part 11 - actual electricity (nsfw)

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I wake up, and I'm warm and cozy. Before I even open my eyes, I know that I'm lying with someone. I feel my body rise and fall with the rhythm of breathing, so I'm definitely on top of someone. I let my heavy eyelids open and I see his blonde hair, and I remember where I am. Denki is still sleeping, and we're positioned so that I'm lying on my stomach on top of him, belly-to-belly. He looks peacefully asleep, his expression making him look younger. I debate going back to sleep, but it is already starting to get dark outside. I try as carefully as possible to move myself off of him, making sure to not move him too much or wake him up.

I push myself off of him in a push up position, and I think I'm going to be successful, then his eyes fly open. His golden eyes meet mine, wide with surprise. A smile widens across his face, and his eyelids lower as he falls back into his tired state. "Aw, you're leaving so soon? I just got comfy!" He whines, and I laugh in response. I lower myself down to kiss him on the forehead, and he sticks out his bottom lip in a pout. "Puh-leeeease can we cuddle for five more minutes?" He begs, and I roll my eyes. "I'd love to, but it's already dark out!" I say, pointing to the nearest window in his room. He groans and props himself up on his elbows, leaning back, with me straddling his lap. 

"Ugh, lame." He says as he wraps his hands around my waist. He closes his eyes for a moment, and I look down at him. His tiny freckles, his long eyelashes, his soft lips; everything about him is absolutely adorable. I wanna kiss every freckle, every little scar, every little part of his handsome face. His eyes re-open, and he smiles at me. I lean down and plant a small kiss on his lips, and I hover over his mouth, both of us smiling as we go in for another kiss. His lips are soft and gentle across mine, and I feel fluttering in my stomach. 

He breaks the kiss and looks up at me, smiling wide. "You know, Y/N, you're pretty incredible. Like, seriously. I feel like I've known you my whole life." He says, and my face reddens. He's so fucking sweet, I think to myself, and it's true. I feel more comfortable with Kaminari than I do with most people, even when compared to my exes. "I feel the same way about you, sparky." I say, and he rolls his eyes. "Oh shut up with that nickname! You know it's corny!" he jokes, and I wink at him. "Make me." I say to him, and he looks up at me with a confused expression. "What?" "Make me shut up." I say, raising an eyebrow at him. Suddenly, a look of mischief flickers in his eyes. 

Before I can even process what's happening, he flips me so I'm pinned under him, and he's now sitting on me like I was sitting on him. He quickly leans down and kisses me, the intensity of the kiss making a shiver go up my spine. His tongue grazes my bottom lip, and I invite him to deepen the kiss by locking my tongue with his. The kiss deepens as he runs his hands from my waist to my sides, rubbing his thumbs against the sensitive area of my ribs over my shirt. The stimulation causes me to grind my hips upwards involuntarily, which he returns by rolling his hips against mine. 

His hands move up my arms, and only stop traveling when he reaches my wrists. he gently moves them from my sides to over my head, pinning them together with one hand. His other hand moves up to hold my face, and he runs his thumb over the large scar on my face. Usually when people notice or try to touch my scar, I get defensive. Somehow,  when Kaminari does it, it feels comforting and intimate. He's so gentle with me, yet I can tell he's becoming more dominant as our make-out session intensifies. Trying to speed things up a bit, I pull back slightly from our kiss to pull his bottom lip between my teeth, earning a quiet moan from the blonde on top of me. Holy shit. 

He uses the hand that was holding my face to pull the hem of my shirt upward, and in an effort to help him, I move my hands and lean forward to pull my shirt over my head. He grabs the shirt from me and tosses it to the side, where it falls to the floor. I use my now unrestricted hands to pull at the bottom of his shirt, but he clutches my hands in his firmly. He clicks his tongue, then looks at me with that same expression of mischief. "Nope, I can handle it, you just stay where you were, princess." He says, pressing my wrists into the pillow that's over my head. I feel my entire body heat up at his words, hoping that this time we don't get interrupted. 

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