part 13 - scars

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She breaks the kiss and looks at me, her E/C eyes filled with a fire that I couldn't explain if I tried. I was expecting her to take the lead and continue, but she just looks at me. I'm fine with it, she's giving me more time to look at her. I try not to make it obvious, but I can't help but look at the scar on her face. The way it covers her skin like calligraphy captivates me, and I can't help but wonder if her scars were caused painfully like mine were.

I run my thumb over her facial scar, and I feel her tense up slightly. "Hey, if that's not okay let me know." I say, drawing my hand away from her. "No, no, it's fine. I'm just not used to being touched like that quite yet." She says sheepishly, and I mentally vow to make her get used to being loved, or to kill whoever made her fear being touched.

"No worries, just let me know if I'm going too far too fast, alright?" I say, and I genuinely mean it. The last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable. She nods, and I smile at her. "Well, not that I want to leave, but I can promise you that Hades is staring at his food bowl as we speak." She says, and I seemed to have forgotten we were parked outside of her apartment building.

"Ah, shit. The hard part." I sigh, knowing that I probably won't see her for who knows how long. "Well, Y/N, the last few days have been absolutely electrifying." I tease, and she rolls those beautiful eyes of hers. "Can I please see you again?" I ask, meeting her gaze. Her eyes widen, and she smiles softly. "I would love nothing more than that, sparky." She says, and I open my mouth in fake offense. "Wait wait wait, so it's okay for you to make electricity jokes but not me? Rude." I pout, and she laughs at me. I could listen to that laugh all day if she let me.

She leans over and kisses me on the cheek, and I feel my face flush. "See you soon!" She calls as she exits my car. I watch her walk up to her apartment, and I make sure she's inside the building safely before I shift my car into drive. I know she's a grown woman and can take care of herself, but I've always kind of been a worrier.

At least we don't live too far from each other, I think to myself as I drive down the street. It's only about a ten minute drive from my place to hers, and it's close enough that I could walk. I continue driving until I pull into my garage, then I shut my car off. I check my phone, which says it's 8:48 PM. She seems like the type to go to bed early, so I'll text her now and not wait. Shit, I don't even have her number!

I whip out my phone and start typing out a text to Shinso


bathtub toaster

shinso, i'm the biggest dumbass known to man


mmhmm yes, but why this time?

bathtub toaster

i didn't get Y/N's phone number i'm BEGGING you PLEASE send it to me


yeah but i'm gonna ask her first

bathtub toaster

okie dokie



bathtub toaster

bless u kind sir < 3

I type her phone number into my message app and I contemplate on what to say to her. I type something and erase it over and over again until I finally type something I like and hit send.


Denki Kaminari

hey, it's me! :) i just wanted to thank you again for the great time.

you're the tits, bitch.


remind me to stab shinso for giving you my number : )

555-666-7777 changed their contact name to n/n.

n/n changed your contact name to Sparky McSparkPants.

Sparky McSparkPants

very mature, Y/N. Nice choice.

Sparky McSparkPants changed n/n's contact name to charger lady.

charger lady

WOW is that all i am to you ??

Sparky McSparkPants

i mean, yeah. Jk. you're a hell of a lot more than that, trust me ; )

charger lady

sure, sure. Jk. well, i gotta go to bed bc i have to work

HELLA early tomorrow :( i had fun tho, i hope i can see you soon :)

Sparky McSparkPants

just say the word and i'm there, gorgeous. nighty night!

I exit my car and walk up the stairs and into my bedroom. I undress and throw on a comfy nightshirt, and I sigh as I climb into my unmade bed. It smells of my cologne and her perfume, and my pillow smells like fruity shampoo. I inhale the scent and smile, and something about my bed smelling like her makes me happy. It doesn't beat her actually being here, though. I scroll through social media on my phone before I let the quiet of my room lull me to sleep. 

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