{Chapter 25}

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  Nana was pleased to say that, no, she didn't run to see Zane

  Sure, after the butlers told her that Zane had arrived she might have knocked over a vase to see him but she did it at a reasonable pace. Completely normal.

  After she was at his door though she paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. That's when she heard a chair creak behind the door. She flinched, not expecting it.

  "What an utter moron. I only have one eye and I can see that he's about to get his back STABBED by The Howler." A voice echoed through the door. It was him. As deep and rich as she remembered.

  Nana wasn't expecting the sudden adrenaline rush she received from hearing that. It gave her the strength to push open the door.

  Zane stood, surprised and didn't recognize her for a moment. "Excuse me-" He was cut off when she ran into his arms. 

  "ACK! Wha? Kawaii~Chan?" His faced relaxed into a smile.

  She pulled her face up to meet his. "We meet once again, Your Majesty,"

  Zane barked a laugh before reaching up to her face and cupping her cheek. "It seems so, Princess..." He eyed her, "... but shouldn't you be getting ready for bed? Your curfew must be coming up soon,"

  Zane gestured to the fleeting sunlight visible from the window. Nana groaned and pulled away. "Shouldn't you just be waking up from your cave or something?"

  He rolled his eyes. "That's only when we get hungry." Zane replied.

  "Speaking of hunger; Are you hungry?" She asked innocently.

  Zane grinned menacingly under his mask. He gripped her hips before spinning her and pinning her on the desk he was just reading on. Nana gasped and gaped up at him visibly flustered.

  "Hungry for what?" The man asked as he glimpsed at her exposed neck. Nana gulped audibly.

  That sent him wild. Zane had been making a conscious effort to ignore the neck she exposed so frequently with her specific attire. He bowed his head almost reverently as he pulled his mask down to his chin. He inhaled deeply before planting a kiss to her jugular. Fearing he would be tempted to go farther, Zane peeled himself away and reset his mask.

  Nana had to remember that breathing was actually important for a minute. She remained partially sitting on the desk before pushing herself down again. 

  She reached toward him and opened her mouth before a hard knock shot through the door. "King Zane, you have been invited by the King and Queen to dinner."


  They walked together to dinner. 

  Zane told her that he appreciated the book and note. He had gotten through the first 2 chapters. He was mesmerized by the writing style as Nana had mentioned. He was anxious to continue the third despite some aggravations with the characters. 

  Nana reminded him that it was the characters that angered him and not the plot. She reminded him that in fact most meif'wa didn't like the Emperor nor the Howler. Zane agreed. He admitted that he wanted to see how it would play out despite having a inkling from the foreshadowing. Nana warned it may not be what he expects.

  That's when they reached the dining table. Zane was please that his entourage had gotten there before him. He was also grateful that only 3 of Nana's siblings were in attendance. Zane recognized that there could have been many more.

  They sat down beside one another. King Kansen sat across from Zane at the massive circular table. Next to him sat his wife and children. Zane noted two twins with similarly bright hair to Kawaii~Chan. The female smiled warmly at him. Sasha sat beside the male twin and Nana. Zenix sat beside Zane and next to him sat Gene. 

  Zane was struck by the room however. The surrounding walls were adorned with accents of gold and bright wooden framing. The tall baby blue walls arching up into a peak in the center of the ceiling. A massive, brilliant chandelier hung above everyones's heads, made by the finest glass artisans. The sunset shown through the indulgently vast windows of swirling iridescent glass.

  "Such a lovely honor to be here. I am incredibly grateful having been invited." Zane began.

  King Kansen nodded, "Yes, of course. We are happy to have you. It is a pleasure to be able to sit down with you. I trust my daughter has treated you well?"

  "Very well, King Kansen. She is quite the delight to be around," Zane glanced at his furiously blushing companion. "I am deeply concerned however. What seemed to happen as she returned from my castle?"

  Kansen paused to respond before he was cut off by Queen Lica. "Bandits; Tried to kill her and take all of her valuables."

  Zane winced and glanced sympathetically towards Kawaii~Chan. She sat, stiff and silent.

  The Vampire King sighed, remorseful, "I am desperately sorry. If I had foreseen this I would have sent protection with her."

  The Queen's eyes twinkled as she responded, "We understand, perhaps next time."

  "Next time?" Asked Zenix picking at his raw meat and red wine.

  Queen Lica laughed, now eyeing Nana. "Well... after the wedding I'm sure there will be much less back and forth but you can never be too careful."

  For a moment the table was silent. Zane had considered the possibility but figured that the King and Queen would want to take their time to evaluate Zane's eligibility as a bachelor for their daughter.

  Michi jerked her head from Zane to her mother. Voicing everyone's thoughts exactly. "Wait. Wedding? Nana with King Zane!?"

  Queen Lica smiled and nodded. 

  Princess Donna interrupted Michi, "I think it's a wonderful idea. Think of the support we could give and receive from the Vampire clan. The vampires have resources we sorely lack and we have invaluable services for trade. Goods beyond just food." The princess nodded towards her younger sister smiling shyly. "King Zane and Nana have a good relationship. If they're happy then all is well, don't you think sister?"

  "I suppose that I don't have any arguments," Nana whispered quietly.

  King Kansen beamed proudly at his daughter. He then turned to Zane and hardened his expression, attempting to intimidate the King. "Well?" He asked.

  Zane took a deep breath and looked towards his fellow vampires for approval. They each returned an amicable expression. (Although Zenix took longer than the others)

  That's when he answered the Meif'wa King. "When is best for you?"  

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now