chapter 4 - the talk

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chapter 4 - the talk


I grab his hand and lead him to the kitchen. Whatever worries I had about people seeing him and I together have disappeared; I'm having fun that I never usually have and I've decided that I deserve it. I grab a bottle of vodka by the bottle's neck and pour the blonde and I a shot, which we take in unison. He holds up a peace sign, which I return, a little confused. He busts out laughing.

"No, darling, another round. Two more shots." He says, holding up the peace sign again. I rolled my eyes at the pet name, but I secretly liked it. I poured us another round, this time grabbing the whiskey that was closest to me. We take the next round of shots, and afterward Denki sticks out his tongue and groans. "Dis-GUS-ting. I'm calling corporate." Denki says while he makes his hand into a phone gesture. "Hello, CEO? I'd like to file a complaint about your most beautiful employee." He says, winking at me. I push his hand away from his ear, ending his 'phone call', and fall forward.

He catches me, but now my face is in with direct contact with his chest, and I feel his arms wrap around me. I look up, and my gaze meets his. Our faces are barely inches apart, and I feel my face heat up. "Falling for me, are we?" he says, winking down at me. "I suppose." I roll my eyes. I detach from him, but his arms remain wrapped around me. "So, wanna go sit on the front porch?" He asks, still looking down at me. Everyone is either on the back porch or in the house, so I figure that the front porch would give us some privacy. I nod and he grabs my hand and leads me to the door.


We arrive outside, and we see some cameras flashing. Bakugou is talking to some fans or paparazzi, I'm not sure which. I worry for a split second, but I quickly realize that there's no reason to since they aren't taking pictures of me. Denki sees me looking at Bakugou and the group of photographers, and he pokes me in the arm. "Not a fan of fame?" he asks. I shake my head. "I don't know. My parents were heroes and were in the news a lot, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. Also, I don't know if my hero friends want to be seen around me." I say. He looks at me, looking confused.

"Why wouldn't we want to be seen with you?" he asks. I look at him, wondering how to respond. I didn't want to get too personal too quickly, I had just really met him today. But hey, screw it, I can blame the liquid courage later. "You really think I'd want pictures taken of me with a face like mine?" I asked him, completely serious. He looks at me, eyes wide. After a few silent seconds, he speaks.

"You know, you are more than just what you look like. You have some scars, sure, but that's not you. You're really way more than that, but you let that one insecurity determine how you approach things. Why?" He asks. I'm not entirely sure how to respond, truthfully. "Wasn't the first thing you noticed about me my scars?" I ask him. "Not necessarily. The first thought I had when I saw you was that you were absolutely gorgeous, then I noticed that you had scars like mine. Then I thought, if she's that beautiful even with her scars, then maybe mine are equally as beautiful." He says, and I can tell that he's completely serious.

He walks up to me, mere inches away from where I'm standing. I look up into his golden eyes, then his hand reaches up to my face slowly, and it rests on the side of my face. His thumb traces over the scars on my face, causing my face to heat up. "As if I'd let something as silly as appearance drive me away from knowing you." He smiled down at me, and this is the first time that I've noticed that he's about a foot taller than me. (A/N listen I'm 5'2 and I'm sorry if y'all are on the tall side, I imagine that Denki becomes taller as he gets older)

"Is this the part where you kiss me?" I ask him. Now his face is the one to get red. "Hm, can't, I'm saving myself for marriage." He says. I roll my eyes. "What a gentleman." I say. "Can't help it, I've been drinking my Respect Women juice lately." He smirks. "Ya know Denki, I think I'm starting to hate you." I say, laughing. "I think I can change that." He says as he leans down, his lips meeting mine.

A spark travels between our mouths, and I can feel electric currents spread over my cheeks. His lips are soft and inviting, and his mouth moves in sync with mine, and I will admit that he's definitely good at this. I eventually pull away and stare up at him. "What about waiting until marriage?" I asked, and I could see electricity dance over his face; over the bridge of his nose and down his shoulders, then travel down his arms and encircle his hands. He's electrified, but I can't feel it. I start wondering whose electric it is.

"Huh, so we gotta either get married or I gotta go confess my sins immediately!" he says, winking at me. "Okay then, where's the nearest church?" I ask him. "I don't know, but if I told you that my body is a church, would you get down on your knees?" He asked, a smirk appearing on his lips. I roll my eyes so hard, I'm pretty sure he can almost hear it. "So, I'm not gonna lie, I sort of have the munchies, and parties aren't really my thing, and I'd really like to get to know you somewhere that isn't freezing." Denki says, and I smile. "I can help you with the snacks part, I don't care for parties either, and I know just the place!" I say as I turn around and grab his hand, leading him back into the house.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying this! It's my first MHA story and my first story on Wattpad specifically (I used to use and I can't wait to add more chapters and write more stories. Let me know what other characters you'd like to read about! Personally, Kaminari is my favorite (obviously), but I'd love to write about other characters!

Much Love!


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