Benimaru Shinmon ~ First Date (Part 2)

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Valentine's Day special

A/N: It's Valentine's Day so I decided to do part 2 on the same day and just make it a special cause I forgot it was Feb 14th that's how much it means to me...pain.


Benimaru stands infront of his mirror adjusting his red the and checking to see if everything is on point with his hair, outfit and everything.

He walks toward the front door where he bends down to tie his shoes as his puppy stared at him.

He walks toward the front door where he bends down to tie his shoes as his puppy stared at him

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(A/N: Yes it's Tetsu 2 aaahhh! Love him.)

"Wish me luck Ichiro" he said softly as he pets his dogs head. (You guys Ichiro means first son❤😭)

He got up and walked out the door.


You were getting ready for your date with Benimaru which happens to be on Valentine's Day. You wanted to wear something red or pink to match the ocassion just for fun.

After digging through your closet the night before you came across the perfect red dress/outfit.

You got yourself all glammed up and ready for whatever the night holds. He only told you to dress fancy and the rest is unbeknownst to you.

After the first time you met you guys had a couple run ins here and there. Sometimes you would see him playing basketball and other times he would leave snacks behind the flower pot on your doorsteps with notes like '5 more days till our date :)' and 'I hope these are not the only meal you get in per day lol' just a lot of witty stuff.

He would text you about then every time he dropped something off.

Hey did you get my note today?

Yes Shinmon I did.

Oh Yeah? What did it say then?🤔

gEt OuT oF mY hEaD

Password accepted.

You did not think he would be the "sweet" type but you're not complaining.

You smile as you walk past the jar of his notes. Yes. You kept them all. Whenever you're feeling down you would just read all the notes in the jar and 'fangirl' dare I say.

You heard a honk from outside and you peaked through your blinds to see Benimaru waving at you.

You grabbed your purse and keys, turned off all the lights except the porch light and the very first room in your house. 

You quickly put your shoes on and headed outside locking the door behind you.

As you walked down the driveway he was standing infront of the passenger side door and you noticed him staring at you but you kept your gaze away from him.

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