part 16 - take cover!

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(I usually don't do time skips, but this one is to keep the plot moving. Also, this song came on as I was writing and I thought it would be a nice little throwback addition to this chapter. Thanks for reading! -Madds)

It's only been several days, but I think I'm falling for Y/N. I came to this conclusion when I flirted with her before dinner in the car the other day. I said something about not caring where we got dinner, as long as I was with her. That statement was entirely true, and I've never felt that way about anyone before, let alone anybody I had met a few days prior. Usually around that time of day, I'm ready for a nap, but I just wanted to keep spending time with her. She has my complete and total attention, and I don't even care.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, snapping me out of my Y/N-induced trance. I pull my phone out of my pocket and read the message notification on my screen,

Shinso- hey, can we talk about y/n real quick?

My stomach drops at the thought that what he wants to talk about is something bad, but I decide to give him a call right away, damning my anxious thoughts. I unlock my phone and press his contact, dialing his number immediately.

"Hey, Denki." A tired voice says on the other line. "Hey, Shinso. What's up?" I ask, trying hard not to seem nervous. He can't read my mind over the phone, right? "I was just checking in on how things were with y/n," He pauses, and I'm unsure whether I should speak or not. "She seems different." He says, point blank. "Oh... Different how?" I ask, feeling the pit in my stomach dropping lower and lower as the conversation continues.

"Truthfully, she seems more optimistic. Happier, even." He says, and I can feel the relief physically flow through my body. My shoulders become less heavy as I straighten my back, and my face is cemented into a smile. I hope I'm the reason. "So, that sounds like the opposite of a problem, right?" I say, and I can hear Shinso chuckle on the other line. "Yeah, I would say so. The only thing I'm worried about is that I want her to stay that way, understand? I know you wouldn't want to hurt her or anything, but she's my best friend." He says, and I choke down the jealousy I feel and try to not take his words as a threat.

"I understand that. I would never try to hurt her in any way, shape, or form. Honestly, I can tell she's something special already even though I've only known her for a few days. I'm just hoping she deals with me long enough that we can get even closer, y'know?" I say, sighing at the thought of her. "I'm glad you feel that way. Luckily, I know she feels the same-" Directly after Shinso speaks, I hear something hit close to the phone receiver on his end. "What the fuck?" I hear him whisper, and I hear a familiar voice in my phone speaker.

"Shin, you good?" I ask, and I think I know what's going on. "Yeah, I'm fine." He says, and it sounds like he's still struggling. "Dumb question, is someone with you?" I ask, trying not to come off as weird. "Um, sort of? Hey-" He says, and I know for sure I hear Y/N in the background. "Y/N, are you eavesdropping?" I ask into the phone, chuckling at the various crashing noises on the other line. "No!" I hear her say, then I hear Shinso whisper, "Shut the fuck up!" I can't help myself from laughing, but I can definitely hear a struggle on Shinso's end.

"You guys hang tight, I'm coming over. Y/N, don't beat him up too bad!" I say, and I hear Y/N laugh in my phone speaker. That laugh of hers is my new favorite song. "No promises, sparky! See you soon!" I hear her say before the line cuts off with a click. I grab my black coat and walk out of my room, down the stairs and into the garage. I start my car and start my drive over to Shinso's apartment, hoping that they're there.

I pull into Shinso's driveway and see his car there, and I sigh a breath of relief. I get out of my car and walk up to the door, deciding to skip the knocking and to walk straight straight in. I'm immediately met with Y/N grabbing onto me before shifting her entire body behind me, hiding herself from Shinso, who was chasing her. "Hey, be my meat shield! I'll pay you back for it later!" She says, peeking out around the side of my body. I reach down and rustle her hair, which makes her retreat entirely behind me. "Pay me back? How?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Oh, you'll see." She says, and I feel my face blush. Shinso stops his pursuit and points a finger to his open mouth, making a gagging sound. "You two are sickening. Now move so I can throw this pillow at that asshole." Shinso says, reeling his arm back and aiming a pillow toward my body. "Wait wait wait, why are you two beating the shit out of each other with pillows?" I ask, chuckling at the entire situation.

"Because he called you and was mean to you!" Y/N says, dodging the pillow that Shinso threw at her while she was talking. "I was not mean to him! I just wanted to make sure he was treating you well!" He yells, trying to find another thing to throw. "She started this!" He says, and I turn to look at Y/N. "Hey, he's just worried about you! I get it." I say, holding her adorable face in my hands as her eyes gaze up at me.

"You two are going down." He says, holding two massive couch cushions he had gotten from his living room sofa.

"Shit!" We both yell, clutching onto each other as we fall to the floor, laughing our asses off. 

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