{Chapter 1}

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  "Wake up your highness. Breakfast awaits, Princess," purred Leina, Nana/Kawaii-Chan's maid.

  "Ugh,"  Kawaii-Chan groaned as she sat up. Her bed was never not comfortable, however she had severe insomnia last night. Maybe some breakfast would help her groggy mind.

  "Princess?" Asked Leina again. 

  "Yup, yup!" She stumbled into her closet, "Be down in a sEC!" She yelled after stubbing her big toe.

  Ow ow ow~ She sang in her head.

  She put on her lovely pink dress and sleek black gloves

  She put on her lovely pink dress and sleek black gloves

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⚠️Definitely not mine!⚠️

  And waddled down stairs attempting to ignore the fit of her tight shoes against her poor toe.

  She wallowed in pain after making it to breakfast that was half over. Kawaii-Chan ate the delicious bread and fruits, then she thanked the cooks.

  Smiling as she gracefully flew to the garden to read a new romance book she collected from a library in her main village. The meif'wa Princess sat on the lovely stone bench and started reading.


  Giggling at the main characters clumsiness and relating it to her own Nana failed to notice her orange haired brother Kai (Go with it please) yelling for her to get ready.

  Kai sighed from the half open gate he was peeking his head through attempting to get his sister's attention.

  Huffing he stepped out and marched towards her. "Nana!" He called.

  Kawaii-Chan's noticeably winced at the page as her brother yelled her dead name for her.

  Finally he made it in front of her and stood there patiently with crossed arms.

  Nana looked up from her beloved book, " Oh, hello brother! Kawaii-Chan didn't see you there," She mocked with a innocent smile, putting stress on the name Kawaii-Chan.

  "Come on sister! Your getting your dress dirty and it is time for the meeting," Reminded Kai.

  "Oh... Of course! Silly Kawaii-Chan," Lied Nana, she most definitely remembered. It was what kept her up all night. She thought as she got up and walked with Kai.

  Her brother Kai was very friendly, memorable, and loved by all. He was also the second oldest. People were quite familiar with him. So their parents put one of the most known siblings, with the least known of the Aishida royals.

  Nana sighed sadly, as she sat in the carriage to the meeting called by the head of the werewolves, Derek Lycan. She was slightly annoyed by this sudden summoning.

  As she tried on her misdirecting smile, Kawaii-Chan exhaled and closed her eyes and imagined her self in her knew romance book, so maybe, just maybe, she could escape this world and live out her fantasies.

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