AU Arthur Boyle - I Want You

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You were stuck in this never ending quarantine that ruined all your plans that you had for your internet friend Arthur.

You guys were supposed to meet up for the first time on his birthday. You even had the perfect gift.

The time zones where you both lived were on the opposite spectrum. When he was waking up, you were fast asleep but you guys made it work.

This week you did all your important stuff from Monday to Friday and made sure to get enough sleep so that you can stay up all night on the weekend to talk to Arthur.

You texted him Friday morning to give him a heads up.

hey art! Happy Birthday💕🎂🥂
I cleared my schedule this whole week so we can talk. I got enough sleep so don't worry about me. See you tonight or this afternoon for you lol❤

You didn't response but it's normal because you know...time. He was probably fast asleep and I wanted to be the first to wish him happy birthday.

It was 7 PM for you so it was around 12 AM for Arthur. He usually wakes up at 8 and since it's the weekend and his birthday you set an alarm for 3 AM so that you can wake up at the same time as him.

*Time Skip*
You woke up to the sound of your annoying alarm and it was pitch black outside. But hey...anything for Art. You quickly grabbed your phone to see his text.

Thank you (Y/N) ☺ I can't wait and yes you were the first lol. See you soon💕

Hey I'm's 3 am😂 but I'm up.
Did you get the present I sent you.

What? You didn't tell me you got me a present?!

Oh🤦‍♀️ I forgot.....well I got you a present. Check the mail on my phone it said that it arrived.

Okay. Let Me face time you so we can see this together.



rthur quickly face timed you and he was now walking outside. He grabbed the box that was from you and quickly ran back inside to tear it open.

You wanted to give him something that would remind him of you everyday so you got him a giant plush and a bunch of his favourite snacks.

You wanted to give him something that would remind him of you everyday so you got him a giant plush and a bunch of his favourite snacks

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"Wooaaahhh! (Y/N) this is so cute and fluffy and cuddly. And you even got me snacks?" Arthur said all excited. You just smiled at how kawaii he was acting. "What did I do to deserve this? deserve you?"

He was now looking at you on his phone. "I-I just wished we could spend your birthday together and since we're in quarantine I sent you something that would always remind you of me. I even sprayed it with my perfume so you could know what I smell like haha" you giggled at how weird that was.

"Haha I love it. Thank you so much. I'll name him Excalibear"

"'s a fox" you burst out laughing.

"I know but his name is Excalibear okay. Excalibear Kurama (L/N)" he said while giving the plush a big hug.

"You bring Naruto into everythinggg" you whined about the middle name.

"Naruto is life (Y/N)" he retorted.

"Facts" you couldn't help but agree

" Just wait till it's your birthday. I might ship myself" he laughedso hard at his own joke.

"I wrote you a letter too but don't read it infront of me cause I can't handle that. It's too embarrassing" Honestly it wasn't. It was just that you might have spilled all your feelings out on that paper and you didn't want his live reaction to that. It could be horribly cringey if he didn't feel the same.

"Okay okay. I'll read it before I go to sleep so I might dream of you." He chuckled.

"Funnyyy" you replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

You guys talked for the whole day and even watched a movie together on his tv. You guys ate popcorn and you got yourself the same snacks as him so that you can eat together. You guys had a blast.

But while all this was going on you felt a little nervous through all of it. Slightly regretting that letter even if he didn't even read it yet. You tried to hide it as best as you could because you didn't want to ruin Arthur's birthday with him worrying about you. Atleast when he reads the letter it would be the end of his birthday.....hopefully.

*Time skip*

It was time for you too go to bed because you were tires from waking up at three in the morning. You ended the call with Arthur which took a while because you guys were arguing over who should hang up first. But finally you hung up because it was his birthday and he was practically begging.

You were scrolling on your phone for a while so that it can help you fall asleep when a text message popped up.

Awww I love you too this is the best gift ever. You are the best gift ever❤ I hope you sleep well goodnight my love.

He read it.

Dear Art,

Even though we haven't physically met yet, I feel like I've known you all my life and I have something to tell you....well some things I should say.

I want to tell you that you cause butterflies in my stomach, and take my breath away when you look at me. I want to play with your hair and listen to your 2 AM thoughts. I want to roll my eyes at your sarcasm and giggle at your jokes all the time. I want to kiss you until my lips are numb. I want to lie and look at the stars above us and talk about the universe. I want to love everythingyou have grown to hate about yourself. But most importantly I just want you here with me. I love you Arthur.

Love (Y/N) ♡

Word count: 1013

Ouch! My lonely CORAZON! *cries in anime-boy-less world* I hope you enjoyed *sniff*

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