{Chapter 23}

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  'Woah, this sucked.' He decided.

  Zane's castle was very (in)conveniently situated on a mountain. The mountain wasn't big, but the surrounding ones were. Although over the years the location had been a bit of a nuisance, it was an advantage in the warring days. The days when Vampires were just starting to get a foothold. Hundreds of years ago.

  One of the things Zane loved most to learn about was the warring days. Commonly referred to as "the Bloody Years" due to the amount of violence and death occurring between the clans. An important figure of that time was a Queen.

  A powerful woman whom he looks up to. An ancestor of his. Lady Lamia, Lamia Drakla. She was best known for establishing the Vampire Territory. In those days vampires were called Demons. They had a very different flag, language, and home. All of which Zane is quite familiar with.

  When General Fjord Lycc of the Wolves had attacked her relatively minuscule homeland — which was a fourth of what the Vampire territory is today — she had fought him with less than half of the troops he had. The Wolves (as the werewolves were called back then) had made a habit of attempting to kill all demons.

  Lady Lamia was grossly outmatched so she led her people into the mountains. There was a famous cave that she had supposedly came from. Some say she grew up there, other say she was a gift from our gods below and she popped out from that cave to bless our people with great glory.

  Whatever origin story, she knew the mountains. But more importantly, she knew the caves. Which twisted in and out of the mountains. 

  Typically, the ones who claimed Lady Lamia to be a gift would also say the mountains were alive. That those caves were their mouths and lungs. They breathed and whispered. The people who made such claims were commonly elders who had spent time in the mountains and caves. That or the children of those who lived there. Recalling their deeds for the nation was a common way of remembering their parents and ancestors who had protected them from the Wolves.

  The mountains sheltered Lamia and her people when the cruel Wolves attacked. The kind guardians of stone became a tactical advantage. Vampires luring Wolves to the mountains, ducking in and out of caves before striking and pulling them within. Horror stories told of such happenings terrified children of Wolf tribe and Demon Clan alike.

  But Lamia built her empire. She created a stronghold within the mountains. Connecting to the surrounding civilians by the caves where they took refuge. The mountain range became home. And the castle was built.

  And so it is said the Demon nation grew and stretched with the roots of the mountain. The tale is also probably how the demons got so pale. But it may explain why everyone thought the vampires were so mysterious, many didn't know the location of the Demon Capitol.

  Moral of the is that you can outsmart your enem- Wait where was I? Oh yeah. Zane was about to puke.

  He was getting altitude sickness. Spending most of your life hidden in the secret mountains may seem cool but it meant visiting your girlfriend was a headache. Did I say girlfriend?

  Regardless, he was nervous. That's normally when he starts remembering historical events. Turns out aggressively explaining the deep and forgotten history of the world isn't a turn on for most. What a bummer.

  "Omg, my back is so stiffff. How do you guys travel like this???"

  Zane held his breath in the hopes that he wouldn't puke as the shining Spring Castle came into view.

  "Don't be dramatic Sasha. We are almost there."

  Surrounding the Capitol was a vast village and beyond that were boundless fields of long grasses and various flowers. Zane considered commissioning a painting of the scene. But he came to the conclusion that it would not match his castle's demeanor.

  Zane couldn't decide if laying siege to this village would be extremely easy or difficult. For one, there was no outer wall. However, you could see the castle from miles off. Which met that the castle could see you. And there was nothing to hide behind if they had any method of attack.

  "I'm the dramatic one? You made Gene sit in the back because you needed to have you bag with you at all times."

  "What? He wanted to sit out there! And you know I get bored easily!"

  But offensive machinery seemed sorely lacking as the King and his troops pulled into the Capitol.

  Zane shook his head. He was here to make friends, not enemies. This was purely diplomatic.

  The castle gates were truly a wonder. Shining bright, a beautiful white. He almost puked in his mouth again as he realized he rhymed. He heard Nana's voice in his head from that night when he gave her the necklace. 

  She had giggled and said: "You rhymed."

  It was dumb but he didn't care. 

  He looked at the courtyard before wincing. The castle was so bright! He missed his gothic abode. It was too sunny here.

  "Why is it so blinding? I'm gonna lose my eyes. How long are we here for?"

  "Further proof that I'm not the dramatic one, Zenix. And did you read the briefing? The Queen said that we'll be here for 16 days,"

  The carriage came to a stop and he got out. The coachmen were taken away and Zane's guards, Gene, Zenix, and Sasha followed him out. Still arguing the whole way.

( Technically she isn't a guard because she has no official training but she could kick your butt and you can't tell her no so... Zane can't either though so it's okay. )

  "You know I come from deep cave dwellers! My eyes are sensitive to light." Zenix reminded matter-of-factly.

  "Were they arguing the whole way?" Gene asked Zane, sliding to his left up, half a step behind him.

  "Pretty much,"

  "And here I was almost regretting sitting in the back."

  "I think I might join you on the way back. Or at least make Zenix."

  Gene looked at Zane with a feigned expression, pretending to be mortified. (Although maybe he wasn't pretending) Obviously Zane didn't see, but Zane felt his pain either way. He smiled as Gene imagined such a scenario.

  "If you do that I think I'll cry."

  "Promise?" Zane asked, turning his held slightly towards Gene, ensuring that the other man heard him.

  "Screw you."

  "Sorry Gene, Zane's gonna be too busy with the Princess to indulge you." Sasha teased, straying from her and Zenix's argument.

  Zane blushed at the thought and the reminder that Gene and Zane had a thing. They were kids, of course, just being kids.

  And she was right. Not exactly with what she was implying but Zane would probably be focused on Nana for the visit. 

  He was really excited to see her again.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now