Sister Iris x Male Baby Reader ~ First Words

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Orange flames and thick smoke. The two things that are engulfing this family home. "Move! Move! Get the infernal!" Akitaru ordered.

"Uuhhh sir? There's two." Arthur said.
"Hurry and put them to rest they've already cause all this damage" Akitaru told him. "We've got a strange one." Arthur said while staring into a room filled with flames. "What do you mea- O-oh"

He went inside to see for himself and there was the infernal. Just sitting there?

"Maki and Sister Iris took care of the other one which seems to have caused all the damage." Arthur informed Akitaru.

"My baby." Both of them jumped back from what they just heard. The infernal spoke. More like weeped. "MY baby" It repeated. "Please save him" as if on queue Iris came running into the hallway with a baby in her hand crying from all the distress .

"There's a baby!" She shouted frantically. "Take him outside." Akitaru ordered.

"I love you (Y/N). Be a good boy. Mommy loves you" the infernal said. "I'm sorry ma'am but we have to put you to rest." Akitaru said on the verge of tears. He was usually strong when it comes to putting down the infernals but this one shot him straight in the heart.

"We'll take care of your baby. Sister start the prayer." He said to Iris who came back inside to do her job.

He shot the infernal where the heart is supposed to be then it disappears leaving behind some ashes.

The sound of metal hitting the floor echoed through the room. Akitaru rushed into the room to pick up whatever fell from the infernal.

"Obi we gotta get out of here hurry." He grabbed the item and followed Arthur out of the building.

After putting out the fire they went back in to see if there was anything left and everything was reduced to ash. Only part of the frame of the building was left.

They went back to the station to clean up and to put the baby in a foster home. "No!" Said Sister Iris. "Why can't we keep him? I'll take care if him." She pleads.

"You have to take full responsibility Sister. And his name is (Y/N). I heard his mom say it." Akitaru said looking down to hide the fact that he was tearing up. "Here" he continued "It fell from her."

He handed Iris a heart shaped locket necklace and walked off.

She opened the locket to see a picture of the family, the mom the dad and (Y/N) in their arms. Engraved at the back of it was a date. It was four months ago so she assumed that he was four months old. A tear slipped down her cheek and she went over to (Y/N) and placed it around his neck.

(Y/N) has been with Iris for about a week now and she rakes him to the station very often. He was surprisingly quiet most of the time playing with Shinra and Arthur. He would let out a few chuckles every time he sees Maki's sputter.

Takehisa would act cold as usual but he would make his tea and baths sometimes. (Acting like Yoongi 😂)

"Iris stop forcing him to say your dumb word." Shinra teased. Everyday Iris would repeat mama to (Y/N) to get him to say it back.

"He'll eventually say it" she replied. "Come on (Y/N) just two syllables mama." She said in her baby voice.

"He doesn't even know what a syllable is" Shinra laughed at her. "Whatever." She said back.

Iris put him down to go make some tea for him and Shinra went over to play with him.

He immediately started crying because he was hungry and Shinra didn't have the tea. "Since wheeen" he whined.

Iris quickly came back with the tea and he stopped crying and started giggling. "" (Y/N) said.

"Oh my gosh he said it!" Iris said excitedly. "Barely" Shinra said.

"Mama mama mama" (Y/N) said as if he was making fun of Shinra and chuckled. "Ha take that" Iris said.

She gave him the tea and started rubbing his head. "I love you" she said.

Word count: 703

This one is a little short and thank you Puppet198463 for requesting. Sorry it was late I've been lazy lol I hope you enjoyed.

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