part 26 - finale: part 2 | the end

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We burst through the entrance/exit of the wedding hall, running down the stairs hand-in-hand. Y/N's laugh is music to my ears as she uses her free hand to hold up the long skirt of her dress, her heels clicking against the stairs. Our guests, who are standing on the sides of the staircase, are blowing bubbles into the air. The Subaru awaits us at the bottom of the staircase, the words 'Just Married' written on seemingly all of the windows in yellow font, courtesy of Mina and Shinso. I open the passenger side door for Y/N before running to the driver's side and getting in. Y/N wrangles her dress into the car, and carefully gathers the fabric into her lap.

"Holy shit, we're married!" She yells, a smile spread across her beautiful face. "Oh yes we are, Mrs. Kaminari!" I say, smirking at my absolutely radiant wife. I shift my car into drive and honk at our guests as we leave the hall, and I watch as Y/N waves at everyone through the window. I speed down the road, my tires squealing as I redline my RPMs. "So, what now? Do we just go to the reception?" I ask, genuinely curious. "Honestly? I want a milkshake." She chuckles, and I turn my car down the next street. "Sounds good to me!" I say as I pull into the drive thru of the closest fast food restaurant.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" A friendly voice greets us on the speaker, and I already know me and Y/N's order. "Hello! Could we please get one chocolate milkshake and one (favorite flavor) milkshake?" I reply to the speaker, and I pull my car up to the takeout window. "Your total is- wait, did you two just get married?" The man in the restaurant asks. "Sure did!" I smile at the employee, and he presses a few buttons on his register. "Milkshakes are on me today. Congratulations, by the way!" He says, handing the two milkshakes to me. I reach into my wallet and hand the guy a $20 bill, and thank him. I look to the side, and Y/N is smiling brightly.

"I don't think this day could get any better," she says, and I wink at her before driving out of the restaurant parking lot. "Just wait, I feel like the reception is going to be a blast!" I say, and she nods. "Honestly, I almost forgot about the reception. We should probably go to that, huh?" She says, and I can't help but chuckle. "Probably." I agree. She rolls down her window and turns the radio up, and I roll my window down as well. The warm air blows in and rustles our hair, and I can see loose strands of my hair in my peripheral vision. We are nearing the event hall where our reception is located, and I pull into a parking space in front of the building. "Ready?" I ask her, and she just smiles as she pulls me into the second sweetest kiss we've ever shared.


The beginning of the reception is spent eating delicious food, shooting back celebratory alcohol, loud music and good (and bad) dancing. Students of class 1-A and other guests alike crowd the dancefloor, spinning and swaying to the beat of the playlist that I personally made for Y/N and I's wedding. It's a nice mix of pop, hip hop, and alternative music that I thought would go well with the overall aesthetic of our wedding. Everyone seems to be enjoying the music, but the only thing I can focus on is Y/N. She smiles as I twirl her around to the upbeat music, laughing with me like we are kids again.

Her hair reflects the shine of the lights strung across the ceiling of the dim room, and her jewelry twinkles gently against her skin. She's like my own personal sunshine, and she illuminates the entire world around her. Her dress glides over the cherry wood floor, her bare feet dancing to the rhythm of the song effortlessly. Shinso makes his way over to Y/N, grabbing her hand and spinning her around dramatically. "Nice playlist, by the way!" Shinso yells over the music before slugging me gently on the arm. Y/N returns to my side, leaning her head against my arm before holding my hand in hers.

"Thanks, man! I'm glad you like it, I spent hours on it." I tell Shinso, and he smiles. "You got a good one, Y/N." He says, winking at me. "Oh trust me, I know I do." Y/N says before standing on her tiptoes and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. The DJ makes an announcement to the crowd, which I don't hear because I'm too busy staring at my wife. I smile at my thought; the word 'wife' makes my heartbeat quicken. I suddenly realize that the people around us have distanced themselves from Y/N and I, and I hear acoustic guitar over the speakers. I snap back into reality and remember the song I picked exclusively for the husband and wife dance. It's a song that Y/N has never heard before, but it perfectly captures my feelings for her.

She loops her hands around my neck and lies her head against my chest as we begin to sway together to the soft music.

"I want to know your plans / And how involved in them I am / When I go to sleep for good / Will I be forgiven? / And if you want roses / You can go buy a bouquet / If that just won't cut it / Well, what can I say?" The speakers are loud in the quiet room, and I can feel everyone's eyes on us. "What is this song?" Y/N whispers into my ear. "Just listen." I respond, placing a kiss on her temple.

"You're what keeps me believing / The world's not gone dead / Strength in my bones / Put the words in my head / When they pour out to paper / It's all for you / 'Cause that's what you do / That's what you do." Her head buries into my neck and shoulder, and I feel her steady breath against my collarbone as we dance together for the first time as husband and wife.

"I want to know your fear / From your feet / To the back of your ear / When they raise the landing gear / Will your heart stay here? / If you could forgive me / For being so brash / Well you could hit me or whip me / I'd savor each lash." Cameras flash and people record our dance on their cellphones, and I mentally remind myself to ask someone for the video.

"You're what keeps me believing / The world's not gone dead / Strength in my bones / Put the words in my head / When they pour out to paper / It's all for you / 'Cause that's what you do / No more fighting / This is only a waste of our time, oh / 'Cause soon we'll be leaving / Will this strength still be mine? / I'll look out for you / 'Til I die / 'Til I rot / Oh, I'll remember you / 'Til I die / 'Til I rot." I place a kiss on Y/N's forehead, and she looks up at me with teary eyes and a loving smile. "See why I picked this song?" I ask, leaning down to speak into her ear. She noods and dries her eyes on my shoulder. I pull her closer to me and continue swaying along to the song that I wish I could have written.

"You're what keeps me believing / The world's not gone dead, / Strength in my bones / Put the words in my head / When they pour out to paper / It's all for you / 'Cause that's what you do." The crowd sings along with the 'la-la's' of the final chorus, and my vision of the guests in front of me grows blurry with tears. I am so lucky. I am so fortunate. I am so in love with the woman holding me right now. I could die tomorrow and die a happy man, solely because I have her. The final guitar strums of the song play out, and I hear cheering and clapping from the circle of guests around us. Y/N pulls away from me and stares into my eyes before kissing me; even more passionately than before.

"Mrs. F/N M/N Kaminari, I love you more than anything in this entire world, and more than life itself. Thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world, Sparky." I say to her once we break apart from each other. She smiles at me, her eyes still glassy with tears. "I love you the most, and don't call me Sparky, Pikachu." She says, and I pull her into another kiss, wishing that this moment would never end.

"I'll look out for you / 'Til I die / 'Til I rot / Oh, I'll remember you / 'Til I die / 'Til I rot."



wow, this story is officially finished! I want to dedicate this final chapter to every single one of you that read this story, the only story I've ever finished. I'd also like to dedicate this chapter to sunflower_jasper  , ccccloverrrr2 , harm0n33 , Levi_And_Tea4847  , Amazon_Eve , robynwutwut , taero123 , bbydunceface and everyone who has supported me since I first published this story. You guys are the best, thank you all so much! (I'm sorry if I forgot to tag anyone, my phone is being glitchy) As of right now, I will still be updating Managed Muse and my Sero story frequently, and I will possibly be moving to AO3, but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed Same Shockwave, and please take care of yourselves; you deserve the world and nothing less. I love you all. 

Until next time (and as always, much love),

Madds <3

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