Sho x Reader ~ Pancakes

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Imagine our baby as a fire soldier in this. To help with your imagination here:

 To help with your imagination here:

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BUT he's way older than this. Around 21. Okay onto the story.

"Two cups of flour right?" You asked Sho while levelling off the measuring cup.

"No two and a half" he said grabbing the sides of your head from behind and slightly shook it.

"Hey" you laughed and continued measuring and combining the dry ingredients.

Sho was the one that did most of the cooking because he insisted and he was also a great cook. You found out before you started dating when Shinra would always bring cinnamon buns as a desert.

One day he brought an extra one and said it was from Sho and just like that he won your heart over. Haha just kidding it was not ONLY that.

You were surprised because at work he gave very much Benimaru vibes lol but once you asked him out he slowly opened up to you.

It feels great that you're one of the only persons that know this side if Sho.

After mixing all the ingredients you turned on the stove and got ready to cook them. You got the spatula and a round, metal cookie-cutter-looking thing so that you can make perfectly round pancakes.

Sho didn't care but you wanted it to be perfect since it was your first time making pancakes from scratch. Sho usually does all that but today was very much 'yes I do the cooking yes I do the cleaning' cause you know, anything for Sho.

You poured the batter in the circle and one side started cooking. "The mission has commenced!" You say excitedly. Sho just laughed at you.

Now it was time to flip. You removed the cookie cutter and flipped. One side of the pancake was folded under basically making a pancake omelette.

"Man down Kusakabe. I repeat man down" you said turning to him and pouting.

"Haha it's okay. You'll just have to eat that one" he said laughing his ass off on the verge of tears.

You couldn't help but smile too. His pointed grin, his bright red eyes and those long lashes. Just a happy Sho overall made you a happy Y/N.

"Here I'll be the back up." He said and took the spatula from you and finished making the pancakes.


You rummaged through the pantry to find syrup but you didn't know which flavour Sho would want. You brought all to the table. "Maple, chocolate r strawberry?"

"Honey." He said

"Hm?" You hummed in response and looked up at him.

He let out a laugh. "No not you. I would like honey for my pancakes please"

"Ooohhh" you giggled and put all the other syrups back and got the honey.


After breakfast you were washing up the dishes when you felt two strong arms wrap gently around your neck (not that kinky shit....yet). It was Sho of course. "I just wanted to hug you" he said and rested his chin on your head and just watched you do the rest of dishes.

You tapped his arm lightly "Hey I'm done" he didn't let go so you turned in his grip only to get a face full of pecs. (Aha I just imagined this and it's funny af).

You started to tickle his sides so that he'd let go and he did just that. "You don't want to hug me?" He said pretending to be hurt. He turned around and folded his arms.

You walked up to him and hugged him from behind this time but your arms can only go around his torso without you going on your tippy toes.

"I would love to. It's just that I would also like to breathe while doing so" you said causing him to laugh. The vibration of his voice was oddly calming until he turned around

"Hey I was getting a brain massage" he only laughed more at your comments.

"I love you" he said and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"I love you too"


Word count : 679 (Baby girl you so damn fine tho I-)

This one was a little short but I hope the cuteness made up for it. Also two updates in a day? My brain juices are flowiiing. Maybe I'll update again to make up for my unexpected hiatus. And here's this cute image as well.

 And here's this cute image as well

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