Karim Flam ~ Ink

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

The haunting sound of his alarm woke him from his slumber just like every morning.

Karim slammed his hand down on the alarm almost breaking it and retracting his hand under his blanket.
Laying there for a few minutes, he finally decides to get out of bed and get ready for work.

He goes to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, his eyes barely open, his feet barely lifting from the ground.

As he was washing his face and looked in the mirror he noticed some black marks on the back of his left hand.

He took a closer look at the marks and realized they were drawings. There was a minimalist spaceship with a ray coming from it, lots of stars, a moon, a sun and a little alien in the spaceship.

"What the fuck is this?" He said to himself slightly annoyed.

"Raaaiiiinn!" He called out to his sister. "What did you do?!"

Said girl came rushing to his room not before knocking first.

"What" she answered rubbing her eyes as she was still tired from her so-so slumber.

"What's this?" He motioned towards his sketchbook for hands.

Rain simply turned around and started to walk out of his room. "How am I supposed to know. Just wash it off dumbass" she said before she closed the door behind her.

"Tch. These damn teenagers." Is all he said and washed off the black ink then resumed getting ready.

-Time skip sponsored by the sexy fire fighter calender-

Upon arrival at the fire station, Karim parked his car and put it in park. As he was taking his hand off the gear shift he noticed another black mark. Only this time it was a lone star.

I thought I washed all of it off he thought.

It was weird but he brushed it off and continued his day as normal. Maybe he didn't wash his hand as well as he thought.

A few hours had passed since he arrived and ever since he was doing paper work. The strange markings were at the back of his mind as he tried not to think about it too much.

Well he might as well bring that thought to the fore front because they made themselves present yet again but this time was different.

He jumped back from his desk startled at the sight infront of him. "What the fuck?" He tried not to yell because he was at work.

He stared at his hand as the lines appeared as if someone was currently drawing them. This freaked him out but he tried to stay calm because if he told anyone they wouldn't believe him right? They'd think he's mental.

At this point he just wanted to go home and do some research so he quickly finished up his paper work so that he can leave.

-Back at home-

He sat on his bed as he heard the door close which means his sister was home. He lived in an apartment by himself bit his sister came over for two weeks because their parents went on a small trip.

He didn't mind because he loved his sister. They have a great relationship unlike others. (*cough* me and my siblings *cough*)

"Rain!" "karim!" They both called out to each other in unison.

Rain ran to his room with an excited look on her face. "I think I know what those markings were"

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