part 19 - official

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 We arrive at my favorite ice cream shop, and I can't stop smiling. I thought I majorly fucked up back there, but her reassurance has made the entire situation better somehow. I do actually love her, but I definitely didn't mean to say it that early on. She could have freaked out or straight up left, but she didn't. She said that we'd get there, which is the next best thing to saying it back. Honestly, I'd wait forever for her.

We get out of the car and walk over to the ordering window, hand-in-hand. There are a few people in front of us in line, and I see Y/N squinting as she tries to read the menu board. I already know what I'm ordering, and I can't wait to share it with Y/N. I turn to her and watch as she leans forward, still trying to read the damn board. I chuckle at her, and she turns her head to glare at me.

"What's so funny?" She asks, and I keep giggling. "I think you need glasses; if you tried squinting any harder your eyes would probably be closed." I say, and she rolls her E/C eyes at me. She continues reading the board, and then she stops squinting and smiles, finally making her decision. We walk forward as the line shortens, getting closer to the sliding windows where the employees take orders.

After about five minutes of waiting, it's our turn to order. "Hello, what can I get for you two?" A friendly girl asks us from the other side of the open window. I look at Y/N, and she takes that as a cue to order first. "I'll get two scoops of (favorite flavor) ice cream, please!" She says, and the teenage girl scribbles down her order on a tiny notepad. The girl looks at me, and I smile at her. "And I'll get a large chocolate banana milkshake!" I say, and she scribbles my order under Y/N's on her notepad.

"Alright, we'll have that right out for you!" The same girl says to me after I pay her for our ice cream, leaving a $10 tip in the jar on the windowsill. Y/N and I walk over to the pickup window, waiting behind another couple who look like they're on their first date.

"Did you see the battle downtown the other day? The damage was crazy! But I guess it could always be worse." One of the girls in front of us says, and I notice her hair is bright green, and it bobs with her enthusiastic speaking. The other girl that is with her nods her head, her silver earrings jingling as she moves. "Yeah, it was crazy! I heard there was a non-hero involved; isn't that illegal?"

I nudge Y/N's arm and tilt my head toward the girls in front of us. Y/N's eyes grow wide at their conversation, and although I feel nosy, I can't help it when I know people are talking about me. "I don't know, but she was helping ChargeBolt so I'm not sure if that counts, y'know? Must be some kind of healing quirk." The girl with the earrings says, and I look over to Y/N. "Nope, guess again." Y/N mumbles, rolling her eyes. I can't help but chuckle at her annoyance, knowing that her quirk was far from being able to heal things.

The employee calls out the order of the couple in front of us, so they grab their ice cream from the window and we move forward. As the two girls walk past, the one with green hair stops in her tracks. She looks at me, and I can only hope this goes smoothly. "Hey, aren't you ChargeBolt?" She asks, and I smile and nod. "Yep, sure am!" I say, and she smiles wide. "Oh, cool! Thanks for keeping us safe, dude! Could we get a picture?" She asks, grabbing the other girl's arm and pulling her toward us. "Absolutely!" I say, and we all lean in together for a selfie. Is it considered a 'groupie' if more than one person is in the picture?

I hand the green haired girl her phone back, and she checks the pictures. "Thanks! Oh, is this your sidekick?" She asks, looking at Y/N. Y/N's eyes open wide, and I quickly try to figure out what to say. "Well, uh, no, she's my-" "Girlfriend." Y/N says quickly, cutting me off. My stomach flutters and my mouth hangs wide open, my heart quickening in pace. "My girlfriend! This is Y/N!" I say to the girls proudly, and they chuckle. "Well, it was nice meeting you two! I think your order is ready." The girl with the earrings says. A cone with two scoops of ice cream and a white milkshake cup is sitting on the ledge in front of the pickup window.

"Yep, that's us! It was nice meeting you guys, stay safe out there! I say as they smile and wave goodbye to us, and Y/N and I wave in response. I grab our ice cream from the pick up window and lead us to a picnic table nearby. I slurp my milkshake through the yellow straw in my cup, and the taste of banana and chocolate on my tongue is like heaven. A chocolate banana milkshake and the girl of my dreams just called herself my girlfriend? I must be dreaming. I pinch myself on my leg, and when the pain hits, I smile and rub the area of my thigh where I pinched myself.

"So, girlfriend, huh?" I say, nudging Y/N with my shoulder. She licks her ice cream and I try REALLY hard not to look at her tongue as it glides across the creamy surface of the frozen treat. "Yup." She says, mouth full of ice cream. "Really? That wasn't just for show?" I say, and I feel the slightest blush creep up on my face. "Of course it wasn't, I was just worried that you wouldn't be okay with it." She says, and I choke on the milkshake I'm sipping into my straw. I burst into a coughing fit, and Y/N pounds her palm against my back.

"Okay with it? Y/N, I would love nothing more than to date you. That was the goal ever since I saw you at that party, dude." I say, and she smiles at me. "Well, that's been my goal since highschool." She says, and I feel my eyes grow wide. "Wait, really? That long?" I ask, and she nods, grabbing my milkshake cup from my hands and taking a long sip out of my straw. "Yeah, I thought you were hot when we were in highschool. I never made a move because you were in the hero course and I looked like this." She says, pointing at the scar on her face.

"Oh, stop. I love your face, you're a dimepiece." I say, winking at her. She rolls her eyes at me before I see the tiniest smirk spread across her lips. "Dimepiece? This isn't the 1980's, Denki." She says, and I chuckle. "Fine, fine. What do the kids these days say? I think you're 'lit af'." I say, exaggerating the last part of my sentence. She chuckles, and the sound of her laugh is music to my ears.

"Stop, you're making me cringe so hard that I might collapse!" She says, and I roll my eyes. "I'll save you if you do collapse, you know." I tell her, and she smiles.

That's a promise. 

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