Joker ~ Keeping up with Five Two and Y/N

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This is a little follow up of the last story

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This is a little follow up of the last story.

The next morning you woke up to Five Two playing with your fingers and just admiring you as you slowly exit the land of sleep.

You fell asleep on the couch together  last night but he woke up first. Your head was on his chest and he didn't want to wake you up so he played with your hands to pass the time.

"Hi" he said softly close to your ear sending massive shivers down your spine because your ears were ticklish.

You giggled. "Hey that tickles" you say barely over a whisper in your groggy morning voice.

He laughed and pinched your ear softly. "What are we doing today?" He asked.

"I'm not sure...but I know I'm going to brush my teeth now." You say seriously but he laughs at you.

"Okay come on let's go." He says as he sits up with you on his chest so you're now sitting on his lap.

His hands were on your hips and he was looking straight into your eyes for about three seconds then he gets up, lifting you in the process and placed you down.

You took his hand and lead him to your bathroom even though he already knew where it was.

You washed your faces and brushed your teeth together in silence. He put his eyepatch back on and then you guys headed to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"I'm feeling cereal today. What about You?" You ask and turned to him with one hand still on the cabinet door.

"I'll have whatever you're having."

As you were putting  the two bowls of cereal together, you saw at the corner of your eye that he was watching you just like the first time you met at the bar.

The corners of your lips lifted at the thought. "What?" You said. Still making the cereal and not even lifting your head to look at him.

He just let out a huff of a laugh and got up. Why am I freaking out? You thought as you heard his chair move. You didn't turn around though.

He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind while you continued making breakfast.

"It's nothing. This is just what I was imagining at the bar that one time." He Saud and kissed the top of your head.

You turned around still in his embrace with your faces inches apart at this point.

"Is it too early to say I love You?" You asked.

"Shit. I wouldn't know. But I know that I love you." And just like that he closed the gap.

His places his lips ever so gently onto yours, as delicate a butterfly's wings. You on the other hand couldn't stop your stomach from doing multiple cart wheels.

It's like the feeling you get like the sudden drop of a roller coaster.

His hands trail up your back lifting your shirt a little bit, exposing your skin to the cool air.

Your hands make their way up to his neck to deepen the kiss and he pulls away.

"I don't like soggy cereal" he smirked and reached behind you to grab his bowl. (Cringe 😂)

He pecked your lips one last time and went back to his seat.

You looked down blushing your ass off then slowly turned around and took your bowl.

You sat on the opposite side of the table facing him and ate your breakfast.


It was a Sunday so you were stuck with Five Two all day long. In a good way.

You guys were talking on the couch all day because you still have so much to learn about each other.

"Hey did you know my hair was really long at one point?" He asked but more like in a 'do you want to see?' Way.

"You're lyinggg. I want to seeee." You said amused.

He took out his phone and scrolled through his gallery. He probably did one swipe and he was at the end of his camera roll. I guess he doesn't like pictures.

"Look" he said, tilting his phone towards you.

"Woaahh it looks so good." You stared in awe.

He gave you a side eye jokingly. "So you like it better long huh?"

You giggled at hid childish behaviour. "It doesn't matter"

"Truth or dare?" He said out of nowhere.

"What?" You answered confused.

"Truth. Or. Dare?"

"Truth" you pick.

"Do you.....want to kiss me?" He asked.

"Dare" you changed your answer.

"I dare you to kiss me."

"Never have I eve-"

"That's not the game Y/N!" He shouted and pinched your cheeks causing your face to scrunch up.

He got up and started walking away. "Don't come running to me."

"Noooo Five Two I'm sowwy" you whine getting up after him, hugging him from behind in an attempt to stop him but your feet are just dragging on the floor.

"I'll play play rocket league with you?" You offered.

He suddenly halted. "A kiss to seal the deal"

You giggled and placed your lips on his.

Word count: 849

Tbh idk what the hell rocket league is I just heard it in the newest Kian and JC video but I know it's a video game😂

I hope you enjoyed x

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