{Chapter 15}

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  "Dear Zane Ro'meave,

  I loved visiting your castle. If you ever find yourself feeling like your pool is to empty or not enough people are eating all of your food, then please do invite me over again.

  I also wanted to tell you that I was attacked-" Nana paused. She never wrote letters to anyone aside from her sisters when they were gossiping while grounded. She was nervous and didn't know what she should write.

  She crossed out the sentence about the attack, he might get worried, I don't want to be a burden. She thought.

 " ... Your necklace is lovely. I find myself holding it when I am nervou-" She paused again and sighed. She didn't know why her hand was shaking, it's just a little letter! She huffed again in annoyance, Why am I so flustered? He isn't even here! I'm just making a draft for my letter, nothing fancy. He won't even see this! She tried to rationalize.

  She crossed out the "holding it when nervous" sentence. She shook her head again. The princess found herself dearly missing Zane. 

  Apparently, it had been a whole week since Nana arrived back at the palace. She was found unconscious at the gate. Nana had only woken up 3 days ago, she slept for 4 days. She hadn't been very hurt, just a minor headache and some bruises when she woke up. But she had put off her letter for far too long, she was nervous about not knowing what to say.

  Her parents were furious, they blamed Zane. Nana fought hard to defend him, although she was hesitant to admit it, she couldn't ignore that she had been attacked. When the king and queen didn't believe her she told them about what she remembered and they claimed she was lying.

  Nana has been called many things, annoying, weird, ugly, to much, but she especially hated being called a liar.

  Nana shook her head and pushed her chair away from her desk. She had to get that letter finished for Zane, she just didn't know how.

  The princess decided on going for a walk through the garden to clear her mind. Then, maybe, she would get some tea and write down all of her ideas.

  As she pushed her door open she greeted her guards. After turning away her smile fell into confusion and annoyance once again. She never had this much of a problem with writing, normally she just thought of what she wanted to say and let the words flow. Although she hasn't ever had this big of a crush on somebody.

  She's liked some of the meif'wa boys that went to her private school but that was nothing like this. They were just annoying, shy boys. 

   In her society the women were considered more dominant, she was painfully aware of the difference in other cultures though. But the boys in her classes were never as mysterious or intriguing as Zane. They were quiet, did the heavy lifting, and confessed to the girls they liked for the ball. Women or feminine presenting people were considered to be more spiritual, carrying children, having the ability to feed said children on their own, having more spiritual dreams, they are even thought to have better natural senses like smell, hearing, and sight.

  Nana bit her lip and reminded herself of the main objective of her walk. What do I say to Zane? She thought

  "Kawaii~Chan!" A high pitched voice squeaked behind her. As she jumped in surprise she felt a pair of thin arms surround her waist and begin squeezing her.

  "Oh! Michi! It's just you." Nana recognized. 

  "Of course it's me! Nyah~! I'm just her to check on my sister and squeeze out all the juicy details~" Whispered her sister. Michi's thin arms squeezed Nana a bit harder with each syllable in "juicy details". Nana always was jealous of Michi's size and ability to stay thin despite how much she eats.

    "Yeah sis! I wanna hear too!" Michi's twin, Mikai (Minecraft Diaries: S2 Ep23; Yup, he exists), jumped in and joined his sister in choking the life out of Kawaii~Chan.

  "Haha! I will! I will! You guys are choking me!" Kawaii~Chan laughed, only half joking.

  After being let go, Nana spun around to face her siblings. Mikai was so similar to Michi that it was scary, the only big difference is that Michi is more curvy and Mikai had shorter hair. Even then, Mikai had a surprising waist and the complexion of the two was astounding. They looked so much like their mother except they dyed their hair with Kawaii~Chan and they had their father's dark skin tone.

  "Actually, Kawaii~Chan is little busy right now, could we do this later?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

  "What? Come on~! Busy doing what~? Nyah?" Questioned Michi sliding closer slyly.

  "Well, Kawaii~Chan promised Zane~Kun that she would write him many letters when she got back. Right now I don't know what to write to him," Whined Nana, who got so increasingly stressed thinking about it that she dropped the third person act. She and her siblings didn't mind though, her, Michi, and Mikai were the ones to think of the weird speech they would use from then on.

  "OoooooOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOooooooo~" Chanted the twins in unison. "We could help you!" They both offered at the same time.

  "AFTER! You give us those juicy details~!" Mikai excitedly proclaimed.

  Kawaii~Chan roller her eyes. "Fine," she decided. Both twins squealed with anticipation. The two twins split onto each side of Kawaii~Chan and linked arms with her. They all began pulling each other towards Nana's door to gossip.


  After getting situated the questions began. Michi was the first to ask what he looked like, to which Nana answered, "He has the most gorgeous sky blue eyes. And you would not believe how soft his skin is! He is pretty pale but the hair that covers his right eye casts a shadow over the part of his face that isn't covered by his mask. And despite what you might think at first glance..." She bent down closer to her siblings on her floor, "he actually is pretty built." 

  They all squealed together for the last one. "Oh and one more thing! But you have to promise to not tell anyone!" Nana glared down at them from her bed until they both nodded. She bent down again, "He has freckles!" She whisper shouted.

  And with that they all screamed. Both Michi and Mikai had a thing for men with freckles. Nana had a thing for scarier men who had a secret kinder side to them (Of course she didn't know this until she met Zane). Nana's preference for ladies was roughly like that too, she loved goth women who were also a bit feminine.

  "I saw him too once at a leader's meeting," Mikai admitted. "He was scary in a really hot way," Nana nodded. A hint of jealousy arose when he described Zane as "hot". Of course she knew he was hot but she hadn't realized other people might think the same thing as her until then.

  The next question was from Mikai, oblivious to the jealousy he had caused his sisters only a few seconds ago. "Was he nice?" Mikai asked innocently. Kawaii~Chan smiled a bit before answering, "He is. He just doesn't know it. He also sucks at admitting how he feels. He blushes really bad when he doesn't know how to react. And I don't think he realizes that I'm purposefully acting all delicate and cute around him. To be honest he's pretty oblivious." They all giggled.

  The last question was from Michi, but it wasn't about one of Zane's many qualities, "Do you love him?"


"Yes, I think I do..."

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