Sister Iris x Male Reader ~ Happy Birthday

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Requested by Puppet198463 thanks for the idea I hope you like it.

You've been dating Iris for about 6 months now and you already fell head over heels for her, she's the one, so with all that being said her birthday was coming up and you wanted to make it special.

That is going to be a task because she has work. Because you guys can't spend the whole day together at home or have a fun day to yourselves, you decided to throw her a little party at work.

You've been secretly making plans with her co-workers and she had no idea. She doesn't even know that you guys have gotten a bit closer due to all the planning but that just adds more to the surprise, I mean they're her family after all.


The day has finally come to execute the plan. "Good morning babe" you say to her as her eyes flutter open. "Happy Birthday!" You planted kisses all over her face.

She chuckled softly at your excitement for her birthday. "Thank you" she replied with a massive blush on her face.

"Because it's your birthday, I'm gonna drive you to work and pick you up after and we'll go on a little dinner date okay?" It's almost like today is your birthday too because you were so frickin excited.

"Okay. You're so cute" she said while squishing your cheeks. That calmed you down a bit because you hate when she pinches your cheeks and calls you cute. "YoU'rE sO cUtE" you mocked her. "I'm not cute" you say with a fake pout. She just laughed at your childish behaviour.

"Okay come on let's get ready. Hurry hurry hurry you're gonna be late" you say while fake panicking. "It's sooo early though!" Iris whined but she still unwillingly got out of bed.

You prepared a delicious breakfast for her and then headed to the station. She had no idea what was coming. (A/N: tell me why I'm actually excited 😂 my life is sad)

We arrived in front of the building. It was looking like a normal work day on the outside like you guys planned.

Inside The Station

"Guys they're here get ready" Maki hurried everyone. Akitaru told everyone to come in a little earlier today for the surprise and surprisingly they did. Takehisa even let Maki make decorations with fire on the roof which is where everything will actually go down. They turned off all the lights to make it seem like Iris was the first one there.

Back Outside

The building was dark only the outside light was in which was strange because every morning Takehisa would turn them off. "Am I the first one here? See I told it was too early" Iris whined. "It's fine I'll stay with you until someone gets here" you try to reassure her. "Fine." She huffed.

She walked through the front door and turned the lights on oblivious of the situation. "SURPRISE!!" everyone shouted. She looked up startled but happy when she realised what was going on.

She had no words so she just smiled.

She had no words so she just smiled

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