part 12 - incredible

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 He clumsily hands me a tissue from his nightstand to clean off with, which I take from him and use to clean myself off after he removes his belt from my wrists. We both lie there, our chests rising and falling with our heavy, exhausted breathing. He turns his head toward me, and I meet his gaze. Our faces are about a foot apart, and his mouth curls into a smile. "Wow. Just... That was insane." He says, and I can't help but chuckle. "Yeah, you aren't wrong." I say, running my hand through my hair, knowing that it looks like a mess.

He sits up and grabs our clothes off of the floor, putting them on the bed. He pulls his underwear and pants on, but leaves himself shirtless. I grabbed my clothes and put them on, not exactly sure what to do next. He lies back on the bed, and I meet his gaze, raising my eyebrow at him. Suddenly, he pulls me down with him, hugging me close to his side. "Sorry, you just looked lonely on that side of the bed." He says, nuzzling into my side. I snuggle into him, moving him so the side of his head is lying on my chest. I run my hand through his hair, amazed at how soft it is.

"Ugh, I could lay like this foreverrrrr." He says, and I smile at his sweetness. "You know, you aren't so bad in bed. I thought you were all talk." I tease, even though it's the truth. "Well, thank you! You aren't so bad yourself, you know. And trust me, I don't just talk myself up, I know how to back up my statements." He says, his head not moving from my chest. I scratch my nails lightly against his head, and I hear a pleasant moaning come from the blonde. I let my hands trail down his neck as I scratch, and I can tell he's enjoying this.

I stop what I'm doing, and he props his chin up on my chest so he can look at me. "So, what do you say we get out of this bed and you let me treat you to dinner?" He says, and I smile. "How about I head out for now and we can talk later about that? I need to feed Hades anyway." I respond, and I see a look of disappointment in his eyes, but he covers it well. "Oh, okay! That's fine, can I at least give you a ride home?" He asks, and I nod. "Great!" He says, climbing off of me and the bed and picking up the shirt that had fallen to the floor and putting it on.

"Ready, gorgeous?" He asks, reaching a hand out to help me off the bed. I take his hand and stand up beside him, and I once again notice the height difference between us. He's definitely grown since high school, I think to myself. He keeps a hold on my hand as he leads us out of his room and toward the living room, where Sero is napping peacefully on the couch. We descend the stairs into the garage and he opens the passenger side door for me. I sit in his car, remembering what happened last time we were in here together.

He enters the car and starts it, and I hear the engine roar to life. He shifts his car and backs out of the garage, and I can't keep my mind from racing. I'm not sure why, but I feel almost awkward, like someone who unexpectedly fucked their high school crush years after they graduated. I shift in my seat, and Denki glances over toward me. "You okay?" he asks, and he sounds genuinely concerned. "Yeah, I'm good, I'm just thinking." I say, and I hope I don't sound dramatic. "Oh, okay, cool. Whatcha thinking about?" He asks, smirking at me.

I freeze, wondering how to respond. Time for a cheap cop-out. "Oh, nothing really." I say. He raises an eyebrow, his eyes focused on the road in front of him. "Hm, okay. How about this, if you be honest with me and tell me what you're thinking about, I'll tell you what I'm thinking about. Deal?" He says, and I roll my eyes. "Sure, but I know you're thinking about food, so it's not a fair deal." I joke with him, and he chuckles. "Now, Y/N, that usually is the case, but not this time. You can tell me whatever you want, but if not, no biggie, okay?" He says, and I nod. Here goes nothing.

"Well, uh, not gonna lie, I've known about you for awhile, Denki." I say, and his face twists into a confused expression. "We both went to UA, and honestly, I might have had a teeny weenie itsy bitsy crush on you." You confess to him, and he smiles in a way you've never seen him before. "That's why you looked so familiar!" He says, the smile still plastered across his face. "Yeahhhh, and I guess I was just thinking about how funny it was that we ran into each other later in life and... yeah." You say, referring to the intimate moments you two had shared in the past couple of days.

He opens his mouth like he's about to say something, but then he stops himself. He sits in silence for a few moments, and you start to worry. He probably doesn't feel the same way and I screwed all of this up. Shit. "Okay, my turn." He says, jamming the gear shift into park, and you realize you are in the parking spot in front of your apartment. "I've been thinking about you, obviously. And I've been thinking about my past and how I was, and how I want to be. Honestly, if you were anyone else, we would have hooked up and I would have never seen you again." He sighs and takes a breath, and you're unsure where he's going with this.

"I haven't done anything like that in awhile, I mean that. My last one-night-stand was, like, months ago. That's how I was; bring her home, fuck her senseless, then she leaves right after. No strings. Nothing." He says, and I feel my skin blush at his vulgar bluntness. "But, here's where my 'now' comes in." He says, unbuckling his seat belt and turning toward me. Our gazes meet, and his golden eyes are filled with some sort of emotion, but I can't tell what.

"Y/N, you're different. Like, 100% different. Shit, I haven't even thought about anyone let alone anything else since we've been hanging out. These past few days have been unreal, dude." He says, and he's totally right; I feel the same way. "Since I saw you at Shinso's party, I thought you were something, uh, special? I guess that's the right word." He says as he reaches an arm back to rub his neck. "I looked at you, and I saw someone like me. And I'm not talking about similar interests, but like everything. You understand my body unlike anyone I've ever met. You and I are literally almost the same." He says, and I feel fluttering in my stomach.

"What I'm saying is that I don't want to let this be a one-time thing, Y/N." he says, looking downward. "I want to see you again. I want to see where this goes. I want to learn more about you, because honestly, you aren't like the girls in the past. You're something that I don't want to let go of." His eyes meet mine yet again, and I can tell that he's anxious, but passionate. He's telling the truth.

"You're incredible." I mumble, and he cocks his head to the side. "What was that?" He says, and I unbuckle my seat belt. I reach my hands up and hold his face, turning so I'm facing him. I lean forward so our faces are only inches apart. "I said that you're incredible." I say, and I see his eyes wander frantically over my face before his hands reach up to hold my face as I'm holding his. He pulls me into him and our lips connect, sparking at the contact.

He is truly incredible.

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