part 14 - girl talk

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I wake up to the sound of the fire alarm going off, and surprisingly, I'm used to it at this point. I pull on my jeans from the day before, grab my phone, and walk out to the kitchen, where I see Sero and Kirishima through clouds of smoke. I smell burning food, and then I notice that the culprit is extremely crispy bacon in a frying pan that's billowing clouds of gray smoke. Kirishima is standing on a chair, trying to disarm the beeping smoke alarm that's on the ceiling.

    "Hey, dude! Want some bacon?" Sero asks, prodding the frying pan in my direction. "Nah, I think I'll pass. That looks like that one villain in the league, Donny? Robby? Davey? Something like that." I say, and Sero chuckles. "Suit yourself, crispy bacon is the best!" He says, and Kirishima manages to disarm the smoke alarm, and he almost falls as he gets off the chair. "I think it's a little more than crispy, bro." Kirishima says, and Sero shrugs. "Whatever, still edible!" Sero says.

    My phone vibrates in my back pocket, and I grab it instantly. I probably seem way too eager to talk to her, I think to myself. Oh well. I press the button on the side of my phone, and I have a few notifications. One from my mom, two from the hero agency, and one from Y/N. Naturally, because I'm a grade-A simp, I check the one from Y/N first.

charger lady

charger lady

good morning! hope you have a great day :)

Sparky McSparkPants

mornin! Right back atcha ;) how's work going??

    She's probably super busy, so I tuck my phone back in my pocket, making a mental note to text my mom back later. I grab a plate and take the pancake that's on top of the stack that Sero has made, and I drizzle maple syrup over it, way more generously than probably recommended. I don't mind Sero living here from time to time; he's a great cook and he'll often help pay the rent.

    "So, how was your time with Y/N last night?" Sero asks me, and I nearly choke on my bite of pancake. "Oh, y'know, it was good." I say, trying to play it cool and not make it totally obvious that I was falling for her. "Yeah, after I heard noises I skedaddled." Okay, this time, I totally did choke on my pancakes. Kirishima was cracking up, and Sero was just smiling like an idiot. I stopped coughing and glared at Sero, who winked at me in response.

    "Whoa, so you and Y/N hooked up?" Kirishima asks, and I hesitate before answering. "You could say that." I say, and he grins at me. "I can totally see you two together. She really helped you out during that battle the other day, that quirk of hers is something else." He says, and I am honestly happy that Kirishima is supportive of us. "She's pretty cool, she's a bit difficult to read, but I'm up for the challenge." I say, and Kirishima nods. "Yeah, she's tough on the outside, and a little bit tough on the inside, but she's real, ya know?" Kirishima says, and I arch my brow in confusion.

    "She's a little more harder to get to emotionally, ya know? She's not gonna be one you're gonna wanna fuck over." He warns, and I just shrug it off. "She could probably kick my ass, if that's what you're getting at." I say, and he chuckles. "Sort of. I'm glad you're happy, dude!" He says, punching me lightly on the arm. "So, how long have you known her?" I ask him, and he looks like he's thinking too hard for his own good.

"Well, I've known her since junior year of high school. She was always pretty quiet, but she was my study partner for a class we had together. She's wicked smart, probably the only reason I passed that class." Shit, maybe she's too smart for me then. Who knows, maybe dumb guys are her type. "That's cool, she's smarter than me, that's for sure." I say, and he sighs. "Don't sell yourself short, Denks. You're smart when it counts, my ass would have been toast without you the other day." He responds, and I smile.

"Oh well, enough about 'lil ol me, how are you and Bakugo?" I ask, and Kirishima's face flushes a deep pink. "U-uh, we're good. Still not official, he's afraid of the media, y'know? I don't blame him, people can be assholes." He says, and I can't even imagine what he's going through right now; I feel so bad. "I wish people would just let people love who they fucking love. It's none of their business anyway. Plus, who has the time to actually sit and be hateful about gay people anyway?" I say, and Kirishima and Sero both nod.

"If anyone ever gives you any kind of shit about you two dating, let me and Kaminari know. We'll kick their asses, and I'm sure Bakugo would, too." Sero says, and I nod in agreement. "Thanks guys, I just wish it wasn't an issue to begin with." He says, sighing. "Anyway, anyone on the radar for you, Sero?" Kirishima asks, and Sero shakes his head.

"Nah, not really. Still flying solo for now." He says, cracking his knuckles as he wrings his hands. "Sometimes that's the way to be, brother." Kirishima says, and I nod. "Just a matter of time, dude." I say right before finishing my plate of pancakes. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I grab it, seeing that the notification is from Y/N.

charger lady

charger lady

Kaminari, can you help me with something???

Sparky McSparkPants

sure thing, what's up?

charger lady

can you be at my office building in 10??

charger lady has shared her location with you.

Sparky McSparkPants

be there soon!



Hey! I recently published another Kaminari x Reader story, it's a Band AU called Managed Muse, you should check it out!
Much love,

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