Akitaru Obi ~ How To Love

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Requested by SweeterDevils

It's been about a year now since you moved into your apartment. You loved it here because it was close to the city but not too close where it's never quite and on top of that there was a fire station right next to your building. Thank God because the amount of times the neighbor's smoke detector goes off is like they were meant to live next to a fire station for everyone's safety.

Speaking of the fire station, that's where all your friends work.

You were taking a walk through your neighborhood when you just moved in so that you can get acquainted when a tall, well built man came up to you. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit with the top part unzipped and hanging from his waist and a black t-shirt. "Hey, are you lost? I've never seen you around here before" he said with furrowed eyebrows.

Damn do I look that much like a lost puppy you thought, well I guess I mean everything grabs my attention around here. "Uh hi. No I'm not lost I'm just observing the scenery."
You answered. Not gonna lie you were kinda scared because of that orange jumpsuit.

Obi quickly noticed the slightest bit of discomfort in your voice and quickly introduced himself. "I'm Akitaru Obi. I work at the fire station." He said pointing behind him.

"Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N). I just moved here so I was just taking a look at everything."

And that's how you met Obi and eventually everyone else at the station. You all became good friends to the point where it won't be weird if you were at the station. You would often drop by with some coffee or cake for everyone and hang around a little then leave.


You sat on your bay window (one of these👇)

looking down at the station thinking about Akitaru

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looking down at the station thinking about Akitaru. He is such a sweet person to you and everyone tells you about his crush on you and you kind of have a crush on him too but you just can't do this relationship thing right now.

After so many years of wasted one-sided love in your past relationship you don't know if you can do it anymore. Your last relationship was brutal. He/She was so abusive and you were totally blind to it until it was at its worst. Everytime they'd do you wrong you always thought that it would be the last time but they totally broke you over and over again.

You were now scared to ever love again which is the only reason why you and Obi aren't together.

*knock* *knock*
Startled, you quickly snap out of your thoughts and walked to your door. You took a look through the peep hole and saw Akitaru patiently waiting for you to open the door with a box and flowers in his hand. This man will be the death and the life of me, you thought.

You opened the door. "Hey (Y/N)" "Hey Obi" you say not so ecstatic. He had a huge smile on his face but when he heard your tone his smile dropped into a frown slowly. You felt like shit because you didn't want to bum him out because of your bad mood.

"I'm sorry. Would you like to come in?" You asked hoping that he would say yes because you really wanted to talk to someone. "Sure" he said trying to be happy so that you won't feel worse.

"Here I got you these flowers and donuts cause Iris told me there are your favorites and she also told me that you were feeling a bit down today so I thought I'd come cheer you up" he explained. "Sorry if I'm rambling" he said after your few seconds of silence.

"No no. It's just" you start. "It's just what. Talk to me (Y/N)." He begged holding your hands in his palms.

You sighed and continued, " Do you like me Obi?" Taken a back by your straight forward question he struggled to come up with the right answer. His cheeks were flushed but he managed to blurt out, " Of course. What kind if question is that?"

"No I mean like do you have a crush on me?" You asked one more time. He grew silent for a few seconds like he was trying to formulate the perfect answer in his brain.

"Yes...I do. I love being around you. Whenever I see you it doesn't matter how bad my day is going you always make me smile and lift my mood. I don't know what it is about you."

Your cheeks started to heat up but you couldn't help but think of how bad you were broken from your last relationship and how you never want to go through that pain again.

"You're a great guy Akitaru and I'm not trying to be like it's not you it's me but....I don't know if I know how to love again." Hearing those word from your mouth broke Obi's heart. It even broke yours. Silence. He didnt have to speak for you to know that he was hurting. He just looked down and you could see that he was trying to hold back tears.

You hate seeing him like this after all he's done for you. How he consistently tries to make you happy and win you over in the most respectful ways. How he is the most patient person that puts up with your mood swings and constantly turning him down.You couldn't help but feel a bit selfish so you decide to give him a chance. "I'm willing to try and I don't think I'd want it to be with anyone else but you."

He was scared for a while. He thought that you had completely given up. He knew that you had a hard time in your last relationship but not to the point where you were scared of love.

He slowly stood up with the most serious look on his face. Wiping away the tears in his eyes the were yet to fall. You hands still in his.

"(Y/N), as you can tell. I've been trying for almost half a year now to get through to you. To show you how much I care. I didn't do all those things to be an annoying, persistent pest. I did those things to show you that I am willing to show you that I love you even If it means I'll have to keep trying until I die. Please. The greatest gift to me would be if youd love me back. I dont care if it would take years. If i could get you to love again i would be content."

"Obi I....." is all you can say. You were speechless. He really does care. You envy how freely he can love and trust someone and you'd give anything to get that feeling back.

"It's Okay. You don't have to answer me now. Take your time because when you answer me I want it to be genuine." He said while pulling into a hug and kissing the top of your head.

"Thank you..Akitaru...Thank you." You said while tearing up a bit. You would try your best to repay this man but you don't think you'll ever be able to repay the man that taught you how to love again.

Word count: 1240

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