part 22 - engulfed

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Y'all I'm just gonna let you know that this chapter is a little bit filthy, just a smidge. 

As always- much love,


Denki's lips on mine feel gentle, yet passionate. Every doubt, every worry, every single one of the dark thoughts I had in the past day are being erased with every kiss. I feel his hands reach up and cradle my cheeks, and my stomach flips at his soft touch. His love language is definitely touch, I think to myself. The fact that he was willing to fix everything so quickly without a second thought confirms what he said the night we were stargazing. And honestly? I love him, too.

Suddenly, I feel his body press against mine. His body is warm and comfortable, yet tall and strong; he is my safety. I have never felt so drunk on someone, and it's like I could never get enough of him. I reach my arms up and link my hands together once they meet at the back of his neck. We push further into each other, the kiss deepening as his tongue grazes my bottom lip. I invite him to continue by letting the tip of my tongue swirl around his, and he lets his tongue explore.

I feel his tongue swipe across the back of my front teeth, and the tickling sensation makes me smile against his mouth. I unlock my hands and reach one into his hair, letting my fingers rake through his soft blonde locks. A thought pops into my head, and I decide to kick this makeout session up a notch. Opening my eyes and looking around quickly to make sure nobody on my office floor can see us, I decide to make my move. Letting my fingers grasp at the roots of his hair, I pull it tightly. And hard.

Denki growls a low moan into my open mouth before pulling away. "Lock the door." He orders, staring down at me with an intense look in his eyes. I listen, and quickly walk over to the door and lock it. Before I can turn back to Denki, my body is flipped so I'm facing him and not the door. My back is pressed against the wooden door, and I can feel the cold surface through my clothes. His arms are pinned on either side of the door beside my face, and his golden eyes are locked in my gaze.

"Take off your shirt. Now." He commands, and the look in his eyes tells me I shouldn't disobey him. I do as he asks, grabbing the hem at the bottom of my shirt and lifting it upward and off of my body. "D-Denki, what if we get caught?" I mutter, and his face remains still. "Everyone is on their lunch breaks. I wouldn't care if we got caught, anyway." He says, staring at my chest. He reaches behind my back and unhooks my bra quickly, letting it fall to the floor with a soft thud.

"Get on your knees, princess." My stomach flips at his words, and I listen immediately. I fall to my knees, and run my hands down his stomach and thighs, letting my nails rake against his clothes. I fiddle with the button on his pants and unzip them, slowly dragging them down his legs. Goosebumps appear where my hands touched his legs, and his erection is visible through the thin fabric of his black underwear.

I rub and stroke his dick through the fabric, letting myself tease him in hopes for some more rough punishment. I grab the waistband of his boxers and start to pull them down, but his hand moves down and tightly grips my wrist. "Are you always so impatient, love?" he growls, and I feel my mouth water at the anticipation of taking him. Releasing my wrist, he pulls his boxers down to reveal his length. Fuck, I've missed this.

My hand wraps around the base of his shaft, stroking gently and slowly as I draw him into my mouth, circling my tongue around his tip and collecting a bead of precum as I close my mouth around him. I push myself forward and drag my tongue underneath his entire length, earning a small moan from him. I open my eyes and look up at him, and his long blonde locks frame his face perfectly.

Upon looking at him, his hand moves to the back of my head, and he gently pushes me forward, urging me to take in more of his throbbing length. "Be a good girl, you can do it princess." He says, and my eyes water as his tip touches the back of my throat. Suppressing a gag, I suction my cheeks to add more pleasure. This obviously works, because I see Denki's eyes roll back in euphoria. His hand remains on the back of my head, pushing and pulling me on and off of him, and I feel my sex growing needier.

His movements are becoming more erratic, and I can tell that he's close to the edge. He pulls himself out of my mouth, a string of saliva connecting my bottom lip to the head of his dick. He smirks down at me, and I can tell that I'm going to get absolutely railed by this god of a man. "You're such a good little slut, aren't you?" He says, grabbing my arm right underneath the shoulder and lifting me up. We have less than a foot in height difference, but right now it feels like he's towering over me. He kisses my forehead quickly before lifting me up and carrying me to my desk.

He sits my ass down on the edge of my desk, and he stands between my legs. He reaches between my legs and rips the button and zipper of my pants open, and practically tears my good work slacks off. "Hey, those were nice pants!" I lean forward and whisper in his ear, and he groans. "I can always buy you a new pair of fucking pants." He says, leaning down and peppering my exposed neck and collarbone with small kisses. He bites my sensitive skin, and I moan, possibly too loud. His hand flies up and covers my mouth.

"Y/N, you know I love hearing that beautiful voice of yours, but I need you to be quiet." He whispers into my ear, his hand firm over my mouth. I nod, and try to contain my noises as he continues kissing down my chest. He kisses down to my breast, and takes my nipple in between his teeth and pulls it into his mouth, his tongue swirling over the hardened area. His hand is still covering my mouth, so my moans are muffled against his palm.

Releasing my nipple, he moves his mouth downward and removes his hand from my mouth, only to rip off my underwear. "Those were expensive!" I whisper-yell, and his marigold colored eyes pierce into my gaze. "Trust me, I'll buy you whatever you want, baby. Expensive isn't a word you should care about." He says, letting his hips lean forward into mine as I teeter on the edge of my cold desk.

He kisses me quickly before lining himself up with my entrance, and he looks into my eyes as an approval for him to wreck me. I nod, and he covers my mouth back up with his hand. Suddenly, he slams his entire length into me all at once, and I cry out and my moans are only muffled by his hand. He lets himself take in the feeling of my walls clenching tightly around him before pulling out of me entirely. He plunges himself back in, creating a rhythm with every hard thrust into my core. "So fuckin' pretty, aren't you?" He says, moving his hand down to my neck and gripping the sides of my throat.

His eyes meet mine, my half-lidded gaze locking with his. He smirks and thrusts harder, and my breath hitches in response. "Fuck," I hear him mumble under his breath, and the knot in my abdomen grows tighter as I get closer to my release. His thrusts become more uneven, and he snakes his hand up to the back of my head and grabs a fistful of my hair. (A/N: I'm sorry if you don't have hair/too little hair to grab, I'm basing this off of myself) He jerks my head back so he can maintain eye contact as he finishes.

"Fuck, y/n," He moans, pounding into me as hard as he possibly can, his breathing becoming heavier. "You fucking slut, my little fuckin' whore." He continues, and my vision begins to go white as my walls convulse around him. "You're fucking mine, y/n." He moans as I feel his cum fill me, my walls pulling his seed further into my core. I'm left panting as he continues riding out his high, and the overstimulation is becoming too much for me to handle.

The knocking on the door really ruins the mood. 

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