part 17 - seeing stars (nsfw)

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CW: | NSFW, smut, choking, lemon, ripping of clothing |

 I make sure that I fall with Y/N's body on top of mine so I don't crush her, and luckily, we were able to fall pretty softly onto a bean bag chair. She pushes herself up and hovers over me, leaning down to kiss me on the forehead. "Thanks for the save, Denki!" She says before getting up and standing, holding her hands in the air in surrender. I follow suit, and Shinso drops the pillows in his hands. "Alright, we'll call a truce." He says, and I can't help but laugh. "You guys are something else, that's for sure." I say, and Y/N punches me softly on the arm.

"So, you good if I steal you for the night?" I ask Y/N, and she nods. "Hey Shinso, I'm gonna head out with Kaminari. See ya later!" She says, grabbing her coat and bag. I lead us out the door and to my car, and she looks me in the eyes after I start my car. "Can we go somewhere?" She asks, and I'm curious, so I nod. "Okay, take the highway down until we hit the next town over." She says, and I nod. "Yes ma'am." I say, and she rolls her eyes. "So where are we going?" I ask her, and I take my eyes off of the road long enough to see her smirk.

"Someplace that I think you'll love." She says, and now she has really piqued my interest. We continue driving down the highway, and I see the exit for the next town over. "Where to now, captain?" I ask, and she points to a dirt road only about a mile off of the exit. "Really?" I ask, knowing that my car is going to get dirty. The road doesn't even have lines! "Yep! You'll see." She says, and I drive slowly down the back road.

We continue driving down the lane, which goes into a thick patch of woods. The road is barely a road anymore, and I thank my lucky stars that my car has all wheel drive. "Okay, go ahead and park." She instructs, and I pull my car into the first opening I see in the trees. She immediately gets out of the car, and I hurry up so I can walk with her. She grabs my hand, pulling me toward an opening in the tree line.

I am speechless at the sight that is in front of me. She has led me to a massive hill, which has a perfect view of the city below. The stars are starting to appear in the darkening sky above us, and I can't help but lose myself in the perfect atmosphere. The air is cool around us, and the scent of pine hangs in the air. I feel her grip tighten on my hand, and she releases it so she can sit on the ground below us. I take a seat beside her, not even bothered by the fact that we haven't spoken to each other since we've arrived.

"This is absolutely incredible." I say to her, unsure of what else to say. "It's one of my favorite places. I'm just glad I can show it to my favorite person." She says, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Do you mean that? Or do you bring everyone here?" I ask, and she rolls her eyes. "Yes, I mean it. And no, you and Shinso are the only two people I've brought here." She says, attitude present in her voice. "Hey, I didn't mean to set you off." I say, and she sighs. "It's okay, I just don't know why you think I've brought everyone I've ever been with here." She says, and I understand her point.

The darkness above us grows more intense, the moon hanging in the sky like a beacon for the stars. She leans her head on my shoulder, and I lay my head on top of hers. "You know what, Y/N?" I say, and she runs her thumb over my knuckles. "What, Denki?" She asks softly. "I've never met anyone quite like you. You were like, made for me, y'know?" I say, and I feel myself blush at the words coming out of my own mouth.

"You know what, Denki? I feel the same exact way." She says, and I lift my head off of hers, making her pick her head up off of my shoulder. I grab her chin gently and tilt her face up toward mine. Her E/C eyes reflect the stars above us, and I lean in and let my lips show her all of the things I'm too flustered to say. She kisses me back, her mouth soft against mine. I move my hand from her chin up onto the side of her face, holding onto her as if she would just float away into the night sky.

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