames were still there which was driving you crazy. You finally pulled away after about ten minutes and just looked in each others eyes.

"I love you careless freak."
You laughed at the name he called you. "I love you too, also thank God for those orange jumpsuits cause I just know you left a hickey" you guys laughed it off. You guys stayed in each others arms as he was telling you how worried he gets when you do to much, when you risk your life too many times and how he wants you to come it down a bit so that he won't loose you.

Word count: 1035

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