part 18 - *record scratch* *freeze frame*

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There is no way he just said that.

It's like my life is in a movie, and Kaminari and I are the main characters. The plot of our film is moving way too fast, and like a fairytale, someone claims they're 'in love' after just a few days. If there was a record-scratch moment in our hypothetical rom-com movie, this would be it. I don't even know how to react at this point, and it doesn't help that I'm butt naked in the woods with a guy I've known for less than two weeks. Sure, we've already been through a life or death situation and stuff, but I still can't fathom the word 'love' at this point.

"I-I'm sorry, that was a lot, and too soon, holy fuck-" Denki starts, and I can tell that his face is red, even though it's dark out. He rubs his hands over his face, and I feel bad for him. He must have gotten caught up in the moment, and he seems incredibly embarrassed. He buttons his pants and starts looking for his shirt, and I think of what to say as I start pulling my clothes back on. Almost forgetting about the current state of my underwear, I pull my pants on and hope for the best.

"Denki, it's fine, okay? Don't worry about it." I say, and mentally facepalm at my lame excuse of a comforting statement. I look over at him, and he's fully clothed already. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Do you need help getting up or getting dressed?" He asks, and I shake my head. I pull my shirt over my bra and stand up beside Denki, who looks stressed out. Without a moment of thought, I turn to him and grab his hands, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Listen, Denki. It is a bit too soon, but I'm having a great time being with you and enjoying whatever we are right now. I'm positive we'll get to that point soon, trust me." I say, and I see him sigh with what I hope is relief. He looks down for a moment before locking gazes with me again, and I see a small smile spread across his lips. "Okay, good. Thank you for being so chill about this, sometimes I get caught up in the moment and I get dumb and-" I cut him off with a kiss, and he lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around me.

I break the kiss and let my arms wrap around his midsection, pulling his body closer to me. I let my ear rest against his chest, and I can hear his heartbeat clearly. I let the steady thumping unwind my nerves, and I find comfort in the sound of his heart's liveliness. I feel his hand in my hair, rubbing down my head and then repeating the motion. Everything is calm, serene and comfortable with him. He knows how to make me laugh, but he also knows how to take care of me when I'm overwhelmed. What can't this guy do?

He places a soft kiss on the top of my head, and I feel the familiar fluttering in my stomach. "So, how about we go get some ice cream or something? I feel like we need to chill. See what I did there?" He says, and I pull my face away from his chest so he can see me roll my eyes at him. He smiles down at me, and I smile back. Everything about this man is pure sunshine; bright, happy, and warm. He lets his hands fall from my waist, and we walk hand-in-hand to where his car is parked.

When we arrive at his car, he opens the passenger side door for me and I climb into the car. He does the same, and then he connects his phone to the audio system of his car, searching through songs on his playlist before deciding on one. He looks over at me before shifting his car into reverse, backing out of his parking spot. The song begins to play, and he starts to drive on the dirt road that connects the forest to the main road. "Hey, Y/N, listen to this song, I think you'll like it!" he says, and I pay attention to the song that's coming out of his speakers.

The song starts with lively acoustic guitar strumming, and then a man's voice comes in.

"Your head fits right into my shoulder / My hands feel cold but yours feel colder / And you're burning up inside / I see the pain behind your eyes / I know my hands can't help from shaking / I can't stand thinking of him taking / The safety in your head / The comfort of your bed." The song seems cheerful, but the meaning of the lyrics add an unexpected depth.

"We were too young to drink, too drunk to drive / Too young to feel these things inside / The westside's always pulling your burden straight into my current / She said it's too hard to comprehend / I just wanna feel safe again / The westside's always pulling, but you could never be a burden / It's alright, it's alright." The singer serenades, and Denki is humming along with the cheerful tune. In a way, the song makes me think of Denki and I. He makes me feel safe, but we have an intensity like the song does.

"Yeah we've gotten a bit older / We've learned to keep our composure / But we can't forget the nights / The blue skies or flashing lights / Your voice keeps ringing like a siren / I hear it louder still in silence / Yeah you're tough just like your love / And you've never given up." I can hear a pain in the singer's voice; it's like he's singing about a bittersweet memory. I can't help but think about the rough times we've had already; like when I thought he had died in battle or when I accidentally upset him the night we met.

I watch the illuminated highway in front of us as I let my thoughts take me through our more positive memories. The few dates we've been on, the coffee shop, the fun sex sessions, meeting at my workplace, pillow fights, watching the stars; they're all fond memories of mine. I've never been this happy around anyone else, and I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't met him at Shinso's party. A smile spreads across my face, and I realize that the song has ended.

"So, did you like it?" Denki asks, and I'm fully snapped back into reality. "Oh, yeah! I loved it honestly." I say, and he smiles as he continues driving. "It sort of reminds me of you." He says, his face now wearing a sheepish grin. "You know, it kind of reminds me of us, too." I say, and he reaches his hand over and opens his palm upward. I take his hand in mine, and I watch the highway in front of us as he drives us to our next memory's destination.


Hey guys! I want to apologize for the slower updates- I got caught up in the holiday craziness. Speaking of which, my daughter and I hope that you all had a happy holiday season, and please stay safe out there! Also, the YouTube link in this chapter is for the song referenced in the chapter! (Westside - This Wild Life) 

Thanks for reading! 



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