part 21 - all i needed

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My heart drops, and I feel nausea crash over me like a wave. Tears prick my eyes, and I blink them away as quickly as possible. I don't have time to cry, I have to get to Y/N before things get worse than they already are. I wave goodbye to my agent and run out to my car, ignoring the stares I'm getting from the other staff members. I sprint to the parking lot and practically jump into my car, buckling up as quickly as possible before slamming my car into gear.

I drive over the speed limit the entire way there, hoping there aren't any police around. I finally see Y/N's office building, and I notice that there are news vans parked outside. Cameras are flashing, and I feel my heart rate quicken as I expect the worst. I park my car in what I hope is a parking spot and run toward the building entrance, where I see a very angry Y/N. I've never seen her truly upset before, but I can't help but gawk at what I see in front of me.

Roughly ten feet away, Y/N is trying to shield her face and body away from the press. Her skin is aglow with golden electricity, but it's under her skin. Her veins are illuminated with a power more than familiar to me, and I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now. Her flesh lights up the more flustered she becomes, and she's trying her hardest to keep her composure as the press floods her with questions. Without a second thought, I run up to her and stand in front of her. She looks up at me, her eyes filled with worry and panic. You have to do something, idiot!

"Everyone, please back away! Give her some space!" I say, trying to be as polite as possible; shit could get even worse if I'm perceived as a 'rude' hero. I turn toward the crowd, lifting my arms out to keep the press from getting any closer to Y/N. The cameras keep flashing, and the chaos is attracting more people. I back up, making Y/N walk backward toward the office building. "Let's go inside!" I say to Y/N, and she bolts toward the revolving doors of her building.

We rush toward the elevators, hoping that nobody follows us. So far, only one person with a camera has entered the building. He's looking around the lobby, so I assume that he didn't see us get in the elevator. The elevator doors close, and I finally breathe a sigh of relief. I look over to Y/N, who is breathing heavily and is still visibly shaken up. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, and she shakes her head. I open my arms, not wanting to overstep my boundaries and make sure she's okay with being held.

Thankfully, she falls into my arms almost immediately. She draws in deep breaths as I rub my hand down her back, pulling her close. The elevator chimes, signaling that we've made it to her floor. She lets go of me, and she straightens her long coat before walking out into the lobby of her floor, leading me to her office. She unlocks the door, and draws the blinds in her office so we're in complete privacy. She plops down onto her desk chair and I sit across the dest from her, watching her as she closes her eyes and sighs heavily.

"All I wanted was to take my fucking lunch break." She says, her eyes still closed. She leans forward and leans her elbows on her desk, massaging her temples slowly with her fingertips. "I'll order lunch in, okay? Me and the pizza guy are tight, he'll be lowkey about it, I promise." I say, and she glares at me. "Don't fight me on this, it's my treat." I say, and she sighs. "Thank you, Denki." She says, and I'm just glad she's still calling me by my first name. "Does the press ever stop?" She asks, and I shrug.

"Honestly? Not really. There are ways to appease them, though." I say, and she raises an eyebrow at me as she leans back in her chair. "Well, sneaking around like this is going to give them motive to pry into our shit. So, we need to come out as a couple officially, or, well..." I trail off, not even wanting to think about the worse option. "Or we call it quits." She says, and that sinking feeling in my stomach makes another appearance. "Yeah." I say, trying hard not to show my emotions. I don't want to sway her decision either way; I'm not going to convince her to do something she doesn't want to do.

"So, what do we do?" She asks, and I feel my stomach turn. I'm not here to persuade her to stay, but I'm not here to lie to her about my feelings either. "Honestly? Y/N, I've had the best time with you so far, and holy shit, if the rest of my life is filled with having fun with you? I'll die a happy man. In such a short time, you've shown me that being myself isn't so bad, and being myself with you is even better." I say, pausing to take a breath and collect myself, blinking away tears as they pool in my eyes.

"Y/N, I'm not here to beg you to be with me. I'm not going to force you to love me or be with me, that's entirely up to you. I respect that you had a whole life before me, and the whole 'dating-a-hero' lifestyle is definitely not the best thing in the world. What I can tell you, though, is that the media coverage gets more tolerable. Things do get better. If they don't, you bet your dumptruck ass that I'll do everything in my power to make it better." I say, my voice cracking. She smiles and rolls her eyes. Thank god.

After a few seconds of silence, Y/N leans forward and locks gazes with me. "Denki, I really thought hard today about all of this. It's going to be a shit show for awhile, yeah?" She says, and I shrug, then nod. "Right. Anyway, even if it is rough for awhile, it's all worth it." She says, standing up from her chair and walking over to me. I stand up, and now I'm mere inches away from Y/N. "Denki, I'm willing to do anything for you. We stick together through this clusterfuck. That's what we do." She says, and I lean down and kiss her, her soft lips on mine easing every anxious thought I had in the past few days.


Hey guys! 

I HAD to update this one twice in one week, I hated leaving y'all on a cliffhanger like the last chapter. Also, I just wanted to mention how thankful I am for all of your support- this story has 5k+ reads! (it may not be much to some, but I've never had any of my stories get this many readers!) I love each and every one of you, and you guys are the reason I keep doing this and have the motivation to keep writing. I'd love to get to know all of you more, so I have a question: What's your favorite anime? Mine is probably Prison School, but I love MHA, Naruto, and Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? 

Thanks for reading! 



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