chapter 7 - the date

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I grab her hand and lead her down the steps of her apartment complex, and I love how her hand fits in mine perfectly. "Denki! Slow down!" She chuckles, and I do as she asks. "I'm sorry, I'm just excited!" I respond, and it's true, I think I finally found somebody who's on the same wavelength as me. "Where are we even going?" Y/N asks, and we reach the bottom of the staircase. I turn to her and grab her other hand. "Don't worry, my sweet Y/N, I know just the place. Trust me." I say with a wink.

I open the door and let her walk through, and I unlock my car. I open the passenger side door for her, and she smiles at me, and I close the door as she's thanking me. Whoops. I walk over to the driver's side and get in, start the car, and back out of the parking spot. "So, last night was super fun." I say to her, and she nods. "I agree! I haven't had that much fun in a long time. Also, Shinso hasn't texted me about his snack stash yet, so I don't think he realizes that we took his food." She says, and I chuckle.

We drive for a few more minutes and I pull into the parking lot of my favorite little cafe, and I see her eyes light up. "Denki! I've never been here but I've always wanted to try it!" Y/N says cheerfully, and I smile. "Well, I guess it's your lucky day, sparky!" She rolls her eyes at my comment. "Fine, I call you babe, whatever." I say, and she shrugs. "It's definitely better than sparky." She says, and I wink at her in response.

We exit my car and I lock it as we walk toward the cafe. We walk side by side, and I really want to hold her hand, but I decide against it; I don't want her to think that I'm moving too fast. We reach the entrance to the cafe and I open the glass door and motion for her to walk in. "Ladies first," I say, and she does a fake curtsy in return.

A familiar song plays quietly over the speakers, and the atmosphere of the cafe is an indie style lounge, with strings of tiny vintage light bulbs hanging from the ceiling and comfortable thrifted furniture. Tapestries colored with earthy tones hang from each of the walls, and small sculptures and plants of various sizes adorned the walls. It's very much so a 'hipster' cafe, but it serves the best drinks, for sure.

"Wow, it's actually super cute in here!" Y/N says, and she seems excited. "I know, I thought you'd like it! Let's go get our drinks!" I say as I nod my head toward the front counter, where a barista is standing with a smile on her face. We walk up to the girl, who has various piercings on her face, and vibrant makeup on. "Hi! What can I get you two?" She asks, and I order my usual. "I'll have an iced spiced chai, a few slices of french toast, some pancakes, and breakfast pastries, please, Y/N?" I ask, and she looks up at me with wide eyes. "Um, let's try the iced lavender berry tea, please." She asks, and the barista nods and gives us our total. I pay for our drinks and thank the barista, and we go and stand at the other end of the counter while we wait for our drinks.

"You know, I could have paid for myself. But anyway, thank you." She says, looking up at me with those gorgeous E/C eyes. "No problem, it's my pleasure." I say as the barista slides our drinks toward us. "You two can go ahead and take a seat, your food will be right out!" She says, and I thank her as Y/N walks toward a table. She stops near a table with a small fern as a centerpiece, and I pull her chair out so she can sit. She thanks me as I take my seat, and I notice that her drink is a pretty blueish-purple color. "Whoa, I've never ordered that before! That looks really good!" I said, pointing to her cup. She takes a sip of her drink and swallows, smiling at me. "It's good, too! Try it!" She says, and I take a drink, happy that she's comfortable enough with me already that we can share drinks.

Her drink really does taste good, and I make a mental note to order it the next time we're here, hoping that I can take her on another date. "Wanna try mine?" I say as I point my cup in her direction. "Sure!" She says, and she takes a sip out of the metal straw (A/N we're here to save the oceans, people. USE REUSABLE UTENSILS WHEN POSSIBLE PLEASE) and a smile appears on her face. "Holy shit, that's delicious!" She says, and I grin. "I knew you would like it! You have good taste, I mean, look how cute you look today! Good with clothing AND picking out drinks? What can't you do?" I flirt, and I wink at her. I see her face turn pink, and my goodness, she is cute.

"Oh stop. And actually, I can't lick my elbow, so there's that." She says, and I laugh. "That was so incredibly off the wall, Y/N. But okay, point taken." I respond, and she just takes a drink of her tea. Our waitress brings our food to the table, and we thank her in unison. Hot steam rolls off of the food in clouds, and everything looks delicious; I'm practically drooling.

We both dig in and eat in silence, and by the way she's shoveling the food into her mouth, I can tell she's as serious about eating as I am. She eventually leans back in her seat, eyes closed, hands folded over her stomach. "That. Was. Incredible." She says, and I try to mutter a mmhmm in return, but it's muffled by the food that's in my mouth.

We eventually clear each of the plates, with no leftovers in sight. Our waitress comes and scoops up our plates, and I go up to the counter to pay and leave a tip. Y/N walks beside me, and I catch a smell of lavender and maple. We exit the cafe and head toward the direction of my car, and we get in. We sit there for a moment, then Y/N turns in her seat to look at me.

"So, now what?" She asks, and I gaze into her E/C eyes. I lose myself in her looks, everything from her soft looking skin, her gorgeous smile, and everything else that makes her, her. "Um," I mutter, trying to recollect my thoughts. "Well, we could go to my place, your place, we could do something else, whatever you wanna do. It's your world, baby. I'm just living in it." I say to her. Before I can even register what's happening, her lips are on mine, and then she's back to her original position. I'm still in shock from the quick kiss, but she just smiles at me.

Out of nowhere, my phone starts ringing with a very specific ringtone, one that I know all too well.

I answer my phone, and before I can even greet him, Bakugou is shouting on the other line. "Kaminari, get your ass over to 5th Street downtown, we need backup!" He yells, and I'm pretty sure his words in my cell phone receiver were loud enough for Y/N to hear. I shift my car into gear, and look over to Y/N.

"Hold on, Y/N. We're gonna go kick some ass."



Hey y'all! I hope you're enjoying this! If you want, hop over to my profile and check out my other stories. I have a Bakugou x Reader and a Kirishima x Reader that I update pretty frequently. Let me know if you guys are liking this story or if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Much love,


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