Takehisa Hinawa ~ Training

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Girl I know I said I don't write smut but I tried my best to make this slightly smutty because I liked your idea. I hope you like it x simp_nation_arise

*Slightly smutty*

(Just in case you didn't read the previous paragraph)

"Agaiiiiin" you whined.

You recently got a new bow and arrow from Vulcan that is specially designed for second generations.

Your power lets you not only control but increase the speed of the arrow just like Takehisa does with guns.

Hence the reason he's teaching you.

He claimed that he can make you better than him in like a week, but you call bullshit. You think he's just saying that and the real reason is that his patience only lasts a week.

For the first two days he talked and talked and talked.

He told you about projectiles, angles, blah blah blah and finally today you're doing the practical part of his mini course.

"Yes Y/N. That's not what I showed you" he replied with his face as stern as ever.

"Then show me again."

"No. You should've have paid attention." He said folding his arms across his chest.

"So you're just gonna watch me fail over and over? Cause I've got all night" You said picking at his patience.


"Huh?!? You weren't supposed to say yes. Can you please show it to me again I promise I won't forget. Just one last time Hinawa-senpai" you pleaded with your hands together.

His eyes slightly shot open when you called him senpai. Yeah he was a year older but he told you before that you didn't have to call him senpai.

He thought it was kinda cute but that was unbeknownst to you because he's Takehisa Hinawa, master of locking in emotions.

He sighed and pushed his glasses up with his middle finger and walked over to you.

"I saw that" you said, referring to him using his middle finger.

'This is the last time I'm showing you this so watch closely" he took the bow and arrow from you and shot it. The arrow ricocheted on three pillars and hit the target that he set up earlier.

"There. Now you try" he said as he handed the bow and arrow to you.

You pulled the string back and put the back of the arrow up to your eye level then you felt a pair of arms wrap around you.

"Lower your right elbow and angle the bow to the left a little more." He said while guiding you from behind.

His face was so close to your ear that when he spoke his voice vibrated throughout your head.

His breath lightly brushed the side of your face making you think unholy thoughts and heat rushed to your face.

You were so flustered that you weren't even focused on getting the shot right anymore.

"Y/N! Are you even listening?"

"Mhm" you hummed in response even though you don't know what the fuck he just said.

"Then what did I just say?" He challenged.

"Uh- well-"

"Yeah I'm done." He said and walked off. He was trusfrated. (Btw I know it frustrated lol iykyk)

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