chapter 5 - the apartment

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chapter 5


He clutches my hand and follows me into the house, and we weave our through the crowd on our way to the kitchen. Once we reach the kitchen, I climb up on the counter, only stumbling slightly as Denki steadies my body. I open the cupboard that sits atop of the refrigerator, which is the location of Shinso's secret snack stash. I quickly decide on a box of chocolate chip cookies, a bag of chips, and a small bag of fruity candy. Arms full of snacks, I hop off the counter, and Denki makes sure I land safely. I grab my phone, and we run out of the kitchen with the snacks, trying to remain undetected by Shinso.

We bolt out of the door, laughing as we realize our escape was successful. No one stopped us, and we didn't see Shinso. We catch our breath and walk toward the sidewalk beside the street. "So, I was going to suggest we go to my house, totally platonic." I say to him. He raises an eyebrow, and nods. "Totally platonic, no funny business here. No kahoots, no hanky panky, no doing the dirty, no slapping cheeks, no fuc- Ow!" he's interrupted by a punch to the arm, courtesy of me. He gives me a dirty look, but I just laugh in response.

"So, I live a few blocks away, are you good with walking?" I ask him, and his eyes grow wide. "You walked? It's freezing! Can I drive you? I'm parked behind Shinso's place." He says. I nod, and we walk from the front yard to the back yard. Denki walks up to a newer completely blacked out Subaru WRX (A/N I love my Subaru, couldn't help but put one in this story, my bad) and opens the passenger side door, the gestures for me to get in. "Your chariot awaits, m'lady." He says. I roll my eyes at him, but I'm secretly impressed with his car. I duck my way into the passenger side of his car, and he walks around to the driver's side.

As I close the door, I notice that the inside of his car is surprisingly clean, and I find the interior to be decked out in black leather, with all new high-tech speakers, radio, and who knows what else. I wish I had a car this nice, I think to myself. Denki sits in the driver's side seat and starts the engine, buckles his seat belt, and looks at me. "Seat belt on? Ready to go?" He asks, and I nod. He pulls out of his parking space and drives down the street, his engine roars as we fly down the road. "So, this is the direction to your place, right?" Denki asks, and I roll my eyes. "Coincidentally, it is. That was a lucky guess, but maybe you should ask for directions before you show off." I say, and he huffs a sigh in response.

"Make a right, then go down to this next street and park right outside the old brick building." I instruct, and he follows my directions. He pulls into the parking spot and he shuts off the car, and unbuckles his seat belt. He exits and walks to the passenger side to open up my door, and I smile at him. I walk in front of him to the huge brick building that is my apartment complex, and punch in the code that gives me access to the main entrance. I open the door and grab Denki's hand, leading him up the staircase to my second-floor apartment.

I grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock my door, and I motion for Denki to follow me inside. My apartment is decently sized, big enough for two people, but also perfect for a girl and her cat. Speaking of my cat, he comes and weaves between my ankles as I close my front door behind me. Denki sees Hades and his eyes grow wide. "Who's this lil kitty cat?" He says as he squats down to look at my pet. "His name is Hades, he's friendly, aren't you baby?" I say to him, and Hades walks over and butts his head against Denki's hand. Denki smiles wide, and he looks adorable. "You are the cutest little fuzzy wuzzy pretty kitty aren't you?" He says to Hades as he scratches him behind the ears, and I chuckle at him. "He seems to really like you, Denki." I say, and Denki looks up and smiles at me. "What can I say, I'm good with pus-" I glare at him.

"Animals. I'm good with animals." He says as he winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk through my kitchen and into the living room, and I wave my hand to motion for Denki to follow me. "So, this is it. Sit wherever you want." I say, and I plop myself down on my couch. "Y/N, this apartment is huge! Where's your roommate?" Denki asks as he sits down. "Um, you pet him like two minutes ago." I say to him, and I see his face light up with realization. "Oh, you live here alone? That's cool!" He says. "I really don't mind it, my cat keeps me company, he's the best roommate I could ask for." I say, and Denki nods.

Denki stares at the bookshelf that stands across the room from him, gets up, and walks over to browse the covers of my book collection. "Book lover, huh?" He asks, and I respond with an mmm-hm. "I actually love reading, mainly manga and comic books, but it's reading nonetheless." He says. "Do you want anything to drink? I'm gonna go make some tea." I ask him, rising from my spot on the couch. "Sure, if you don't mind!" He says, and I walk to the kitchen to heat the tea kettle. I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around to see Denki following me into the kitchen.

"So, why does a pretty girl like you live alone?" He asks. "I don't live alone, remember? I have Hades." I say, with a wink. He smirks at me, and leans on the counter next to the stove, where I'm heating up the kettle. "So, other than reading, what do you do for fun?" He asks, watching me make tea. "Hm, I like to listen to music. I'm not too bad at origami, either. I like doing crafty stuff, too." I say, and he smiles. "That's legitimately so cute." He says with a chuckle. "Oh shush." I say as I pour the hot water into two mugs, one of which I usher in the blonde's direction.

"Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!" He sings happily. He follows me as I walk back into the living room, and both of us sit on the couch. "So, what do you want to know about me?" I ask. He seems to ponder for a few seconds, but then he smiles at me. "What's your favorite movie?" He asks, and I think about it. I sip my tea, and a thought pops into my head. "Oh, my favorite movie is totally F/M!" I say to him, and he looks at me happily. "Huh, I've never seen it. We should watch it!" He says. I nod, and grab the remote that's on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I turn on the TV and find F/M on one of the movie channels, and I get up to grab myself a blanket and I turn off the lights. I sit back down on the couch with my cup of tea in hand, and cover myself with the soft F/C blanket. "Are you cold? I can share my blanket with you if you want." I say as I hold the blanket and push a corner of it in Denki's direction. "I'm not cold, but you're definitely mistaken if you think I'm going to reject cuddles from a gorgeous lady." He says with a wink. "I didn't say anything about cuddles, though." I say, and he fakes a pouty face. Next thing I know, he has the entire blanket on his side of the couch, all cuddled up underneath it.

"If you want warmth, you have to come get it." He says, and I roll my eyes. I eventually give in and lift the end of the blanket that is the closest to me and snuggle under it, positioning myself so I'm leaning against Denki, and we're side by side. I feel his arm that is closest to me reach over and rest over my shoulder, pulling me closer into his side. "Is this okay? Are you comfy?" He asks, and I just nod, not realizing how tired I already was until I was snuggled up to him. I lean my head onto his shoulder and I can't get over how comfortable I am right now. The movie plays, and I feel myself falling into the warmest and most comfortable sleep I've ever had.


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