Benimaru Shinmon ~ Lazy Day

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A/N: AM I the only one that gets tongue tied with his name and say Benmon Shinimaru 😂 I do it all the time. Forgive me lol. Anyway on to the story.

You woke up next to your sleeping boyfriend in Company 7. You watched as he took slow, steady breaths in and out and you just laid there staring at him, admiring his features. How his long black hair stuck to his forehead and in all different directions to his weird ass sleeping position. You laughed slightly and stroked his head to where your hand stopped at his jaw. He squirmed a little at your action which made you giggle softly.

You didn't want to get up so you decided to go back to sleep. Benimaru started moving a little more than before taking up the whole bed in the process.

"Hey can you please move, you're taking up the whole bed. I know you're not asleep you jerk. And I WILL kick you off this bed if I have to." You protested.

You felt his back vibrate from his soft giggle." Good morning to you too my love" he laughed even more at himself. "Good morning or whatever" you said pouting as he turned to you.

He started squiggling into your chest and wrapping his arms around you. You laughed at his actions. "Beni, what are you doing?"

"Hiding" he said squirming around some more like a dog trying to find a good spot to lay down.

"You mean hugging?" You asked confused. "Did I stutter?" He said popping his head up to look at you. " It's  like my safe space. Now shut up and put your arms around me." He explained. You laughed at his words and proceeded to put your arms around him making small patterns on his back.

You loved this side of Benimaru. His soft side. Not everyone gets to see it and it makes you feel even more special to him than ever.

You guys fell back asleep since the day before was a hectic one. After a couple more hours, you woke up before Benimaru again. This time you decided to slowly slip out of bed and go make some breakfast for everyone including Konro, Hinata and Hikage. You made pancakes because Hina and Hika told you they loved it and Konro and Benimaru appreciated anything you made for them.

You were flipping pancakes when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist and lifted you up slightly. You didn't even have to turn around to know it was Benimaru since his touch and scent was so familiar to you now.

"Good morning again" you giggled at his actions and greeted him back. "Hina and Hika's favourite huh? You'll make them fall in love with you more than mee." He said while fake pouting.

"Look Hina, Waka is being all smooshie and lovey dovey again" Hika said while giggling with Hina.

Benimaru looked at them like this.

"Shut up" he said and ran after them trying to tickle them

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"Shut up" he said and ran after them trying to tickle them. "Come here guys (Y/N) made your favourite breakfast."

"Really?" They exclaimed in unison jumping up and down. They ran too the kitchen and gave you a big hug almost tackling you to the ground.

"Hey girls. Let's go eat" After everyone ate their breakfast, Konro insisted on doing the dishes as a way to thank you for preparing the meal.

Time skip

You and Beni were bored from staying home all day so you decided to take a little stroll through the town of Asakusa.

It was dark out but you weren't scared because you have Benimaru by your side of course. The towns people greeted you guys all happy to see him come out of that building he is always cooped up in.

After getting past all those people he decided to take you up to the watch tower to look at the beautiful skylines.

After getting past all those people he decided to take you up to the watch tower to look at the beautiful skylines

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"Woahh" you said in awe. Eyes glistening like the stars in the sky. You have never been up here before and you were kinda mad that he never took you up here before so you playfully nudged him in the side." Oh, what was that for?" He whined "For not taking me up here sooner" you said with a pout across your lips.

He nudged you back. "You didn't ask" You nudged him back "How was I supposed to know about this". The nudging went on for a few seconds until Benimaru had enough. "Okay okay I'm sorry" he said in a fit of laughter. "Come here." He said pulling you into a hug from behind.

He was taller than you so he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and you placed both your hands on his arms. He rested his chin on top of your head and you guys stayed like that for a while just looking at the stars.

"Wanna go home now?" He asked. You yawned "Yeah let's go I wanna cuddle" he smiled and gave you a soft but passionate kiss on your lips. You loved when he kissed you because it was so slow and calming.

You guys descended from the tower and walked home hand in hand.

Word count: 869

Okay I take it back. This one was a cuteness overload. I love the fluff I don't think my heart can take the angst. Oh and dont forget to vote or leave a comment to let me know if i should continue with this. Until next time 💕x

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