part 20 - spiraling

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 Last week, after the ice cream shop date, after all the great moments with Y/N, the media started prying into my life. More specifically, my life with Y/N. Upon closer inspection of bystander video footage, the Hero Association is investigating whether Y/N 'charging' me up is a chargeable offense. Apparently, she 'used her quirk in a public crisis without a hero's license'. Their argument is that she didn't know how her quirk would react to me, and that she could have electrocuted me.

Honestly, I doubt this would have escalated if the girls we met at the ice cream shop wouldn't have posted the picture of them with Y/N and I. Once that was on the internet, I assume someone made the connection that the girl beside me in the photo was the girl helping me in the video. Soon as I saw the first magazine article about "Chargebolt's Mystery Woman", my agent called me and hounded me over the situation.

Y/N is acting like it doesn't bother her, but deep down, I know she's worried. She seems to be distancing herself from me, and honestly, it's killing me. I told her that even if she gets charged, my agency will handle it and so will I. She's worried about losing her job over the negative press coverage, and I feel awful about it. I know she knows it's not our fault, but I can feel this hanging over our relationship like a ton of bricks.

I can barely force myself to roll out of bed, but I have a meeting with my agent this morning regarding the current situation. I check my phone, and this is the third day in a row where I haven't gotten a good morning text from Y/N. I sigh as I type 'good morning!!' to Y/N, hoping that today is the day we can put this behind us. I also have a text from my agent reminding me about our meeting, but I've been thinking about it for days. At this point, I will do anything to make sure Y/N and I's relationship goes back to normal.

I walk over to my closet, pulling on the first shirt I see. I grab a pair of jeans and put them on, hoping that my agent isn't expecting me to look formal. I walk out of my bedroom and straight to the door, slipping on my sneakers and going down the stairs into my garage. I didn't have the appetite for breakfast, and I just wanted to get this meeting over with as soon as possible. I grab my keys and get in my car, taking a deep breath before I start on my way to the meeting that decides y/n and I's fate.


I walk into my agent's office, plopping down on the comfortable looking chair in front of his desk. His heavy-lidded gaze is fixed on the newspaper in his hand, and I can only hope that the article he's reading is not about me. I shift around and try to get comfortable, and decide to check my phone before he grills me. Still no texts from Y/N.

"She looks like a fuckin' villain, Denki." He says, still looking at the newspaper in his hand, not meeting my surprised gaze. "How?" I ask, still in shock at his bold statement. His glance switches over to me, glaring at me above his glasses, which are perched on the bridge of his nose. "Do I really have to explain?" He says, and I don't want to admit it, but I know what he's talking about. Her scar can make her look intimidating, but truthfully, she's the most caring and kind person I know.

"Looks are deceiving, Gary. You know that. She's great, and definitely not a villain. She's an accountant." I say, and he sighs, closing his eyes as he pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers. He looks at me with pity, his five o'clock shadow and worry lines on his face tell me that he may be as stressed about the situation as I am. The bags under his eyes really show his age, and he looks like he's been awake for days. I feel bad knowing that I'm the cause of his stress, but it's not like I did this on purpose.

"Look, Denks. You're a sweet kid and I know you have a good heart, but from the outside this looks like a forbidden hero-villain love story. You can tell me the truth and I'll believe you, but the tabloids are already runnin' in every direction with this shit." He says, and I sigh, knowing that he's right. The media doesn't care about the outcomes of their stories, they only care about making news and making money. I close my eyes and lean back in my chair, hoping that this is some sort of bad dream. I know it's not, but I just don't have the mental energy to handle a situation like this.

I lean forward and see that Gary is typing on his keyboard, then he glances up at me and stops typing. "So, I looked your girl up on the quirk database. You guys have the same quirk?" He says, turning the monitor so it's facing me. The screen in front of me shows a picture of a younger Y/N, her face stoic in the camera's flash. Her scar is more fresh in this picture, and the redness is saturated against her skin. I read the information beside her picture, which tells me some information which I already know, and some that surprises me.

Under the 'Family Bloodline' section, her parents' names were in red font. "Who are her parents?" I ask Gary, and he turns the monitor back toward himself. He does some clicking, and his eyes grow wide. "No shit." He says, and I feel my heart rate quicken anxiously. "They were old clients of mine. They passed away when she was real young, I didn't even recognize her. I haven't seen her since she was maybe three years old." He says, and I feel my heart grow heavy. She's only mentioned her parents a few times, and it never occured to me that they may have been dead. "Shit." I say out loud, meaning to say it internally.

"Yeah. Kid's had a rough life, her parents were good people." Gary says, rubbing his forehead with his hand. He looks deep in thought, and he looks at me as he releases the longest sigh I've ever heard. "So, you're really sure she's not a villain? 'Cause honestly, this backstory with that scar? No wonder the press is stirring shit up." He says, and I nod. "I'm positive she's not. When she was with me at that battle, she was helping me." I say, and he looks at me, confused.

"Don't you guys have the same quirk?" He says, and I shake my head. "Her's is under the skin. Mine can be projected outward. She can transfer electricity from object to object, but can't attack freely like I can." I say, and I can practically see the gears turning in his head. "So, you're telling me she transferred electricity to you when you short circuited?" He says, and I nod my head. "Yup. Charged me right up." I say, and his mouth opens in surprise, before he shakes his head and smiles. "Ain't that just nice. You kids and your quirks are crazy, you know that?" He says, and I chuckle.

He continues clicking around on the page and typing on his keyboard, and we sit in silence while I let him work. His brow is knitted in concentration, and I don't want to distract him. He eventually swivels his chair so he's facing me, and he looks at me with such an intensity that I can feel it in my soul. "Listen, kid. I would tell you to just drop this lady and to move on with your life, but her parents were dear to me, okay?" He says, and I nod my head frantically. "I'm gonna try and help you clear this up. We're gonna say that it was heat of the moment and she wasn't using her quirk for harm, it was quick-thinking first aid. They don't have enough information or footage to make an argument against us, I don't think." He says.

I feel a weight lift off of my shoulders, and I want to climb over the top of the desk and hug the old man sitting on the other side. "Gary, I love you." I say, and he glares at me over his glasses. "I think we should just be friends, kid. Anyway, I can't guarantee anything, you know that. I think I can get this taken care of, though. Go tell your girl, I'm sure she'll be relieved." He says, and I practically jump out of my chair, smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you so much, Gary!" I say, checking my phone quickly before leaving his office.

I stop in my tracks. Several notifications light up my screen, and I feel my heart sink as I read them.

7 missed calls from Y/N.

1 voicemail from Y/N.

3 message notifications from charger lady.

charger lady

charger lady

hey, we really need to talk.

charger lady

denki these people followed me to work, this

is fucking insane please come over here ASAP,

i need help

charger lady

i don't know if i can do this anymore... 

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