Benimaru Shinmon~Intimacy

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(A/N) I see that a lot of people like Beni (Same) so here's another one.

You met Benimaru about 6 months ago in the church when all the captain's were to meet but you weren't a captain, you just went along with Obi kind of like a body guard, even though Obi can handle himself. He just wanted some fire power with him so that if there's a fight it can be fair.

When you saw Benimaru yeah you were attracted to his physical features but he made you laugh so much when he was acting all nonchalant and everyone else was so serious. What made you laugh the most was when he just left and when he told off Shinra.

The next time you met was in Asakusa. You were there with Shinra and Arthur for training. You caught him looking at you a few times but his face was blank. You were confused.Is something wrong with my face or what? You thought.

He came up to you a few weeks since training started and asked if you wanted to hang out and from then on he became your boyfriend. You loved his personality and he's so handsome which was a mega plus.

Since your relationship started he hasn't kissed you on the lips yet and it's been about two months. He would rarely hold your hand and those fluffy stuff. He would hug you and kiss you on the forehead barely and it made you sad.

His lack of affection brought up so many questions in your mind. Does he even like me? Why did he ask me out? Am I ugly? These thoughts brought tears to your eyes.

You know it's only been two months but damn...not even a little bit of a make out session.

One day you decided to ask Benimaru what he really wanted. You guys were sitting together on the couch watching television. You cuddled him but his two hands were speed out on the back of the couch. Just the usual.

You decided to pop the question, "Beni?" He responded with a hum, "Do you still like me?" You asked trying to hold back tears. "What? Of course I do?" He answered looking down at you with a slight bit of confusion in his eyes.

"Then why don't you show me that you like me?" You proceeded. "Like right now. I'm cuddling you and you won't even wrap one arm around me. I know it's only been two months but I-...I don't feel loved?" You said getting off him.

He looked at you with a sad expression, tears welling up in his eyes then he looked down and spoke up, "(Y/N) I-...I'm sorry" a tear rolled down his cheek. "It's just that I'm scared. I'm scared to get hurt again...I'm scared to hurt you. But it looks like I've failed. I hurt you" he paused and looked up at you. "And I didn't mean to. It's hard for me to show affection...emotion. It's just- I've been through a lot and when I saw you and how positive and sweet you were I just thought that I needed someone like you in my life and I hoped that you would help me love again"

Your eyes were waterfalls at this point. You never thought of it this way and he never thought that you felt that way. At that moment you felt loved. You felt like you were a crucial part if his life and you broke him all for some more intimacy.

"I'm sorry Beni." You said through your tears and hugged him tightly. " I didn't know you felt that way" He hugged you back and said, " You don't have to apologize. I understand and I didn't know You felt that way either"

This is the closest you've ever felt to Beni and it felt good. You guys stayed like that until you were finished crying.

He pulled away from the hug first and looked in your eyes. "I love you (Y/N). And I will try harder to show you that I love you" he said, placing his thumb and index finger on your chin and lifting your head up.

He slowly leaned in and kissed your lips for the first time. You kissed back immediately. Your lips moving in sync like they were a perfect mold meant for each other. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you closer, if that was even possible.

You pulled away, "I love you too Beni"

Our first kiss and first 'I love you' at the same time? This has to be a dream you thought. You wouldn't want it any other way even if it meant not getting enough affection for two months. You'll do it all over again in a heart beat.

Word count: 814

Lmao idek what this one shot is but I hope you enjoyed x

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