chapter 9 - the car (the battle - part 2)

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a/n: prepare for some *slight* spice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

enjoy <3


"Bakugou, are you okay?!" I yell over my shoulder as I attempt to electrocute the villain that stands in front of me. He looks like a regular dude; his outfit looks like street clothes, but that very well might be so he can conceal his quirk easily. My electricity makes him collapse onto his knees, and even though he's hurt, he's using his quirk to lift a piece of rubble. The large piece of pavement comes flying at me, and I dodge, feeling woozy. It crashes onto the ground and crumbles, and I notice that the villain appears to be unconscious.

"Kirishima! Can you restrain this douchebag?" I yell. "On it!" The red head replies, and I run toward Bakugou. I feel myself get even more lightheaded, and Bakugou and the stone villain are coming closer into view. I'm still running, but my legs feel like jelly. My vision twists, and I'm almost to Bakugou. If I could just use my quirk one more time, I could help him...

"Get down, idiot!" I heard him yell, and then everything went black.


My dark, dead silence was interrupted by what felt like pins and needles spreading throughout my body. The feeling started at my hands, then worked its way up my body. I've never felt anything like it; it wasn't unpleasant, but it definitely felt different. Suddenly, a jolt of energy fills my body and my eyes fly open.

The first thing my eyes see is her concerned expression, so I smile to let her know that I'm okay. God, this woman is incredible. I think to myself. I want to tell her exactly that, but all I can manage is "Hey, you." She giggles, and I love seeing her smile. "Hey, sparky. Listen, I would love to lay here with you and everything, but it's kind of a shit show right now." shey says, and I look to where Kirishima and Bakugou are fighting a lava villain. "Holy shit, I gotta go! We'll talk about this later." I say as she helps me to my feet, and I sprint off to help my friends.

When I reach the scene, I can tell that the lava monster is getting exhausted. I'm full of energy, so I'm ready to attack. I make eye contact with Bakugou, and he nods at me. We both run toward the villain as fast as we can, and once I hear Bakugou's explosion, I slam the villain with two million volts. The giant magma villain collapsed with a noise that sounded like some sort of broken dog toy, and his body solidified into rock. His chest was rising and falling, so he was still alive; just knocked out.

I walked over to the villain and restrained his hands behind his back while Kirishima called the authorities, and several officers who had already heard about the situation began to load the villains into their vehicles. I looked over to my friends, and both of them were clearly exhausted. None of us were hurt too badly, which is a relief. The area was pretty damaged, but there were already a few damage control officers inspecting the damage. I hear quick footsteps approaching behind me, and I turn around to see Y/N jogging toward me.

She is close enough for me to touch, so that's what I do. I pull her into a hug and lift her off the ground. She's very well the only reason I was able to help in this fight, and I hope she knows that. Her face is nuzzled into my shoulder and neck area, and I hear her mumble something, and her voice is muffled by my shirt. I chuckle at the sounds, because she sounds really funny, like her mouth is full of marshmallows. "What was that?" I ask her, lifting my head and turning my face to look down at her. "I said that I'm glad you're okay, silly." She says as she lifts her face from my shirt. I let her feet touch the ground as I lower her, and we're looking straight at each other now. I hear a camera shutter click! and I look over to a group of people who I can only assume are press, and I roll my eyes.

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