chapter 8 - the battle (part 1)

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Kaminari jams his gear shift into drive and we speed out of the parking lot. 5th Street downtown is only a few minutes from here, but if Bakugou is the one calling for backup, the situation must be urgent. Denki speeds through alleyways and whips around turns, and we arrive at the scene.

We're both speechless as he slams the gear shift into park and we exit the vehicle. We look at the scene in front of us, unable to form coherent thoughts or even words. He quickly grabs my hand and leans in close toward my face, and I look into his eyes. "Stay in the car. I'm going to give you my phone, the password is '1234'. Call for backup if shit goes sideways." He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, and hands me his keys and phone. Before I follow his instructions, I analyze the scene in front of me. Denki runs into the scene, and I beg to whoever is listening that he will come out of this alright.

One tall building has halfway collapsed; the side of the building that is facing me is crumbling, and the inside of the offices are exposed. It seems like the building is vacant, and I really, really hope it is. There is a squad of villains, one is tall and looks like a gigantic stone, one has some sort of lava quirk, and the last of the three looks fairly normal, but I seriously doubt that's the case. There is hardening lava trapped around cars and street lamps, and general destruction has whittled the street into crumbled asphalt.

I notice a group of people standing off to the side on a sidewalk that is somewhat intact. What the hell are they doing?! I wonder. I should be getting into Denki's car, but the villains are distracted enough that I think I can get the group of people out of the area. I run as fast as I can, avoiding the scene using an alleyway that is riddled with cement and hardened lava. I approach the group, and the majority of them look scared and worried, but one man in particular looks straight-up annoyed.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, probably harsher than I intend. "Our cars are in the parking garage, and that jackass," A dark-haired man says while pointing to the stone villain. "Smashed the entrance. We can't drive to safety and we would be idiots if we tried to walk through there!" He yelled, and I understood his position.

"Well, we can't just stay here. There's an alleyway not too far from here that has some obstacles, but I made it through. We can go that way, okay?" I say, and many of them nod in response. I look out to the scene, making sure the coast is clear. I see Bakugou using his explosions against the stone villain, and I can't seem to find where Denki is. I do see Kirishima breaking down hardened lava and making his way towards the magma villain. I didn't realize Kirishima was even here, I think to myself.

Each of the villains seem occupied or out of view, so I motion for the group to follow me. We move as quietly but also as quickly as we can, making sure that we go undetected. We reach the alleyway, and I try to help everyone over the lava and various pieces of broken buildings. One of the blonde girls in the group fell and scraped her knee, but other than that, we made it to the end of the alleyway unscathed. We all exit the alleyway, and some of the people thank me as they run down the street, away from the scene.

"Aren't you going to leave?" The dark haired man from earlier asked. "Well, um, no. I'm with one of the heroes." I say, and he nods. "Well, be careful, and I hope your hero is alright." He says as he waves to me and walks away. Me too. I think to myself.

I hear a loud crash from the scene behind me, and I run to the end of the street I'm on to see if I can find the source of the sound. I look and see the stone villain, lying on the crumbled street, with cracks and missing pieces. There seems to be blood of some sort pooled around him, and Bakugou is standing on his chest area. It seems as if Bakugou has the stone villain under control, and I breathe a sigh of relief. But then I see something that makes my heart feel like it's falling into my stomach.


He's on the ground, collapsed a few feet away from where Bakugou is standing. Without a second thought, I ran to him. Shit shit shit shit shit! I think to myself. I hear some sort of altercation, but it sounds far away, so I shift my focus back to the blonde who is crumpled in front of me. I tuck my knees under me and pull Denki so the top part of his body is on my lap. I roll him over and see that he's breathing, but he's basically unconscious.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing here, idiot!" Bakugou yells as he puts the stone villain in restraints. "I'm checking on Kaminari! Do you know what happened?" I yell to the angry blonde. "He's fine, just a little busted up. He short circuited, but he'll be fine, get the fuck out of here!" Bakugou yelled as he ran toward Kirishima and the magma villain. Short circuited? I thought to myself. I wonder if I can power him back on... Screw it.

I rolled his body over so I could grab both of his hands, and I activate my quirk. I feel the electric current flow under my skin, and I concentrate hard so I can transfer it into his body. The current connects to his skin where our hands meet, and I can see sparks start to fly from his fingertips, then up his arms as my current runs through him. I squeeze his hands tight, making sure not to break the connection. The current moves up his shoulders and I can see electricity dance across his face. His eyes are still closed, and the electricity grazes his eyelids. Sparks begin to pop on the soft skin of his face, and I watch as the electricity moves across his freckles, which I didn't realize he had. He is so adorable.

Suddenly, his eyes jerk open and my eyes lock with golden colored orbs. He inhales harshly, as if he had just awoken from a nightmare. He smiles at me, and I can see the look of realization appear on his handsome face. "Hey, you." He says, and I can't help but chuckle. "Hey, sparky. Listen, I would love to lay here with you and everything, but it's kind of a shit show right now." I say, gesturing my hand to where Bakugou and Kirishima are taking down the lava villain. However, I now notice that the 'normal' looking villain is now in restraints. Progress. Good. I think to myself.

"Holy shit, I gotta go! We'll talk about this later." He says as I move from out under him and help him to his feet. I watch him sprint to the other heroes, and I can't help but wonder about what just happened. If I would have transferred that current to anyone else, it would have electrocuted them in an instant. But, since Denki also has an electricity based quirk, my current just 'charged' him. Maybe we are more compatible than I thought.

Maybe we just needed each other this entire time.



Hey guys!

Let me know if you're liking this so far! I love writing this story, so this one might be updated more frequently than my others. Thanks for reading!

Much love, Mads. 

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