part 23 - silver spoons

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"Hello?" a man's voice says on the other side of the door.


I gather my clothes as quickly as possible, throwing on even the ripped garments. "Just one moment please, I'm finishing up a client meeting! Feel free to sit on the chairs while we wrap up!" I say, using my best customer service voice. Denki pulls up his pants and runs his hands over the front of his outfit in an attempt to smooth out any sign of what we just did. He sits in the chair across from my desk and exhales loudly. I run a hand through my hair and pray I don't look like someone who just had sex in their own office.

I walk to the door, unlock it as quietly as possible, and open the door to see one of my favorite clients. "Oh, Iida! How are you today?" I ask, trying to seem as casual as humanly possible. "I am well, thank you. What about you? Oh, h-hello Kaminari!" He says, surprised upon seeing Kaminari sitting on the other side of my desk. "Hey, dude! How's it going?" Kaminari asks, and I hope Iida can't tell how nervous I am. Denki, however, is acting completely casual, like he has done this before.

"It's going, I suppose. What about you?" The tall ravenette asks. "Oh, y'know, same shit different day. I should get rolling though, pick you up later?" Denki asks, smiling at me. I grin back at him and nod. "See ya! It was nice seeing you man," Denki says, shaking Iida's hand, and Iida says goodbye and shakes Denki's hand in return. I walk back to my chair and sit down, the seat creaking as I adjust my posture.

Iida takes a seat across my desk, and I smile at him. Iida is a great guy and a great friend; the kind of guy my parents would have wanted me to be with. There were rumors that he had feelings for me, but I sort of just ignored what I heard for the sake of the friendship. Nothing ever came of the rumors, and I think I like it better that way. "So, Iida, what's up? I don't think we had an appointment today, which is totally fine-" "Are you okay? Sorry to interrupt." He says, and my eyes grow wide. He just wanted to check on me?

"Y-yeah? I'm all good, why?" I ask, genuinely confused. His gaze is intense behind his glasses, and there is a slight look of worry in his eyes. "Well, I saw some pretty invasive articles about you on the internet, and I know that you're not one for the press," He says, trailing off. I pick at my cuticles, trying to hide my anxiousness. "Well, I mean, it's definitely not fun. It's okay though, it has to stop sometime. Right?" I ask, and I was practically begging him to say 'Yes! The reporters actually only have an average lifespan of two days, so this will all be over soon!', but I know that's not the answer he's about to give me.

"It's hard to say, Y/N. With hero-action type coverage, it tends to die down quickly. With hero drama? They can drag it out for months if they want to." He says, a sympathetic look on his handsome face. "Fuck." I say, letting my head fall onto my desk and circling my arms around my head on the top of my desk. I feel Iida's hand on my arm, and I decide to let him leave it there; he's just trying to comfort me. I hear him let out a long sigh, and I shift my head upward so I can look at him.

"It will eventually get better." he says, taking his hand away from my arm. "Also, I've been wondering, are the articles true?" He asks, keeping a serious tone, which I expect from Iida. "Which parts?" I ask, my voice muffled by my arms and the wooden desk. "You and Kaminari." He says, his eyes holding an emotion that I can't pick up on. "Um, yeah. We're a thing, and my quirk can charge him. That's all there is to know." I say, accidentally coming off more cold than I had anticipated.

"Okay, Y/N." Iida says, and he sounds disappointed. "Please, just be careful, okay? Kaminari can be a bit... much, sometimes. He has a history and I don't want him to repeat that history with you, Y/N." His stare is much more intense now, and I feel something bubbling inside me, something I've worked so very hard to hide throughout the years. I sit up and straighten my shoulders, shooting an icy glare back in his direction.

"And what exactly do you mean by that, Tenya?" I ask him, folding my hands together on the top of my desk. "Well, I just don't want you to get hurt. I'm afraid you aren't going about this 'relationship' thing the right way," his sentence trails off, and shockwaves start to stretch underneath my skin, tingling my flesh as light dances across the skin on my chest. "The right way? You mean being with a guy who actually had the guts to ask me out?" I say, angry words flowing like bile out of my mouth at my friend.

"Y/N, you know he's a player, I know you've heard the rumors!" Iida says, raising his voice like a father would to a rebellious teenager. The electricity spreads up the skin of my throat, and I know he can see it. "They're just rumors, that's all they are. And beside, why do you even have a problem with it? Are you fucking jealous?" I ask, bitterness coating every word. His eyebrows furrow and his teeth clench, and I can tell this will end badly.

"You know I would have tried if I could! I have to pay close attention to my image as a hero and who I keep close to me-" I stopped listening. Oh, here we fucking go. "Your image? You don't have to lie to me, Iida. You and your family didn't want someone with a face like mine to be seen with such a prestigious family." The electricity dances within my pores and flows through my cheeks, tracing my eyelids and lips. I stand from my chair, opening my hands and pressing my fingertips to my desk. "Y/N, that's not it-" "Please leave, Iida."

"Y/N, I've loved you for years. Please just listen to me. I can give you so much, we can continue my family's legacy, we can live comfortably." He says, and I can see his eyes grow bloodshot and glossy. "Tenya, leave my office." I say, my head now bowed and my eyes closed. I hear him begin to speak again before getting up and turning the door knob. "Just... Please, be careful, Y/N." he says quietly before I hear the door shut behind him.

I watch as tears of my own frustration crash onto the wooden desk below me. I know that being a hero is the real hard part, but why does everything feel like a hassle for those around said heroes? I feel like every moment of my existence in the past few weeks has had a downfall; something to suck the happiness and laughter from my chest and remind me that nothing is easy, not even finding someone who matches your soul perfectly. Now I've lost a close friend and my own fucking privacy, and I can only imagine what else is yet to come.


L/N, F/N. QUIRK: SubShock - Electricity is produced under the skin and can be transferred to other electric-conducting entities including metals, electrical equipment, and those with electrical-based quirks. Strength of electric current is managed through the control of her emotions; strong emotions can produce more intense and visible currents.

QUIRK DOWNFALL(S): Unmanaged use of quirk caused by strong emotion can cause her to go into a fit of severe anger, depression, anxiousness, fatigue, etc. Quirk has also caused scarring to internal organs and permanent skin damage (scarring of skin). 


Hey everyone, I'm sorry for not updating all of my stories this week. Life got the best of me, and unfortunately I'm falling behind. I'll be back to normal again soon, I promise. I'm sorry for the delays! Just please take care of yourselves and remember that you are IMPORTANT! 

Much Love, 


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