part 15 - falling

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 I walk outside quickly, hoping to see his car parked outside my office building. I look down the street and I see his blacked out car speed into the parking spot in front of me. He parks his car and gets out, shutting his door and locking his car behind him. I wave him over to where I'm standing, and he looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"Why hell-o there, you look incredible!" Kami says, looking me up and down. "Oh, you. It's just my work clothes, I have to be 'business casual'." I say the last part in a corny 'fancy' accent, and Kaminari chuckles at me. "So, not that I'm complaining about getting to see you, but what's up with your work?" He asks, and I smile. "Do you have a hero agency that you go through that handles your accounts?" I ask, and he nods. "Duh, I have to. I use HeroSafe." He says, and I wink at him. "Not anymore!" I say, and he looks at me, confused.

"So, I need one more client account for this quarter to make my maximum bonus and be at the head of my group. Unfortunately, the end of the quarter is today. See my issue here?" His face of confusion turns to one of realization. "Ohhhh, okay. You're using me for my bank account." He says jokingly, and I roll my eyes. "Nah, I won't actually have access to your funds, just your information. I'll be your manager!" I say, and he looks pensive.

"But, what about HeroSafe? My representative Mandy takes care of me pretty well!" he says, shrugging his shoulders dramatically. I stare him in the eyes and take his hand in mine. "Trust me, I can take care of you much better than Mandy ever could." I say, winking at him. His mouth opens and his face flushes pink, and I chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes. C'mon, let's go to my office!" I say, pulling him behind me by his hand. "Yes ma'am, lead the way!" "Don't call me ma'am."

We walk into the revolving doors of the skyscraper building that houses my office, and Denki almost gets trapped in the spinning doors. "Those things are way too complicated! Why do they even exist?" He whines, and I can't help but smile. "I dunno, they look cool I guess. My office is on the seventh floor, so we have to take the elevator." I say as I walk to the elevator, pressing the 'up' button when I arrive at the large silver doors.

After a few seconds, the elevator dings and the doors slide open. Denki follows me into the elevator, and someone walks in after us. I know who it is just by seeing his mass of long dark hair. "Hello, Eraserhead! Meeting with your accountant today?" I ask, and Denki's head lifts up excitedly as he realizes who's in the elevator with us.

"Aizawa sensei! How are you?" He asks, shaking hands eagerly with the aging hero, who looks like he needs a nap. "Kaminari, it's nice to see you. I'm doing well, how are you?" Eraserhead asks, and I realize that this is the most excited I've seen Denki so far. "Oh, I'm great! Y/N over here is forcing me to transfer my agency accounts over, isn't that cool?" Kaminari says, and I mentally facepalm. Eraserhead looks at me, and I shrug at him.

The elevator dings, signaling that we have reached our floor. "Hm, okay. Have fun with that. It was nice seeing you two." Eraserhead says as he exits the elevator, and we follow behind him. My office is the first one on the left, and I pull my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door. Denki follows behind me, and he looks around my office after I turn on the light. "Wow, it's nice in here!" He says, and I smile. He looks at the various pictures on my walls; mainly pictures of Hades and landscapes, and he stops in front of a picture of Shinso and I.

"So, you and Shinso." He says, and I pause, not sure where he's going with this. "What about it?" I ask, and he shrugs. "You guys are just friends, right?" He asks, and I sigh. "Yes, Denki. We were never anything more, either. Any more questions?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Nope. Can I sit?" He asks, and I nod. He sits in the black chair that is on the 'customer' side of my desk, and he begins to spin in it. "That chair is not a toy, y'know." I say to him, and he chuckles. "Not with that attitude." He says, stopping and facing me. I sit in my chair and unlock my computer.

"Okay, let's get this started. I need a copy of your hero license." I say, and he rummages in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He hands me a business card sized piece of cardstock paper with a poorly drawn crayon picture of him on it. I give him a 'seriously?' look before chuckling and handing it back to him.

He then hands me his actual hero license, which features a good photo of him. Physical hero licenses, much like driver's licenses, usually have pretty bad photos. I wheel myself over to my white copier and scan his license into a file on my computer. I pull up his information and enter it quickly into the system, my nails clacking loudly against my keyboard. I pull up his current accounts, and I see that he casually has several hundred thousand dollars in his combined accounts. Holy shit, that's incredible for being a newer hero.

"Okay, Denki, I need you to sign on the electronic pad to give me consent to transfer your accounts to Ultimate Hero Holdings." I say as I point to the signature pad in front of him. "I'm all about consent, baby." He says, signing his name on the electronic device. I upload his signature and read through his paperwork, explaining the different forms to him as I type.

"And finally, here's your folder with all of the paperwork we went over today and my agency's contact information if you ever need me at work." I say, sliding the folder across my desk. "We'll take care of you here, trust me." I say, winking at the adorable blonde, who is smiling wide. "I know you will. So, what time do you get off work? Wanna grab dinner?" He asks, and I look at the clock, which reads 4:43 PM.

"I get off around five, but I can slip out of here a little early as long as my manager doesn't see me. Her office is directly across from mine." I say as I point across the lobby that separates our offices. He looks behind him, glancing at the office before turning back and locking gazes with me. He leans forward so our faces are only mere inches apart. "Grab your stuff, we're making a break for it!" he whisper-yells, clutching his folder that I gave him to his chest. He stands, then crouches down in a sneaky position. I chuckle at him, then grab my work bag and jacket.

I open my office door and lock it behind me, and Denki is still crouched down. He speedily runs across the lobby to the elevators, all while crouching over. My manager opens her door and looks at me with a confused expression. I shrug my shoulders and chuckle at her, and she waves goodbye to me and smiles at Denki's speedy attempt at an exit. I follow him to the elevator and press the 'down' button, and we ride the elevator down to the main floor.

We exit the revolving doors again, and this time, Denki doesn't get stuck. "Oh, look! I did it that time!" He says when we reach the outside of the building. It's windy out, and I pull my blazer tight against my chest. "Here, get in my car, I'll get the heat running!" He says, unlocking his car and getting in, starting it immediately while I climb in the passenger side. We both buckle up and he turns on the radio. "So, where are we going?" I ask him, genuinely curious.

"I don't care where we go, as long as I'm with you." He says, and I feel my face heat up. I roll my eyes and playfully punch him lightly on the arm, and he just chuckles in response.

I think I'm falling for this dork. 

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