chapter 3 - the dance

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    Her hand is so soft compared to mine, her palm connects to my own, and I graze my thumb over her fingers as I pull her back into the house. The scars that cover her hand feel and look just like mine. I wonder if she hates them like I hate mine, too, I think to myself. Her scars make her look like a drawing; like a work of art that was planned. My scars look like glue that was used to fix a broken plate that ended up not being worth fixing.

    We reach the living room, which is packed with people. I can feel the bass from the music in the soles of my sneakers, and I instantly recognize the beat as Tongue Tied by Grouplove. I spin her around by her hand so she's no longer behind me, but facing me. She looks at me with a surprised face, and she says something. I can't hear her over the loud music, so I lean in beside her face. She smells sweet like vanilla, and her lips brush against my ear as she leans in.

    "This is one of my favorite songs!" She whisper-yells into my ear. A chill goes down my spine, her voice sweetening the blush already on my face. "Yeah, I love this song too. The music at this party is definitely 10/10." I say, moving closer to her after she backs up from my face. "Would you believe me if I said the speakers are connected to my playlist?" She says with a smirk. Of course it's her playlist. "Wow! Great music taste, a beautiful face, a quirk that's just like mine, you really are a match made in heaven, Y/N. I'm sooo glad I decided to forgive you after you were so incredibly rude to me earlier!" I yell over the music.

    "I told you I was sorry!" She says with her bottom lip sticking out like a pouting child. I smile at her. I wasn't kidding, though. I don't think it's the alcohol or weed talking, I really think she might be worth pursuing. I just hope she's finally someone who understands. The song changes, and I don't know this one, but Y/N starts swinging her hips and dancing like she's known it all her life. Her hands link with mine and she holds them above her head, trying to lead me into a dance.

I try to sway my hips with the beat, but I know I'm nowhere near as good as her. She lets go of my hands and shakes herself out of her jacket and throws it to the side of the room carelessly. Her outfit is really cute, and I'm loving the fact that I'm watching her, it's like my own private show.

I'm still gazing at her when she spins around so her back is flush with my chest. I can feel my face heating up as she begins to dance on me. This is almost too good to be true.

"So, Y/N, do you usually dance like this?" I lean forward closer to her ear. "Only when I feel like it. Plus, Mina taught me and we ALL know how she is!" She yells. I remind myself to thank Mina later.

    Kirishima walks up to Y/N and I, and a smile creeps up on his face. "Well, look at this! I would have never guessed!" Kirishima says to me, winking. Y/N walks up to him and begins dancing with him, and even though Kiri is with Bakugou, jealousy creeps up into my brain. She's not dancing 'on' him, but I feel like she looks happier being around him. I shake off the thoughts I'm having and decide just to join in.

    "So, Y/N, you know Kiri?" I ask. "Yeah! We're friends from highschool, aren't we?" She asks Kirishima, both of them shaking their hips and dancing to the loud music blasting through the speakers. She turns back to me and grabs my hand, moving her arm so it makes my arm move, forcing me to dance. I eventually give in and dance with her and Kirishima, hoping they truly are just friends.

    Kirishima waves and heads back to the group he was with after the song ends, and I pull Y/N into me by her waist. "So, want to go somewhere a little less crowded?" I ask her. She shrugs her shoulders and smiles at me. "We can, but if you're expecting a heart-to-heart or something, um, other than that, I might need some more to drink." she says, and I feel myself start to blush. "Um, I'd like to know more about you but either of those options are fine by me!" I chuckle. Now, she's blushing.

    "Alright then, let's go!" she says.


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