Takehisa Hinawa ~ Enigma

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To: RulerOfAnime

3rd person POV

Takehisa Hinawa. That's pretty much everything anyone knows about him. Sure they knew of his strength and his fire power and that he's always on edge, ready to rip your heart to shreds if you do some dumb shit.

One morning at the station, Takehisa went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and felt eyes burning straight through the back of his head making him a little irritated. He turned around to glare daggers at that person so they can know that it's bothering him.

He saw Shinra staring with the most confused expression. He looked like his brain was fried. (Kinda like when Gon gets too much information at once)

Shinra's POV

I was sitting on the dining table with Maki and Arthur just having a little small talk before we get bombarded with paperwork. The lieutenant walked in and in my daze, random questions started popping up.

I wonder what he does outside of work? Does he ever laugh? Smile? Does he have kids?!? A GIRLFRIEND?!? Does he have se-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Maki and Arthur snickering, trying to stifle their laughter. I was so busy trying to answer these impossible questions that I didn't realise I was staring and he was staring back at me with the scariest expression.

My ears turned so red and I smiled, "G-gomenasai. (I'm sorry)" and turned away wide eyed.

I waited for him to leave so I can talk to Shinra and Maki about this.

"Hey guys? Have you ever seen Lieutenant out of work? Like does he have kids? Is he a hobo?" I questioned them seriously. They started thinking hard about it but then just burst out laughing at the last part.

"Really Shinra? A hobo?" Maki laughed.

"Well...we don't know." I answered.

"What you wanna get disguises and follow him around all day after work?" Arthur laughed. His laughter slowly died when he saw that I was considering it.

"That's a great idea! Let's do it" I tried to encourage them.

"Woah woah woah! Let's?!? You're the only one that really cares." Maki said, trying to exclude herself.

"I'm so down" Arthur said with a mischievous look on his face, his blue eyes turning a shade darker.

We got up to proceed with our paperwork because it was about that time and I turned around to Maki. "If we find anything we aren't telling you." She jolted in her tracks. "Aww come in guys that's not fair" she whined.

We just looked at her sternly so that she knows we aren't gonna change our minds. "Fine!" She huffed, "I'll do it."

Time skip

It was coming close to the end of the day and Hinawa always writes down the events of the day then he goes to talk with Obi for a while. Sure enough he was taking noted.

 Sure enough he was taking noted

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