{Chapter 8}

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This chapter is brought to you by pride month, happy pride!

  Embarrassing would be underestimating Nana's emotions when she awoke. She yawned and snuggled closer to the warm sensation that lulled her into a relaxing state. But she was jolted out of that feeling when it moved.

  Her eyes shot open and she held her head up up slightly. "Hey, are you alright?" He questioned.

  She screwed her eyes shut and continued to bite her lip as she remembered and regretted her choices last night. "Yeah, just surprised... heh heh," She admitted with an ashamed giggle.

    Zane chuckled before he got up walked into the other room. Kawaii~Chan sat their stunned for a second before remembering to get ready.



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  Nana wore a beautiful pink dress with shining gold accentuating the edges and curves of the dress

  Nana wore a beautiful pink dress with shining gold accentuating the edges and curves of the dress

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  Zane simply wore a more modest outfit with a long regal cape colored with a dark royal blue.

   They met near the stairs to retrieve breakfast. The situation seemed to be the same as dinner, aside from the food being a new delicacy, Zane tried to eat with his mask while still glaring menacingly at all the people Nana interrogated.

  However, this dinner was different when Kawaii~Chan finally talked to Zane's Military Leader, Zenix. "Hi! What's your name?" She asked politely.


  "Really? Such a strong name! What do you do arou-"

  "Cut the chitchat pinky, why are you here?" roughly questioned Zenix.

  "I- uhm, I'm just here to meet with King Zane," Kawaii~Chan answered more timidly.

  When Zane finally got around his surprise and attempted to stop his assistant. "Zenix-!"

  "Really? Well, I saw you being awfully friendly with King Zane at the ball yesterday,"

  Nana blushed in embarrassment and shame as he went on.


  "You know you can never get with him, marriages are supposed to be inside one's own clan. Cross-clan marriages haven't happened in ages!"

  "ZENIX! THAT IS ENOUGH!" Shouted the King.

  "My lord, I apologize but it just isn't how we-"

  "You are dismissed, Zenix" Growled Zane.

  Zenix got up clearly agitated. After the large door shut behind the brooding vampire all eyes turned towards the royal pair.

  "I apologize, I do not know why he was thinking. I shall have a word with him later," Assured King Zane.

  Nana just quieted and nodded "Mhm..."  


  After the confusing start to the day Zane promised to make it up to his guest. He offered to part take in anything she may want to do. He regretted his words as her eyes light up, however his eyes perked up too when she suggested baking.

  Now we find them eating their sugar cookies and brownies as Nana lists her favorite genres of books. When she listed mythology Zane smiled and told her to wait in the living room where they first talked when Kawaii~Chan arrived. He rushed off to the library in the next room and grabbed several books he deduced that she may like.

  When his theories proved correct they both relaxed shoulder to shoulder naming their favorite myths and sharing deeper details and meanings behind them.

  They made several runs from the library to the kitchen to the living room for treats, books, and quality time together. Into the afternoon hours they spent snacking and giggling over history and art without a care in the world.

What could go wrong?

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