part 24 - bruised

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\ " Cast me aside to show yourself in a better light / I came out grieving, barely breathing and you came out alright / But I'm sure you'll take his hand / I hope he's better than I ever could've been / My mistakes were not intentions / This is a list of my confessions I couldn't say / Pain is never permanent but tonight it's killing me / I hope you get your ballroom floor / Your perfect house with rose red doors / I'm the last thing you'd remember / It's been a long, lonely December / I wish I'd known that less is more / But I was passed out on the floor / That's the last thing I remember / It's been a long, lonely December / I miss your face, you're in my head / There's so many things that I should've said / A year of suffering, a lesson learned. " \ -NECK DEEP

| WARNING: mentions of blood, bruising

That went worse than I had anticipated, I think to myself. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, but she deserves so much more than what Denki Kaminari could give her. I stare at my shoes as the elevator comes to a stop at the ground floor, and the silver doors slide open to reveal the busy lobby. I walk to the exit, but as I go to walk through the rotating doors, Kaminari enters. He glances at me, then does a double take when he realizes who I am.

Before my mind can fully comprehend what's happening, his hand clenches around the collar of my shirt, and he pushes me into the rotation of the revolving door. I wrap my hands around his wrist and try to break his grip, but he is much stronger than I remember him being. The last time I had sparred with him was when we were classmates at UA, but now was not the time for reminiscing. He pushes me onto the sidewalk and out of the office building, using his free arm to land a forceful punch on the right side of my face, then another to the same side directly afterward. 

I taste iron on my tongue, and feel blood begin to pool in my mouth. I rip his hand from my shirt collar, and push his arms away from my neck. I use the small amount of distance between us to try and de-escalate the situation. I know for a fact he's not usually a violent individual, but it seems that something has broken inside of him. "Kaminari! Please, enough!" I yell, and he glares at me with an intensity that I have never seen before. "Do you not understand what the fuck you've just done?" he spits, and I adjust my glasses, which have almost fallen off my face. "Kaminari, I understand that you care for Y/N, but please-"

"Care for her? I fucking love her, and you think it's okay for you to go in there and confess your feelings out of nowhere? It's not my fault you didn't go for her when you had the chance, that's on you." He says, jabbing his pointer finger into my chest. He removes his finger from my chest, but his body remains only inches from mine. "I'm finally getting my shit together, and things are actually going well for us. I'm not going to let you fuck that up." He's eye to eye with me, and I'm frozen as I watch him glare into my eyes. I see tears prick at the corner of his eyes, and my feelings are torn between empathy and envy.

"I just want her to be happy." I say, my voice shaky. It's the truth, she deserves nothing but happiness, and I'm not positive that he can provide that for her. He starts backing away from me and walking toward the office building. "If you really want her to be happy, then leave us the fuck alone." He says, walking briskly to the entrance. "Kaminari!" I call out to him, but he continues on his path to Y/N, holding his middle finger out in my direction.  The current of the rotating door whisks him away, and I'm left alone on the sidewalk.  He may have grown in height and strength, but apparently not in maturity. I stand still as I bring my hand to my swollen and throbbing right cheek, feeling the heat of the injury burn against my skin.

I walk quickly to my vehicle, trying to avoid the stares from strangers as I walk down the street. I eventually reach my car and get in, and I close the door as quickly as I possibly can. Using the driver's side sun visor to inspect the damage to my face, I see that Kaminari has left me with a blackening eye, a busted open lip, and a bruised cheek. I reach into my car's glove box and try to wipe the dried blood off of my lips with a napkin, and see that the gash is worse than I expected. The blood once again begins to flow from my bottom lip, and the napkin turning from tan to dark red in mere seconds. 

I sigh as I look at the blood covered napkin in my hand, wondering how something I felt so passionate about ended so badly. I entered this day with high hopes, and left with an injured face and sense of pride. For years, I've waited for the right time to tell Y/N how I feel; how I admire her strength despite her struggles, how I felt that we could have a bright and successful future, how her smile made my stomach queasy in the best way possible. When I see her with him, my stomach ties itself in knots, and nausea overcomes my body. I figured that I would take my chance before her and Kaminari became 'official', but it seems they are already engulfed in one another. The entire situation pains me to think about, and I hope I'm not attached to what could have been for the rest of my life. 

I could see everything so clearly; our hands laced together, holding her tight in my arms while she lies on my chest, kissing her forehead after a long day of work. She's everything I want, and everything I could ever need. She is the strongest person I know, and I pushed her to her absolute limit. I can't blame anyone but myself; I ruined my chances and the friendship we had, all over jealousy and cowardice. I should have told her sooner. I should have been nicer. I should have shown her how much I care for her. I should have apologized. I should have made things right. The only thing I can do is hope that Kaminari makes her as happy as I wish that I could have.

Maybe in the next life. 


Kaminari holds Y/N close to his chest, kissing the top of her head as she dampens his shirt with her tears. The last ten minutes were a whirlwind; leaving two friendships torn apart, bruised knuckles and a busted lip, and a relationship among two soulmates strengthened in its wake. Iida drives through the city, contemplating whether he should try to fix his friendships. Kamiari and Y/N remain in their embrace, finding solace in the company of each other. If there's anything that Y/N learned today, it's that love is never easy. 

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