chapter 10 - the bed

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Y/N tugs and pushes on the handle of my car door and scrambles off of me, almost falling to the ground in the process. We both start laughing, and I see tears pooling in her eyes, hoping that they're from laughter. I help pull her up and make sure she's standing steadily as I get out of my car, closing the door behind me. I lead her to the door that connects my house to my garage, and as I open the door, I notice a smell that I definitely recognize.

"No offense, but did you hit a skunk with your car?" She asks, and I sigh. "Nope, but you're close!" I say, and I watch the look of realization wash over her face. "Sero! You up there?" I yell as I walk up the stairs that lead to my living room. "Yeah! How'd you know?" I hear the tape hero respond. Welp, what a way to ruin the mood, I think to myself. "Lucky guess. You've met Y/N, right?" I ask as I reach the top of the stairs and lock eye contact with him. He's sitting with his legs criss-crossed on the couch with a bowl of what I assume is popcorn. He nods slowly, and smiles as he looks beside me, where I notice Y/N is standing.

"Yeah, how could I ever forget. Want a hit?" He says as he offers her the bowl he was smoking out of. She shakes her head, but smiles at him. "I'm good, thanks though. Whatcha watching?" Y/N says as she points to the flatscreen TV mounted on the wall that Sero is facing. He looks to the screen and shrugs. "I dunno, I think the shopping channel. There's some cool shit on there! I saw one of those circle vacuum robot things and I'm thinking about ordering one!" He says.

"Please don't, you remember what happened last time you smoked and watched the shopping channel." I say as I motion for Y/N to follow me into the kitchen. I point to the island, which has barstools set up around it. She hops onto one of the stools and scoots forward to meet the table. "Do tell, what exactly happened last time you watched the shopping network?" Y/N asks over her shoulder with a smug smile, catching Sero's attention. I chuckle at her, knowing full well she just wants to see him riled up.

"Okay, well, in my defense-" Sero takes a hit, coughing a few times afterward. "I was left unsupervised. I may have bought a few things..." He lets his sentence trail off. "Here, let me fill you in." I say as I walk over to my kitchen counter, where I grab the All-Might cookie jar he had purchased. I set the jar in front of her on the island table top, then I go and grab the electric bacon cooker, the hot-pink cooking utensils set, and a bright green reflective dog collar. I set all of them on the tabletop in front of Y/N and looked at her, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"This isn't even half of it." I say with a sigh, and Y/N chuckles at me. "Well, at least you can use most of it. Besides, the cookie jar is cute. Also," she says, grabbing the dog collar, "why isn't your dog wearing its collar?" She asks. She twirls it around her finger, and I glare at Sero. "We don't even have a dog, Sero just thought it looked cool." I say as I roll my eyes and return the items to where they belong in my kitchen. "Want something to drink? If I remember correctly, you looked pretty thirsty in the garage." I say with a wink, and her face flushes a deep pink color.

"Oh, shut up. But yeah, I'll take whatever you're drinking." She says. I grab two bottles of green tea out of my refrigerator and slide one bottle across the table toward her, which she catches with ease. "You're quite the tea snob, aren't you?" She asks me, smirking. "Maybe a little bit. It's better than soda, I think. Wanna go on a tour of the rest of my house?" I ask, and she smiles at me. "Absolutely, I can't wait to see your race car bed!" She says, and I look at her, rolling my eyes dramatically. "I wish I had a race car bed, too bad mine's only king sized." I say, raising my eyebrow at her. "Hm, sounds comfy." She says, scooting herself off of the stool. "How about we find out for ourselves? Follow me." I say as I take her hand in mine, leading her down the hallway and into my room.

I push open the door, and I watch as her eyes glance around my bedroom. I motion for her to go in, and I follow, closing the door behind us. Luckily, I've become a tidier person as I've gotten older, so my room is relatively clean. My stereo is playing music softly, and I recognize the song as Everlong by the Foo Fighters. "Wow, your room is really nice. I'm still disappointed by the lack of a race car bed, though." Y/N jokes, and I point to my oversized bed. "You're totally right, how dare I have this super comfy, super huge bed. My mistake." I punch her arm lightly, and she juts out her bottom lip in a pout.

I lean over and kiss her on her upper arm where I had just playfully punched her. "There, all better." I say, and her gaze meets mine. "Thank you, I am cured. Praise be to you, sparky." She says as she bows dramatically. "Such a dork." I chuckle, and next thing I know, I'm laying on my back on my bed. Y/N hovers over me, smirking down at my surprised expression. "Girl, you did not just push me." I say, and she shrugs in response. "Ooooohhhh you're gonna pay for that!" I say as I quickly sit up and grab her by the waist, pulling her on the bed with me.

She falls on top of me and I roll the both of us over on our sides, our laughter filling the room around us. I tickle her sides, and I watch her face as her eyes crinkle shut from laughing so hard. "Denki! I swear to god-" she starts, and she's interrupted by her own laughter as I move my hands up her body to tickle her neck. I can't help but smile at her when she's like this; she looks genuinely happy. I haven't known her for too long, but I can already tell that she's the kind of person with a tough outside, and I'm beyond excited that I can see her let go like this.

I stop tickling her so she can catch her breath, and her E/C eyes open and meet my gaze. "Has anybody ever told you how adorable you look when you're having fun?" I ask, and I see her face turn a light shade of pink. "Hmm, nope. Has anybody told you that you look super sadistic when you're tickling someone?" She says, and she smirks at me. I let my mouth fall open into a fake surprised expression. "Wow, super rude. I could just kick you right off of this bed, y'know." I threaten, and she leans forward and kisses me on the cheek.

"That was for not kicking me off of the bed." She says. "Oh, you're welcome then." I say as I rub my eyes. "Damn, I'm kind of tired. Wanna nap?" I offer, and she sighs happily. "Holy shit, I was really hoping that you'd want to nap instead of fuck me." She says, and I feel my face heat up at her confession. "Oh, cool. Maybe we can do that later, but right now I'm just beat from the battle." I say as I scoot to the top of my bed, patting the pillow next to me so Y/N would hopefully join me.

"Get in loser, we're going napping." I say as I push the covers down and crawl under them. She follows suit, and I watch her as she nuzzles her head into the pillow next to mine, facing me as she keeps her eyes closed. "I give the best cuddles on this side of town, you know." I say, and I watch as her eyes open and meet mine. "I will be the judge of that." She says, scooting her body toward mine slightly. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer, resting my chin on the top of her head.

"Comfy?" I ask her, and she nods her head against my chest, and murmurs an 'uh-huh'. I lean my head back and plant a kiss on her forehead and return to my original position, and I mentally hope that she didn't think that was weird. I feel her nuzzle her face into my chest, and I take that as a not-weird victory. I can't help but think about how great this feels; her body is warm against mine, and it's like she's a perfect fit for my body to snuggle into. All I feel right now is pure bliss, and I'm praying she feels the same way.

I can already tell that she's different, and that I need her in my life. 

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