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  "Hey! What are you doing on our border?" A tall vampire, Xavier growled. He was enraged at the audacity of the wolf standing in front of him.

  "This isn't your border! It obviously has wolf scent marking it, can't you smell?" Retorted the annoyed patrolling wolf.

  "Take another whiff! It's not there! Are you nose blind?" Yelled the vampire once more.

  This behavior was nothing new, vampires and werewolves always hated one another. They took any chance they could get to argue. However these monsters didn't know what their actions would later cause.

  The wolf took in a sniff at the air. They smelled nothing. They took a whiff near a tree behind them. Still nothing. The patrolling wolf's eyes enlarged, glancing back at the smirking vampire. However this wolf was not about to submit.

  "Your the one with the blind nose!" Glared the stubbornly defeated soldier.

  The vampire looked shocked. "Wha- NO! The scent marker DOESN'T EXIST!" Roared Xavier furiously.

  "Don't know what your talking about," Alex said cheekily.

  Then Xavier caught on, "Stop lying to me pup," the patrolling werewolf growled, "it's obvious you are a new soldier, so stop trying to test a vampire who could rip your head clean off," chuckled the vampire manically.

  "I-I," stuttered Alex, marveling at Xavier with new fear in his eyes.

  "Tch, admit defeat and I will leave you unharmed. If you decide to continue being a brat, I will end your first mission, swiftly...." threatens Xavier.

  "N-no I-!" Alex attempted.

  "To late puppy~" finished Xavier, "I'm hungry,"


  The next day by the three way border, a body was found floating in the stream. A stab through their stomach, spoiler alert! They weren't a vampire.....

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now