chapter 2 - assumptions

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chapter 2 - assumptions

    I stare at the blonde, unable to come up with a response to his obvious flirting. I settle for the defensive approach. "Cut it out with the nickname, I can only assume you know how annoying it is." I say as I smirk at him. "Fine, okay. Would 'my girl' be a better name for you?" He says as he winks at you and leans back against the door. I feel my face heat up and decide to play along. "We'll see how tonight goes, but I have to admit, locking me in the bathroom with you and performing an unwanted strip tease isn't much of a first date." I say as I cross my arms, my gaze meeting his golden eyes. "Fair enough, let's go!" he says as he opens the door.
    "Wait!" I say as I grab his arm. "Don't you think this will look, uh, suggestive?" I ask him. He smiles back at me. "Probably. We can tell people that you asked for an autograph and I gave you a little bit more than that." he chuckles to himself. I punch him in the arm as a response. "Owwwww! You're mean! I'll get you back for that, just wait." he whines. "What are you gonna do? Shock me?" I grin at him. He opens the door and looks back at me. "Damn, you're something else." He says, shaking his head.
    We walk out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I don't think anyone notices us, but I'm still paranoid about what people would say if they saw ChargeBolt walk out of a bathroom with a girl like me. If they didn't notice that, they might notice the fact that his hand was holding mine as we walked through the crowded house toward the kitchen. We try not to bump into anyone while weaving through the crowd, but we brush against Midoriya and he turns around. He looks at me and glances down at Kaminari and I's hands and smiles at me. I glare at him and he looks away, and I try to pick up the pace and push the male in front of me.
    We finally arrive at the kitchen, which has a few people mingling around; pouring drinks and snacking on whatever is closest to them. I smell the familiar stench of weed, and turn to see Sero behind a cloud of smoke. The bowl in Sero's hand was being gestured toward Kaminari, who let go of my hand to take a hit. Sero didn't acknowledge the fact that we were together, but I knew that it wasn't uncommon for Kaminari to have girls around. I leave the two and head toward the fridge. I pull out a bottle of beer, but I spot Mina taking shots with Shinso and decide to join in on the fun.
    I walk toward Mina and she and Shinso both smirk in my direction. "Here, take shots with us!" She says as she puts a shot glass filled with a clear liquid in my hand. We clink the glasses together and throw our heads back in unison, all but Shinso making a face as the bitter liquid goes down our throats. "So, how's it going with Denki?" He asks. My eyes open in surprise; I didn't know how he even saw us. "Good, I guess? He's definitely a flirt."
    "Who is?" Asks a voice from behind me. Speak of the devil, I suppose. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and I can smell the cologne on his black shirt, he's that close to me. "Who do you think, sparky?" I ask him. "Not too sure, but I hope it's not me. Mina, you should pour another round of shots." He says, leaning his face toward my ear. "Listen, you're the only girl I've talked to at this party." he says quietly. "Yeah, at this party specifically. The general public knows your track record." I whisper back.
    He removes his arm from my shoulder. He reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out his phone. The screen lights up and he hands me it. I look at the screen, and the only message notification was from 3 hours ago from 'Mom'. "What?" I ask him, pointing at his phone screen. "It's completely dry. No girls, no dating apps, nothing." He says. "Your mom texted you." I say. He grabs his phone and shoves it back in his pocket. "Just sayin', maybe you shouldn't assume things when you don't know shit about someone." he says, and I could hear a bite in his tone. I instantly feel bad, I understand that I barely know him, but I still judged him off of rumors.
    His arm doesn't return around my shoulders. Instead, it reaches out and grabs a shot glass. I grab the one as well, and we all take our shots. I open my bottle of beer and take a swig, watching Kaminari walk toward Sero again. Shinso looks at me with his tired glare. "You know, he's a good guy. You didn't have to drive him away like that." he said. Mina nodded, "You can tell that he was interested in ya, girl. He hasn't really been with a lot of girls since his last breakup, he's been really busy with work." She says. "I think you should give it a shot." A voice from behind me says. Sero joins our group, his face wearing a look of complete marijuana-induced content. "He's a great guy." He says, poking me in the shoulder.
    I nod and turn around, looking to see if Kaminari is still in the kitchen. Whether or not he's interested in me or not, I should at least apologize. I don't see him in the kitchen, so I walk out and head into the living room. I bump into Iida and wave at him. "Do you know where Denki is?" I try to yell to him over the music. "I haven't seen him in awhile, but he did come through here and was headed in that direction." Iida points toward the door to the back porch. "Thanks." I say as I beeline to the door to the back porch.
    I slide open the glass door and look through the small group of people huddled around the patio. I move around the group and see him leaning against the outside of the house, texting on his phone. I walk toward him, his gaze never leaves his phone screen. "Hey," I poke him on the shoulder. "Oh, sorry, I was just texting the dozens of women I'm fucking. There are so many that it's hard to keep up." He said. He points me to his phone screen, which just showed the conversation between him and his mom.
    "That's kind of what I wanted to talk about," I move so I'm standing in front of him, and his eyes meet mine. "I shouldn't have assumed, that was really shitty of me. We barely know each other and I made an ass out of myself. I'm sorry, Kaminari." I say, and he doesn't say anything or move. "Denki," he says. "You can call me Denki. And hey, I came on a little strong, I'm sorry about that. Let's try this whole thing again? I'd love to learn more about you." He says, and I can tell he means it. I smile at him and let him take my hand as he leads me back into the house.


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