AU Takehisa Hinawa ~ 'How Dare He'

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It was a regular day in Tokyo. You were on your way to work, to the 8th fire station which was perfect for you since you didn't have to deal with a bunch of co-workers as the other brigades.

You were currently walking to work enjoying the outdoors when a newspaper caught your eye.

It was about the superheroes in the company. Of course All Might is on the front, he is the number one hero after all. But that wasn't what caught your eye. It was an article about the new heroes that grabbed your attention.

You glanced at your watch to see how much time you have left to get to work. There was at least half an hour left and you had to walk five more minutes to get to work so you decided to go grab a newspaper and a snack while you're at it.

You shoved the paper in your bag so that you can read it at the station while you wait for everyone else to arrive. You continued your walk to work.

Upon arrival you see that Takehisa is already at the station and funny enough he's reading the same paper. "Good morning!",You say smiling and waving at him.

"Hey (nickname)",He says returning the kind gestures. "How are you."

"I'm Fine, thank you. How are you?" You reply. You always feel a little flustered everytime he calls you by your nickname.

'I'm good I'm good' he said not looking up from his paper. Oh yeah I have to read that you thought.

"Okay"you said and sat across from him in the common area to read your paper and have a snack.

You open the paper to see that they were comparing the new heroes on the scene. Firefly and Bullseye.

Firefly is a fire type hero. She just debuted and people really love her apparently. She has a flashy power and is pretty strong. She prefers to keep her identity hidden though. That's why they were comparing her to Bullseye because he hid his identity too.

They were the first two heroes to do so instantly putting them against each other in the media.

Bullseye was also a fire type hero but he controlled it very well. He had hella good aim, hence his name.

Since Takehisa was reading the same paper as you, looking so invested,

you decided to ask for his opinion."Hey, what do you think about the new heroes? Do you like them?"

"Yeah, I like Bullseye better though and I think Firefly is copying him with the hidden identity thing. But that's my opinion." He said with a shrug.

"I respect your opinion. BUT I think Firefly is better and she'll be more successful because she has captured more heroes than Cowboy or whatever his name is " you explained getting worked up. But why? "AND she isn't copying because she debuted first." You say playfully sticking out your tongue at him.

Hinawa doesn't play one bit because come's Hinawa. "False. He's better case closed" he replied.

"Whatever" you say rolling your eyes and walked away, going to the bathroom to.

"How dare he talk about me like that" you say, furiously washing your hands. "I did not copy Bullseye. I'm a waaay better superhero. YOU'RE a way better hero Firefly!" You say, pointing at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself a pep talk.

Yes....You were indeed Firefly. You hated that you were compared to this amateur Bullseye or whatever his name was. He was pretty good but being compared to him makes him your automatic rival....but in the competitive way, not the villain way.

After your little confidence boost that you're the better hero, you turn around and opened the door to leave. "Fuck Bullse-" you words were interrupted by you face planting into someone.

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