{Chapter 5}

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  Nana was slightly embarrassed as she was seated in the library with him. Her faced flushed as she cursed the gods for creating awkwardness.

  Her ears visibly drooped as he sat on another couch.

  "Tea?" He asked gesturing toward the pot patiently waiting on the dark wooden table.

  "Oh, what kind?" She asked curiously, forgetting about her situation for a moment as she stared with interest at the pot. Surprisingly, royal Meif'wa loved tea, a dainty drink for dainty people.

  Zane's smile going unnoticed under his mask as she cocked her head, eyes glued on the tea. As he began to speak, her eyes turned to his, "Chamomile. Quite basic, however I don't drink it often," her eyes shined even brighter as she giggled. 

 Her eyes turned back to the pot as she tried to say, "Yes plea-," then her amber eyes landed next to the pot. Cookies and cake.

  She squealed and her smile brightened by ten folds. Her ears and tail perked up at the sight of the treats. "Ooh! What kind of cake is that?" She asked as she shook in anticipation

  "Hmm," Zane inspected her for a moment as he sat back in his chair. He just finished pouring their tea. "Chocolate," he answered simply. 

  She giggled giddily as she munched on the chocolate chip cookies. Hearing a chuckle she looked up across from her. And there, leaning back with crossed legs on a tall, dark, intimating chair, was the king of vampires. She was gonna have to get used to this wasn't she? He was smirking deviously and holding back laughter.

  Blushing profusely she stopped childishly gulping down the cookies and finished up as refined as possible. She licked the sides of her lips as tried to look more professional.

  "Hmph," she whined and crossed her arms. Discontinuing his seemingly condescending stance, Zane raised an eyebrow. Nana raised her head and turned it to the right quickly.

  "Uhm.... s-sorry?" Zane attempted uselessly. Nana instead responded without his hoped for reaction, only furrowed her eyes and pouted. Now bringing her head down and still to the right slightly.

  Staring in awe at how it was physically possible to get cuter with a new pouty face. Nana looked to Zane with an eyebrow raised.

  "Never mind, go ahead and eat your cookies and cake. I had them made especially for you," Zane said picking up his tea.

  As Kawaii-Chan joyfully stuff herself silly of the pink iced chocolate cake, Zane realized his mistake as he stared at the tea in his hand. 

  Finishing her first piece the Princess looked to Zane. For the first few seconds she looked between his eye and the tea cup. Then, with widening eyes, she smirked realizing his predicament. The vampire looked back to Kawaii-Chan to see how she was doing, only to see her staring at him with the same condescending look he used before.

  Blushing, now it was Zane's turn to turn his head to the right blushing angrily. He slipped off part of his mask and took a small meaningless sip out of his tea, he barely even tasted it. Pulling up his mask and turning, his glaring eye only was met with a smirking meif'wa batting her's innocently.

  "Tch, touché," he admitted.


  A few minutes later of talking about different cookies and cakes, Nana finally asked about her stay.

  "Your Majesty.... Kawaii~Chan was wondering where she would be staying... how long too," Zane's eyes dropped in sadness. Of course she wanted to leave. He was having a surprisingly good time already.

  "Well, I have made preparations for you to stay three days, you will sleep in a guest bedroom next to mine, and I will do my best to gain your affection in the next few days," Nana knew she was gonna regret asking that question.

  And Nana had a few things wrong with that statement:

1) She didn't want to sleep alone in this dark, scary castle.

2) She was slightly embarrassed to admit that he already succeeded in gaining some sort of admiration in 10 minutes.

  "So, would you please tour Kawaii-Chan around the castle?"

  "Of course,"

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now