chapter 6 - the good morning

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chapter 6


My eyes flutter open to the sight of sunlight peeking through the blinds of my living room window. I shift around, wondering why I'm on my couch instead of in my bed. I go to stretch my arms, and almost punch the warm body that was next to me directly in the face. Holy shit! I think to myself, totally forgetting that he was even there. Trying not to wake him, I gently move the blanket off of me and begin to move my legs off the couch.

My escape was unsuccessful, because as soon as I'm about to get my left foot on the floor, Denki sleepily reaches around my waist and tackles me into some sort of cuddle pile. Damn, even asleep, this dude is strong. Instead of fighting him, I decide to relax into his warmth and just live in the moment. I like living alone, but sometimes physical human affection is nice. He's half on top of me, but he's sort of wrapped around the side of my body, so I try to wrap my arms around him as gently as I can. He only rustles a little bit, but then he nuzzles his face into my chest and neck area.

Next thing I know, Hades runs into the room, jumps on Denki's hip, and curls up into a ball. Great, now everyone is comfy. I think to myself, and I can't help but smile at my pet cat as he purrs in comfort. I decide to take this time to think about the current situation. I think that Denki and I really hit it off, and truthfully, I wouldn't be against possibly dating him. He's cute, funny, and we're pretty similar. Not to mention, Hades likes him, too.

I look at the blonde that's snuggled into me, and I realize that I can smell his cologne, which smells clean and a little musky, like he just got out of the shower. His blonde hair has a black streak in it, which I unhook my arm from around him to smooth out. As I'm smoothing his hair, I realize that the black streak is similar to the shape of a thunderbolt. I wonder if that's natural, I think to myself.

"Soft, right? Everyone always talks about how luxurious my hair is." Denki says sleepily, and I jump slightly out of shock, not realizing he was awake. "Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?" He asks, moving his body so he can look up at me, but he doesn't interrupt the cuddling. "I can't lie, I did sleep pretty well." I said with a smile. "I can say the same, you make a damn good pillow." He says as he lays back on me.

Hades hops off of Denki and onto the floor, where he meows at me, signalling that he's hungry and the world will end if his food bowl isn't filled within the next thirty seconds. "Alright, alright, I hear ya." I say with a groan. "Sorry, sparky, but my cat boss demands food." I say to Denki and he chuckles. "I thought we agreed on no name calling! But okay, I guess I'll stop being warm and comfy." He says with an over dramatic sigh.

He releases me from his arms and gets up off of me, and I can see that his arms are fairly muscular as he pushes himself off of the couch. He stands in front of the sofa and offers me his hand, which I take. He helps me to my feet and spins me around in a dancing fashion, which I can't help but laugh at. "Well, better stop fooling around and listen to the boss. Can't you see that he's starving?" Denki gestures his hand to my pet, who is definitely pleasantly plump and not starving.

I walk out to the kitchen and feed Hades, who continues to meow at the slow speed at which I'm feeding him. I pour his cat food in his bowl, and he starts eating as if he hasn't had food in years. I hear Denki's footsteps behind me, and I turn around to see him standing there, shirtless (again). "You really should give me a warning before you show up half naked, you know. This is what, twice now?" I tease, secretly enjoying the sight of him with less clothing.

"Are you complaining about the amount of clothes? I could take more off, you know." He says with a wink, to which I respond with an eye roll. "Do you care if I grab a quick shower?" He asks, and I nod my head. "The bathroom is over there," I point in the direction of my master bedroom, which has an attached full bathroom. "Towels are in the bathroom closet, and I only have women's body wash, so as long as you're okay with that, knock your socks off." I say.

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