part 25 - finale (part 1)

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Three years later...

I look at the ring on my left hand, turning the band with my thumb. I couldn't help but worry as my wedding date neared; there were so many components to the special day that I hadn't anticipated. Tablecloths, silverware, and other miscellaneous items I have never even considered suddenly mattered and added to my constant stress. I thought a color scheme and a dress were supposed to be my only worries, but here I am, sitting on my couch and overthinking.

My phone vibrates, and I read the message notification on the screen. Be home in 15, miss you <3. I can't help but smile at the text. Even after three years, multiple near-death experiences, and tons of taco Tuesdays, Kaminari still puts a smile on my face. His dumb jokes, his warm laugh, his cheerful aura, his bright smile, the way he sleeptalks, the way his heartbeat sounds like home; everything he is, is all I need.

I let my eyes close as I tilt my head back, letting the comfortable silence of my living room ease my tired mind. After what feels like only seconds, my phone vibrates again. Kaminari isn't usually one to double text, so you can imagine the surprise I feel when I see the name Tenya Iida light up my phone's screen. I am fully awake now, unsure whether I should open the message. Kaminari and I decided to invite him to the wedding, hoping that we could make amends with our distant friend.

My heart's pace quickens as I debate on whether I should read the message. I draw in a deep breath before unlocking my phone and staring at the screen. My anxious brain doesn't comprehend the words I'm seeing at first, so I refocus myself before diving into this conversation.

Tenya Iida


Hello, Y/N. I hope you are well. I received your wedding invitation awhile ago, but I was unsure how to respond for quite some time. I have come to my decision after some thinking. When we last spoke, I told Kaminari that I only want to see you happy, and I believe you have found that happiness within him. That being said, I would like to accept your invitation. Can I bring a plus one?

I release my breath that I didn't realize that I was holding, and decide that this was the best outcome possible. Wait, a plus one? I think to myself, smiling as I realize that he might be in a relationship. Seeing him happy with somebody else would hopefully make the entire encounter less tense, and it would ease Kaminari's nerves for sure. He always worries that Iida still harbors feelings for me and will someday make a move of some sort, but I've always doubted his theory. It's cute to see him jealous and protective, though.

Speak of the devil, my blonde fiancé walks through the door of our apartment, carrying a large bouquet of yellow roses. "Happy week-until-our-wedding day, babe!" He says, jogging over to where I'm seated on the couch. He plops himself down beside me and plants a soft kiss on my cheek, instantly causing my face to heat up. No matter how many times he shows me he loves me, I still feel butterflies in my stomach. "Awe, I love you." I say to him, lying my head on his shoulder. I look at the soft yellow petals of the flowers, and then at the face of my future husband.

We lock eyes, and I get lost in his gaze. His honey colored eyes hold flecks of hazel, and rays of a faint green toward the pupil. His irises look like sunflowers, or even the sun itself. They're such a fitting color; his personality is so bright and cheerful most of the time. I break the gaze to give him a kiss on the forehead, something that I know he loves. After I pull away, he looks at me and a smirk appears on his face. "What?" I ask him.

Seconds later, I'm tackled onto the other side of the couch, lying underneath Denki. "Ah, so comfy!" Kaminari coos, and I cough and wheeze as dramatically as I possibly can. "Denki you're squishing me, I'm gonna die!" I whine, and he rolls his eyes before planting kisses all over my face, which throws me into a giggling fit. He pushes himself up so he's hovering over me, and our faces are roughly a foot apart. A wide smile stretches across his face, and I can tell by how he's shifting his focus from each of my eyes that he's deep in thought. "What's on your mind, Sparky?" I ask, and he sighs.

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